Lucidity Challenge 62 - winner James_UK2008

  1. HeadInTheClouds - Have a meaningful interaction with a DC
  2. GenghisKhan - Transform into a unicorn and hit something with my horn
  3. James_UK2008 - Shapeshift myself.
  4. obliverum - smell a new smell
  5. LucidWilliam - Look into a mirror
  6. Koal44 - Surf on the Gigantic Wave
  7. Majah - Ask a question
  8. SleepyKitty - Move at full speed
  9. Oneiron - Visit a library

We only need one more sign-up before we can start…

Still waiting for one more sign-up…

I’d sign up if we weren’t soon going away for a week…

No worries…When RL demands your presence you gotta handle your business.

Had taken a break form lucid practices. Also noticed things were slower than usual…Been eager to confront my SC again through the mirror for personal reasons. I’m gonna be experimenting with multiple supplements, so I won’t count my lucid points this LC.

  1. HeadInTheClouds - Have a meaningful interaction with a DC
  2. GenghisKhan - Transform into a unicorn and hit something with my horn
  3. James_UK2008 - Shapeshift myself.
  4. obliverum - smell a new smell
  5. LucidWilliam - Look into a mirror
  6. Koal44 - Surf on the Gigantic Wave
  7. Majah - Ask a question
  8. SleepyKitty - Move at full speed
  9. Oneiron - Visit a library
  10. Koharo- Confront SC (manifested as clone or reflection)

great! :happy:

Lands parachute in a tree a little way away

  1. HeadInTheClouds - Have a meaningful interaction with a DC
  2. GenghisKhan - Transform into a unicorn and hit something with my horn
  3. James_UK2008 - Shapeshift myself.
  4. obliverum - smell a new smell
  5. LucidWilliam - Look into a mirror
  6. Koal44 - Surf on the Gigantic Wave
  7. Majah - Ask a question
  8. SleepyKitty - Move at full speed
  9. Oneiron - Visit a library
  10. Koharo- Confront SC (manifested as clone or reflection)
  11. DTDownUnder - Confront the man in the mirror

How long till the LC starts? (currently 11 participants)

Sign ups reached 10 on March 3rd nearly 3 weeks ago. If Susan_Y hasn’t returned by April 3rd we will try to get LC62 launched in her absence.

Great, we’ve got enough sign-ups!

I’ll start the challenge at the weekend.

(and sorry for the delay in responding)

Nice that we’re finally starting soon. :happy: Sadly, I’ll be in Florida until next Friday, but I should hopefully have something by the end of my trip. :cool: I’ll bring a dream journal with me so I can still participate this coming week.

… week 1 will be posted tomorrow (Monday)

I have done my Lucid Goal two weeks ago, so I would like to change it to:
“Ask my Boss for a raise”.
I will only accept it as done if I really see one of my bosses and get an answer, but I hope I can have some kind of dream negociation :happy:

Hi Koal - yes, the change of lucid goal is fine.

Week 1 - Getting the band back together

You are queuing up outside a nightclub. A poster on the wall says “Goth - Industrial - 80’s”. Once inside, you make your way through a packed club to the bar. A Toto tribute band is on stage, playing Africa … “As sure as Kilimanjaro rises like Olympus above the Serengeti”. Some of the audience are not entirely convinced. “That line doesn’t even fit the music, it’s got too many syllables.” …, “Mount Kilimanjaro is nowhere near the Seregeti” … “You know, I think this song might be kind of racist”.

Susan makes her way towards you through the crowd. She gestures towards the stage. “I think I need to hire a different band for tomorrow night … you guys used to be in a band, didn’t you?”

You look at each other. “Yeah, but … we’ll need to find a new drummer” Susan decides it’s best to to ask what happened. “I can lend you my TR808 drum machine. It’s like a drummer, only it shows up on time to rehearsals. The improvement in efficiency revolutionized music.”

You look at each other. “Ok, we’ll do it.”

Tasks for week 1:

  • Appear on stage in front of an audience (doesn’t have to be at a music event, any kind of performance will do) - 10 points
  • See the outfit you wear on stage (e.g. by looking down at yourself, or looking in a mirror) - 15 points
  • Play a musical instrument (doesn’t have to be on stage) - 10 points
  • Sing while dreaming as a male character - 20 points
  • Sing while dreaming as a female character - 20 points (NB: It is possible to claim both male and female points if you can transform your gender in the dream),
  • See a TR808 drum machine - 20 points
  • … and hear it (doesn’t matter if the drum sound isn’t true to real life, as you as you can get it to play something) - +10 points
  • See the cover of your band’s album - 10 points
  • See at least two other members of the band - 10 points

I’ve got a couple questions. Are the sensory tasks on the first page always active or were those just example tasks?

For seeing an outfit on stage, you have to be on the stage to see the outfit, correct? It can’t just be looking in a mirror or down at yourself to see your outfit?

First entry of LC62 :smile:

1 ND Packing

I did the sensory task of seeing colours

Tuesday - 1 ND
Wednesday - 1 ND

Had 1 LD here this morning which at around 3-4 minutes long makes it a medium one for me. I completed my personal goal of shapeshifting in it so would like to claim points for that please. Siiw notably also made her first appearance in any of my LDs today.

I also felt warmth in this as per the sensory tasks.

Had 2 NDs here this morning. No tasks completed.

Had 1 ND yesterday and 1 ND this morning but I don t think I ll write them down.
I also had one really short LD this morning. Super disappointing as I forgot I already did my first personal goal and did it again…

So I will only claim the sensory task, as my dream had colors.

I am sorry if I write to myself more than to other people in my Dream Journal. Today’s dream is referring to dreams I didn’t post online :smile:

Dream Journal