Lucidity Challenge 49 - winner: drd!

So I guess even though it’s not the best way to start off the LC a fragment of a lucid is still pretty good. I had a short LD and I regained lucidity in said dream… even though if it’s just a fragment of a dream.

Lucid Fragment ~ Short Lucid Dream ~ Regained Lucidity

Stats so Far:

[spoiler]Short LDs: 1
Continuances: 1

Task 1: ~ none ~

it didnt say anything back /=

i had that too in my lucid, i wanted to move my hand in front of my face for a RC but i was afraid that if i would i would move my actual physical hand and wake up so i didnt. not an excuse though |:

Thorn! how come your avatar is so big ??

  1. Thorn—NIGHT DRUID—Visibly and tangibly increase in musculature
  2. Oleg — Sky Ranger — Establish consistency and recurring elements… (And if not that, how about I just go to space, or something?)
  3. Mew151 —SPACE MAGE—Play DDR Dream Mix
  4. James_UK2008—NIGHT DRUID— Transform self into Predator
  5. Letaali—SKY RANGER—Visit the frozen planet
  6. Koal44—SPACE MAGE—Open a dimension door and go through it
  7. Jer - Sky Ranger - Fly out into outer space.
  8. Scipio Xaos - SPACE MAGE - Say hello to Cardia again. It’s been a while.
  9. footballfreak - Space Mage - Talk to an animal or plant about their life experience
  10. CornBrick(Coast) - Space Mage - Conjure a suit of armor and a sword
  11. AWE - Space Mage - effect the physical body through a lucid dream.
  12. drd - Space Mage - Fire a mouth laser
  13. Susan_Y - sky ranger - see a tree or the sky

I’ve seen forests in my dreams, but never looked at a tree closely; what kind of tree was it? I hardly ever see the sky - how hard can that be? My personal challenge this time is to look more closely outdoors. (If someone complains that having an ‘or’ in the goal is cheating, i’ll take just the tree).

On the dreaming RPG idea: i recently tried drawing some tarot cards based on dream images, but with the LC dreams i’ve beem having, it looked more like the Munchkin card game than a tarot deck…

@Mew151 - I’m going to count the scaffold for the climb task as it was high. - My main description was to stop people claiming points for very mundane things like stairs and small ladders etc.
Oh and awesome space mew avatar pic! :happy:

I missed off drd’s regaining lucidity points but that should be fixed now.

Welcome Susan_Y and well done to everyone that’s scored points to far.


Last night I had a medium length LD. I played in the snow, and shaped metal.

It’s just as I said before. I changed it to fit the transformation tasks in LC 48 and now I’m doing it for 49. That’s how come. :razz:

obfusc8 told us in the spoiler tag in the Task post to exploit loopholes, so I guess I really should ask about this. In the first dream here, I cleaned a bathroom. Does this count as seeing a porcelain throne? Does that slang apply to our British TM? I think it does apply to Britain, but I could be wrong. :smile: Pretty sure this isn’t actually worth points, but hey, you never know if being witty is worth a bonus.

/me is truited.

though thorn, isnt your avatar bigger than 100x100 pixels which is the size we can use for an avatar on the forums? :confused:

Haha well, how do I respond to that!? Erm yes we have that slang. I’ll grant you +10pts for creativity but I’m not allowing it as a task completion since everyone else will start posting toilet dreams and I really don’t want to have to read that crap :tongue:

Oh and -10 pts for lowering the tone! For shame Thorn, for shame!

/me puts on serious face and pretends to not be amused by toilet humour. And fails. :rofl:

an interesting lucid dream, no task related but check it out.

