In a medium LD last night I jumped onto a tree which felt like it was made from mud, squelchy/liquid. Standing in one place too long had a quicksand effect. Good enough for the Touch Solid/Feel Liquid task? (Yeah probably not what you had in mind, but it felt wet and gloopy.)
All of the scores have been updated. Everyone is doing well, and I hope to see more action in week 2 happening soon ! I only have a few people whom I need to address individually…
JamesUK_2008 - Didn’t you already examine an object in greater detail? The bottle of poison? Either way, I marked down the points for your lucid dream!
Obfusc8 - I counted your touch solid, feel liquid task, because trees do not usually feel like that. Also you are in first place, good job!
Alright - So the Achievements have been added to my last post. They can also be viewed here. As previously mentioned you have 48 hours to select which secret achievements you would like to attempt. Please send me your choice in a private message. You don’t have to do any of them , if you so choose. More will be added over time. Not sure how secret achievements work? Please see my previous post.
Missed that. My bad.
Seeking clarification with the secret achievements… do you have to call people out within the 48 hours as well, or is it at any time?
And if you call someone out and they fail to achieve it, but they were going for that achievement, do you still lose the points?
I had 2 lucid ‘fragments’ (~15s) the past 2 nights (one of which involved flying), which I’m going to count as 1 short LD here.
nomat - Good job. Scores are updated.
obfusc8 - you have 48 hours to choose an achievement. After the 48 hours, when everyone is locked in to their decision, you can call other people out at anytime throughout the LC! (Unless, you call someone out after they have completed the achievement, of course. You have to call them out while they are going for it.)
In the first dream here, I see something with an irregular color (teeth). In the second dream, I embark on a train of thought that would usually lead to realizing I am dreaming, but the LC explicitly requires that I wonder if I am dreaming for points, so it is worthless.
Triple post because nobody else is claiming points and because I’m clearly looking to get banned from the site. In a long LD this morning, posted here, I touched something unbearably hot by putting my hand in a soup.
Aaaaand an LD with no tasks. It seems I’m doomed to have LDs but complete no tasks lucidly.
Exporting Dream ~ Medium Lucid Dream
Stats so far:
[spoiler]NDs: 4
Short LDs: 3
Medium LDs: 1
Long LDs: 0
Task 1:-E Great Detail | Irregular Color, Extinct Animal | Looked into a mirror and saw myself. | Saw a fictional character.
Task 2: ~ none ~
In a non-lucid dream, I met a guy from the future. The science-fiction plot was a little bit unclear, but it was something along the lines of La Jetee or Twelve Monkeys. The guy was also looking to be reunited with a girl called Martha. No, I’ve no idea who Martha is.
Well had an interesting dream last night, finally something that would quality for task points based on a question… Do we get late task points? Last night I had a dream that was some sort of treasure hunt… An artifact of power of some kind. It was almost like a game, but it was a part of life. There were two sides, two teams, and they had to control the artifact, but the only people who could move the artifact were dragons… Anyone else who tried to touch it would be unable to do so.
Well, as for me, I came into contact with the story of the artifact, and became aware of the “game” behind it. I was part of one of the teams (as everyone is, and they do not choose), and the artifact was being swarmed by people of the opposing team. It was high on some structure, and typically unreachable by normal means.
I flew up to the artifact, and picked it up. Somehow this put me on a points board and I became number one controller. There were several dragon players, that I had to evade, and I was called out for “cheating” since I wasn’t a dragon… So my score was being called out as invalid, but the system knows it better, and it was allowing me to collect the points for the artifact. It turns out, that my biological father happened to be a wyvern, so i was half-dragon, and that is why the system allowed me to interact with the artifact…
So, if there are late task points, I could claim the points for seeing a mythical creature, as I saw several dark green and dark blue dragons.
Also, does touching someone you find very attractive count as “touching something hot”? … just thought I’d ask… If so, I got those points too… I won’t go into details though…
All of this was non-lucid, unfortunately…
Had a small LD here this morning which was probably no more than 45 seconds long. Never hit its full potential due to being forced out by the sound of the cat running around the house.
Week 3 - Smell and Taste
**edit: Story coming soon!
Sorry for being a bit late with these tasks guys. I won’t go into too much detail as to why I was gone, just got a little busy. Anyways, I have recently noticed that there weren’t as many week 2 tasks completed, as there were week 1 tasks completed. I am not completely sure why this is. It may be due the difficulty of tasks. Sight is a common element in everyone’s dreams, but things like sound and touch are not. This week, we are diving into even rarer senses in dreams- Smell and Taste. I have a hard time with these personally, so I decided to make only 9 tasks, and keep them fairly simple. Here is what you guys have been waiting for:
Smell something good - This is self explanatory, and has room for personal preferences. What are your favourite smells? Smell them in a dream! (20 points)
Smell something bad - Same as above, but this time, chose your least favourite smell.(20 points)
See a physical aroma - Technically, this is a sight task, but I will give it to The smell category. In this task, you are to SEE a scent trail left behind by a scent, like you do in a cartoon! (30 points)
- Follow it, and taste the food (15 points)
Smell/ Lick a DC - Sometimes, things just need to be weird. This is a dream. Nobody will judge. (30 points)
Taste something good - Self explanatory, and open to personal preference. Eat your favourite foods in a dream! (20 points)
Taste something bad - Same as above, but with your least favourite food.
(20 points)
Eat something that’s not edible - Be creative! Go all the way! When you wake up, it won’t be in your digestive track! (30 points)
Eat food that tastes like different food - Cake that tastes like spaghetti ? why not! It’s your dream. Mix and match any combination of unlikely pairings.(40 points)
“but Jer!” a young LC participant says. “We have two more weeks left…and you have already used all 5 senses?”
Patience, young LC participant. The time will come!
Good luck! Work hard, Dream hard!
- Jer
Had a long lucid dream and completed my personal goal.
Then a medium LD (after reading the new tasks @ 6am) in which I lick a DC. Well, kiss her and stuff. So interaction with a DC that involved my tongue. Yeah I should probably have stopped typing by now.
In this dream, I smell something bad in one of the spoilers. I later become lucid for a short time.
Well, it’s a good thing that we have way more than five senses, then. I can’t wait to test my sense of proprioception by moving a tail and wings around.
Non-lucid dream, in which I drink green tea with Miyuki from the Lucky Star anime.
I claim points for:
- “See a fictional character”
- “Taste something good”
I see there’s a “lick a DC” task on the list. Dear oh dear. We’re going to get some dreams that push the limits of forums acceptability on that one, I bet.
I forgot to add to the last post about a new personal goal… is ‘transform into my character’ okay, since there isn’t a task for that at the moment? If not, would ‘transform into a large predatory cat’ i.e. lion/tiger/panther be acceptable?
And a micro-lucid. Oh well.
Freder Solution ~ Short Lucid Dream
Stats so far:
[spoiler]NDs: 4
Short LDs: 4
Medium LDs: 1
Long LDs: 0
Task 1:-E Great Detail | Irregular Color, Extinct Animal | Looked into a mirror and saw myself. | Saw a fictional character.
Task 2: ~ none ~
Task 3: ~ none ~