Lucidity Challenge 55 Winner: GenghisKhan!

This non-lucid dream that I’ve already reported might count for the “see a forest” task.

Non-lucid dream where I was inside a submarine and wandering in a jungle. You also missed my last post, apparently. So here’s everything I’m claiming:

  • Visit a forest
  • Ride in a vehicle
  • Identify a constellation
  • See the Southern Cross

As always, the last link in my signature will take you to my latest DJ entry.

SCORES Updated

Please, would you be able to post a photo of this painting? I would love to see it. :content:

I’ll upload some scanned artwork if I get time to do it.

Non-lucid dream in which I do the body art task.

Non-lucid dream where a dream character actually tells me it’s a lucid dream, and I still don’t become lucid. No points there, I think.

I had a medium lucid dream. I don’t think I did any tasks. I tried to teleport to the frozen planet by spinning and focusing on the destination, but like twice before, shifting my focus off of the dream around me makes it disappear and I just wake up.

A few points were missed in my previous posts, I’ll list them here:

  • See a waterfall (10 pts)
  • Find a map (5 pts)
  • Use the map (5 pts)
  • See a sunrise/sunset (5 pts)

Suggestion: maybe you could add the date range for each week in the scores spreadsheet? This would make it easier for us to identify how many points should be scored.

3 nights ago:
Medium-length LD in the Harry Potter universe with casting spells and such, no tasks done.

Last night:
Pretty crazy LD combo. Long LD + short LD, awake inbetween.
My brain seems to be running behind in time when recalling tasks in LDs, but here is the 1st LD:

  • Make a sunset change colour
  • See a house without roof
  • Fix the roof
  • Experience zero-G (this is due to my style of flying where I disable Earth’s gravity, so it wasn’t in space)

In the 2nd LD I flew backwards and then recalled the lightspeed task. Now this part was quite interesting. I ‘willed’ myself to fly backwards at lightspeed: everything went black for a few seconds, and suddenly I was in space :smile:, facing earth and seeing many stars around it. However, I woke up quickly after :sad:
Tasks claimed in 2nd LD:

  • Get to space
  • Fly backwards
  • Fly at lightspeed

I’d like NOT to claim my personal goal because I feel like the scene was too short and blurry to genuinely have done it.

On Aug 19th I had a short lucid in which I create and then control a tornado to clear a road of parked cars
I guess it should count as Weather control

Also, later that morning, I asked myself if I could be dreaming, but unfortunately decide it’s not the case, however I can claim points for asking myself if I am dreaming

This morning I recognize I am dreaming and get a DILD of around 10min, which is medium length for me, in which I fly backward on an invisible rocket, directed to space, but I do not really get to outer space, sky remains blue, height is like 500+ meters

I also get a short WILD, but no recall, so claiming no points for that

I edited the DJ to add another short WILD I had missed to include, vampire-themed, quite interesting experience.
No tasks done there I think, but would claim points for the LD itself (LINK TO DJ)

Yey Genghis is back! :cool:

Time to claim some points…

Here is a medium LD in which I fly into space, backwards, then start flying around at lightspeed. I reach another planet but the dream ends before any exploration could be done, so no points for visiting a planet.

Edit - Lol @ Genghis’ score on the sheet - 43192 points! Nice work, man! :happy:


:happy: Not bad, not bad at all :cool:

Hey guys, sorry for not being around for the last few days. I think the LC curse has been awoken.

Stuff that has happened in the last week or so:

  • The local manager at my emergency services station suffered a heart attack.
    I was one of three members called upon to designate a new manager, and thus, have had hardly any free time. We have decided upon a new manager. Today I tried to erase the old manager’s name from the whiteboard and write up the new manager. I didn’t have the mental strength to do it, I will try tomorrow.

  • My mother has just been taken to hospital, and I don’t know why at this stage.

  • I cut my hand, and had a chance to see my own tendons working.

  • A bunch of other stuff that has dragged my mental state into a hole.

I have just gotten a free moment to write this, It’s 2am. I will write the Week 5 tasks ASAP.

All this sleep deprivation is doing strange things, the forum background has been swirling around for the last 5 minutes. And I keep on hearing my phones going off, but they aren’t.

Don’t stress about the LC, DT. Take care of yourself. Rest and remember to talk to people. Carrying all that heavy stuff by yourself will keep you in that hole.

DT, really sorry about all that is happening to you
Take your time to recover, LD / LC are definitely not the priority issue at this time

And ouch, that is kind of

Hi DT. i’m sorry to hear that. Don’t worry about the LC’ it’ll wait. This won’t be the first time we’ve had to delay it. Take care of yourself.

I had a long lucid dream. No tasks done.

Medium-length OBE / LD (LINK TO DJ) in which I spectate stars forming up a tablecloth decoration, take a picture of it, then chat with wife, later command dusk and dawn, changing also its colors
I can claim below task points:

  • See stars
  • Take picture with camera
  • Change sunset color

Medium length WILD (LINK TO DJ), in which I take pictures of a friend in bikini swimsuit, then I move to the Olympics stadium, first spectate then win first prize in long jump. I sing the Italian hymn together with the crowd, with a roaring grand finale, then exit the stadium flying in style (em :tongue:) and land inside a jungle

I can claim points for the personal task, plus the monthly challenge. Yay !

I wonder if I am the only one left in the LC :eek:

Anyway, this morning during an ND I saw a storm with lightning (not sure about hearing thunder)

I’m still in the LC, I’m just not getting any tasks done :frowning:

So… task recall failure. Thought there was something about inverting gravity. However, I did do two tasks (unintentionally, or maybe they were there in my SC somewhere) - see a map and experience zero g. Here is the (medium) LD