[i]i found my self in first person view hovering around a scenery, beautiful, at a certain point i went “ohh im lucid”, it was very odd, i waited for that Zbang! of awareness that never showed up and for some reason i still couldnt control my movements “am i lucid?!”, yeah i was, i knew it was a dream but it was a bit strange, it took sheer will and intent to slowly start choosing where to move and eventually land.
might have woke up or maybe screen went off and on but at one point i talked with a certain woman, the way she talked to me was like she’s taking care of me, teaching me, as a mother to a child of sorts, i had a feeling that she represents something more than DC, the dream maybe?
she asked me “ok, what languages do you know?”
“umm english?”
“ok what else?”
“umm hebrew and english, thats about it” (Jewish here!)
than i asked her! “do you know Japanese?? can you teach me Japanese!?!?” all excited about what you said and that you might be able to do so through dreams.
she goes “ohh no, i dont know that one ^^” with a soft smile xD

dont give up yet! hehe im sure its possible i wasnt high enough in my level of lucidity :wink:

after that i went flying somewhere else with another voice accompanying me, actually saw a real live RPG, there was a battle between three people, big swords, very cool, actually two people but one of them - a female warrior ended up killing an elder woman (the third person) who was there before she died herself. it was very cool looking at their bodies up close, their clothes, how realistic it all looked.[/i]

somewhere between medium and long length, do we have that? if not then its along one i would say. anyways no tasks there…
but i had a robot fight which you can read in my new DJ

here ^^ : [

i also had two false awakening, i dont remember if we get points for that, i didnt write them down but let me know if i need to.

Some snippets from my dreams last night that have challenge-relevant info :smile:

SPOILER - Click to view

In one dream I drive around with my parents at night, my father driving, I sit in the front too. It’s snowy all around us and we’re waiting for my sister to arrive so we decide to check out the surrounding a bit. We listen to czech radio, I mishear some of the things they say and believe they use awful swearwords on air, my parents correct me though and tell me what the woman really said. We want to drive past a church but 2 traffic cones signalize we shouldn’t go this way as there is an event happening in the church.

In another dream I am with my parents again (this is my most recurring dreamsign, still I haven’t succeeded in triggering a RC…) in India. We walk back to our host, but on the way I come across a huge man who looks like a Neandertal with a weapon in his hands that looks like a morning star. He’s accompanied by police and I ask him what’s going on. He tells me that he is being taken to police custody. He starts arguing that some of the movements with his weapon are/should be ok and not penalized. He wants to demonstrate them and starts attacking me - he doesn’t understand that he’s potentially harming me though. The first hit I manage to block with something in my hand, the next two I dodge.
After that we go to our host…

  1. Thorn—NIGHT DRUID—Visibly and tangibly increase in musculature

  2. Oleg — Sky Ranger — Establish consistency and recurring elements… (And if not that, how about I just go to space, or something?)

  3. Mew151 —SPACE MAGE—Play DDR Dream Mix

  4. James_UK2008—NIGHT DRUID— Transform self into Predator

  5. Letaali—SKY RANGER—Visit the frozen planet

  6. Koal44—SPACE MAGE—Open a dimension door and go through it

  7. Jer - Sky Ranger - Fly out into outer space.

  8. Scipio Xaos - SPACE MAGE - Say hello to Cardia again. It’s been a while.

  9. footballfreak - Space Mage - Talk to an animal or plant about their life experience

  10. CornBrick(Coast) - Space Mage - Conjure a suit of armor and a sword

  11. AWE - Space Mage - effect the physical body through a lucid dream.

  12. drd - Space Mage - Fire a mouth laser

  13. Susan_Y - sky ranger - see a tree or the sky

  14. sea-dove - sky ranger - talk to my tulpa Jesse in a dream

I hope it isn’t too late to sign up.

Im a girl :wiske:

Sometimes I really wonder if people who dream about me do actually pick up a little on me. Around the time you had your dream with me in it (maybe it was that very day, I should look at my messages to see), I had contacted a family member in Germany (my ancestry is 50% german) and the german stuff has been much on my mind due to this including me suddenly wanting the other day to be able to speak German!. (Im struggling to communicate currently to my german relatives I found the other day who don’t speak English)

Last challenge someone dreamed of me doing a spell (in my past I was studying Wicca, and I have cast a spell before). Someone also correctly described me last challenge too in many ways from a dream. Maybe its all coincidence but its interesting, I wonder if the next person who dreams of me will also pick up something related to me.

umm that would make an interesting dream challenge. Dream something about someone doing the challenge that you couldn’t have known about them and get it right. Maybe I’ll try that one another challenge.

In my dream last night I bravely fought against a giant.

