Lucidity Challenge 51 - Winner: Thorn!

So I’m back before my previous dream is graded with another LD! I thought I had a task, but no dice! Next time!!! shakes fist :tongue:

¡Vengáte! ~ Short Lucid Dream

Stats so far:

[spoiler]NDs: 2
Short LDs: 2
Medium LDs: 0
Long LDs: 0

Task 1:-E Great Detail | Irregular Color, Extinct Animal

I had another 2 short LDs last night, separated by wakefulness.
In the first one I dived inside a mirror (yes, my brain seems to like mirrors) which led to a FA.
In the second one I flew on a dragon, without realising that would complete the ‘mythical creature’ task. I don’t often dream about fictional or mythical characters, especially dragons, so I can consider myself lucky!

In this medium-length LD, I observe the detail on the buildings in my neighborhood and on my house itself.

ND about Harry Potter. Many fictional characters for sure, although I haven’t chosen them myself as the task suggests. Does that count?

Another LD! Still no tasks! :razz:

Miso-Rice Soup ~ Short Lucid Dream

Stats so far:

[spoiler]NDs: 2
Short LDs: 3
Medium LDs: 0
Long LDs: 0

Task 1:-E Great Detail | Irregular Color, Extinct Animal

/me has recall

Also typing from a phone so excuse the lame formatting.

I had a dream which involved Springfield and the characters of the Simpsons. It also involved Evie and Rick from the Mummy, and I was also Brendan Fraser playing the role of Rick’s friend. O.o

Something Evie, Rick and myself had done triggered a portal to appear in Springfield. From the portal came two creatures that looked a bit like Roz from Monsters Inc. (Does this count for mythical creatures, since they were aliens?)

The dream then showed me a vision of the future, where futuristic Homer, Bart and Milhouse were just head+torso attached to little flying carts. I asked Homer what happened and he said the portal had been there for a century and had changed the place into what I saw now.

So I’d like to claim points for the following three and a half, if possible: Thanks!

How about animated dinosaur skeletons… they’re like extra-extinct, right? :content: I fought one in a lucid dream last night. I’ll understand if you want flesh and blood versions for the ‘See an extinct creature’ task though. Also, met Tony Stark aka Iron Man for the Fictional Character task. :cool:

Long LD with skeleton-dinosaurs and Tony Stark

In this morning’s ND, I saw both futuristic people (Star Wars-esque) and extinct animals (dinosaurs) while I was in the same plot.

And now I have tasks, but no LDs! :razz:

Bones ~ Non-Lucid Dream ~ Looked into a mirror and saw myself.

Stats so far:

[spoiler]NDs: 3
Short LDs: 3
Medium LDs: 0
Long LDs: 0

Task 1:-E Great Detail | Irregular Color, Extinct Animal | Looked into a mirror and saw myself.

This morning’s dreams include a long LD with no tasks in it and a medium-length LD in which I ask a DC to show me something and it does so.

Week 2 - Sound and Touch

**EDIT: What’s week 2 without a story?

[spoiler]It has been one week since you last saw the mysterious man. You have many questions still lingering in your mind… who was he, and what kind of research was he doing? Despite not knowing all the answers, your curiousity got the best of you - and you decided to give in to the demands of the dream character, in order to see what he does next.

Suddenly the scene changes and you instantly appear in the same room that you were in last week. The man isn’t here this time, but you think you can hear his voice, on the other side of the door.

“Week 1 is complete. 66% of the subjects have completed the tasks related to sight.” He says.
“These results are good; however, it isn’t enough proof. Anyone can do that - seeing is the most common sense used in the dream world. You need to give them a harder challenge” You don’t recognize this voice…
“Yes, sir, I understand. That’s why this week I am giving tasks related to Hearing and Touching. These are a little harder for your average dreamer to recall.”
“…Yes… well, it’s a start. Give them the tasks, and we will continue to analyze the data. We may have to step it up a notch within the following weeks to come… Now get to it! We don’t have time to waste”
“Yes sir, Right away sir.”

You hear the footsteps approaching the door. You make a mad dash for the same chair, and act like you didn’t overhear their conversation. The man in the black suit comes into the room and drops off another envelope.
“Your results from last week have been thoroughly analyzed. You have now progressed to week two.” He says.
You decide to have a little fun with him…
“Why am I here?”
“ That information is confidential.” He responds
“Don’t I have to sign a form of consent in order to participate in this psychological experiment”
Here stares at you blanky, then replies
“Waking life rules don’t apply in the dream world. You should know that, if you are who you claim to be.”

Glad to see the participation during the first week! I had a lot of fun reading all of your dream journals. I’m learning more about you all, along the way as well!