Welcome sea-dove, it’s not too late, the more the merrier. :smile:

And more BRAVE people last night:

@AWE - heh cool dream, shame she didn’t know any Japanese!
False awakenings are not worth any points, but I have marked down the lucid dream as long and the non-lucid task completion.

@footballfreak - Fighting the big neanderthal counts for the BRAVE task, grats!
In the first part, did you actually interact with the snow, i.e. pick it up, throw a snowball or something like that? Just seeing snow isn’t enough for task points.

@drd - More tasks, awesome, keep up the streak!


Didn’t interact with the snow. SO close :happy:

Medium length lucid dream… no dream challenges were done though

[spoiler]I was trying to work with my Tulpa Jesse (Jesse is programmed to help me wake up in lucids) but instead fell asleep into a normal dream.

I’m at high school, in agriculture class.

There is a display of “baa baa black sheep” but due to racial preduice and discrimination towards black sheep and these being seen as lesser beings, a white lamb has been used instead in the display and the lamb has been actually painted black to look the part. I can see the bottom of its white legs where it didn’t get painted.

I do some work with the sheep in the class, doing demonstrations to class members and end up very dirty so now want to get cleaned up before going to any other lessons. I’m so dirty I wonder how I’m going to get cleaned up while at school so decide to go home to clean up.

I start walking home but are impatient and want to get there faster, I realise this is a dream so try to manifest myself from the place I’m walking to my kitchen at home. I try to imagine myself standing there at the kitchen counter.

I’m having trouble focusing hard enough on the thought and keep getting thought intrusions (this kept on happening while I was trying to work with Jesse). I start to manifest myself half there but just aren’t managing to stay on track and disconnect from the other part of the dream, so can’t leave the spot where I’m walking down the road and only be in my kitchen. So I try to disconnect from the point of dream I’m experiencing to get there by closing my eyes and trying to think of standing in the kitchen but then just end up in another dream location.

I’m now standing out in the open on a deserted dirt road (rather then only 2-3 minutes from my house I’d been trying to get too). “crap i think the myself” at this failure to end up where I was trying to go… I was hyjacked by my subconscious will.

I’m a bit lost. I keep trying to go in one direction but find myself keep being brought back or getting message to turn around and go the other way (change direction). In the end I recognise the place I’m at so realise I was going the wrong direction (it was a place in real life but a spot in real life I used to get lost at in the past).

Now that I know which way to go, I decide I’ll attempt to fly home (Low level of lucidity - I still haven’t my full normal brain there as I’m still trying to go home to clean up… I usually struggle to fly in LDs so knew this was going to be “an attempt” to fly).

I manage to fly this time. I’m flying like superman but slower. As I’m flying more of my waking awareness is coming in and I reach a high enough lucidity level to realise I don’t have to keep participating in the dream I was in but can now change to my dream goals.

I decide to check my body out which I know isn’t physical to see how this non physical body astral body really feels so start squeezing it. It’s all squishy like playdoh, like moldable but deeper, like on another level, I can feel it’s quite difference and it has real substance.

I see that there is a crowd of people ahead and I wonder if they will see me. With this thought one of them suddenly points at me flying and many turn to look, they look startled and a bit shocked to see someone flying. I’m flying extremely low though, not far off the ground so I end up crashing into this crowd. I wake up at this point. [/spoiler]

Gah, I’m getting closer to points, but I still feel this probably won’t count. In this ND, I get into a battle against a much stronger opponent and somehow hold out, but it’s not the hack-and-slash kind that I think is needed for a task title of “brave”. It was all portrayed through a video game.

Man, I was on a hot streak with LDing before this week. If only sign-ups progressed faster! I feel like I was metagamed by people taking their time to sign up. Clearly it’s everybody’s fault but my own! It’s okay, though. My Pathfinder character just learned how to grow and shrink people yesterday, so now I just have to enact it in a dream for those points!

Medium LD in which i regain lucidity and attempt my personal goal, will let you guys know how that went.

Check it!

naturally woke up after 6 hours so maybe ill fall back asleep soon, we’ll see.

Was this a first-person, in-the-game sort of battle, or just playing a computer game? And was the opponent bigger than you?