This week, the tasks will be related to two more senses- Hearing and feeling.
“but wait Jer! Two senses in one week? I thought this LC was going to be 1 sense a week, for five weeks!” Now now young grasshopper. We wouldn’t want to be too predictable, now would we? :wink:

Hear a different language - Any language that you do not speak will count. It does not have to be a real spoken language, but you must be able to identify it (eg. Chinese, German , Klingon, etc.) (20 points)

Play an instrument, hear the music - classic task. Dream music is always better.(25 points)
-conduct an orchestra (20 points)

Hear an inanimate object talk - Hear an object that doesn’t normal talk, speak. Anything is possible in the dream world! Obviously, animals do not count. (30 points)
-Report back with an exact quote (20 points)

Hear a famous deceased person’s last words Hear the last, dying words of a someone who is iconic/ well known. An exact quote must be presented in order to claim points. (40 points)

Touch your shadow - This is a simple task, but for some reason it stuck out in my mind. In order to claim points you must turn your shadow into a figure that is no longer bound to you, (as in,turn it into it’s own entity) and touch it. Peter pan style! The more details the better. ( 15 points)

Touch something unbearably hot. Touch anything that’s hot,hot hot! Want to touch fire? How about the sun? or maybe just a hot burner? Go for it! Remember, the pain isn’t real in dreams. Mind over matter. ( 30 points)

Touch a solid, feel liquid Find anything that is solid, touch and and feel a liquid like material. This may be hard at first. Try to describe this experience the best you can! (30 points)

Touch something and have it turn to gold - If you can pull this one off, you will be rich in your dreams forever! Too bad there isn’t an official dream economy. That gold might not be worth much in your dreams, but in real life it’ll be worth forty points! (40 points)

Just a quick notice before I end this post: I got an interesting idea that will add some dynamic to the game. It will be coming out tomorrow, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled.
Alright guys! Good luck and may the odds be ever in your dreams!

More tasks!

Suddenly Lightning (OR) An Odd Game ~ Non-Lucid Dream ~ Saw a fictional character.

Stats so far:

[spoiler]NDs: 4
Short LDs: 3
Medium LDs: 0
Long LDs: 0

Task 1:-E Great Detail | Irregular Color, Extinct Animal | Looked into a mirror and saw myself. | Saw a fictional character.

Short LD, no tasks.

I had a medium LD + short LD, no tasks done.

Became lucid multiple times last night… but only 1 short that counts points wise. I did the week 2 shadow task.

Short LD + Touch Your Shadow

Secret Achievements

I’m adding a new feature into the game to add a little more tension between the players - Secret Achievements. Let me explain how these will work.

Click here for a list of all secret achievements

If you click the link above, you will find a list of all of the achievements you can do. If you so choose, you can select one or more of these achievements to complete. You have 48 hours after an achievement is posted to decide whether or not you are going to attempt it. Just send me a private message telling me which one you are going to attempt, and upon completion, you will receive bonus points at the end of the LC. Seems simple enough, right?

Only there is a catch - You have to complete it in secrecy. Other participants cannot know which achievements you are attempting to complete. The only person who has to know is me, the TM . If by chance, another participants has a hunch that you are going for a certain achievement, they can call you out on it, and receive points/ lose points depending on if they were right or wrong.

Calling people out - Example

Let’s say Participant “A” selects the “complete all the week 1 tasks” achievement. The only people that know he has selected this is Me, and Participant “A” himself… but perhaps Participant “B” looks at the scoreboard and has a hunch that “A” has selected that secret achievement… Participant “B” can send me a private message saying that he would like to Call out Participant “A” on the “complete all the week 1 tasks” achievement.

If Participant B is right - At the end of the LC , Participant A will not receive his bonus, and Participant “B” get’s a +20 bonus

If Participant B is wrong - At the end of the LC , Participant B will lose -20 points, and Participant A will receive a small +5 bonus for being wrongly accused.

If Participant A never get’s called out - At the end of the LC, He gets his bonus.

I would just like to reiterate, that this WHOLE PROCESS happens between closed doors. It has to be in secret- strictly through private messages. There should be no one posting in the forums about secret achievements (unless there is a question that needs to be addressed). This means that you don’t know who is attempting Secret Achievements. And if you’re attempting a Secret Achievement, you don’t know if anyone has “called you out” or not. So therefore, the tables may turn at the end of the LC when the Secret Achievement scores are announced.

Hopefully this wasn’t too confusing! I just wanted to try something new in order to replace what would have been “Teams”. I hope you enjoy this mini LC game.

Good luck to all! Sweet dreams. - Jer

Short LD with a finally decent flight during nap :smile: no tasks

Side note: when I read jer’s writings ,in my head , its always with William Mile’s voice from assassins creed .

I’M all up to this challenge
Was missed the previous one because I needed to switch schools and stuff, really hard days those were, I thought Id die.
I think I can score at that one , I’M a guitar and violin maniac in dreams, awesome stuff, I would like to also conduct zbigniew preisners lacrimosa.
SO here I go…

Long LD, no tasks. I’m late with the entry so the description is short, but it felt like it lasted at least an hour.

Had an LD here this morning which at around 3-5 minutes long makes it a medium one for me. I’d like to claim Week 1 points for examining an object in great detail as I was looking at a plane and could see the individual details on it quite nicely.