Right now, generation of youths under 25, those who refuse to conform and have a tendency to be labeled as dysfunctional, rebellious, ADD, etc, “oppositional defiant” (sounds like a good thing!)
are faced with some interesting questions
we refuse to be slaves, and we are growing to maturity in the midst of radically different ideas, ideas that have been buried for all of American history, ideas known by ancient magical societies, ideas such as the law of attraction.
Ideas that we can do whatever we want, and do not have to do what others say, that we can follow our own rules.
Ideas that money is an energy, does not exist save for the consensual associative patterns attached to it by the minds of many, and that, as an energy, can be conjured and manipulated like any other energy.
Ideas that we can create. Ideas that we can be free.
What does someone who is not caught up in 4th and 5th grade reasoning and roles do, to attain financial freedom ?
4th grade,
i went to westpoint, my grandpa did, you will, you have no choice
this is the proper way to use a napkin
complete and total order and regulation,
mainly authoritarian
5th grade
more abstract, more about communication, more touchey feely
but still strongly linked to some form of rule, authoritative
6th grade
far out space cadet peoples, indigo children, etc
we can call it whatever grade we want.
The obvious answer is GET A JOB, but that is not the right answer.
I want to shift our understanding of what work is. Work is coming up with intelligent beautiful thoughts, and sharing them with others.
Work is meditating, and performing yoga. Work is going and spending time with someone and helping them feel happy.
Work is giving a child a cookie.
Work is whatever you feel is intrinsically honest, and gives to yourself and others, for to give yourself joy, gives you a stronger arsenal to give to others. To give others joy gives yourself, then, this joy.
if we understand working as the movement of energy, and pull money out of the equation, one could be a millionaire for making 5 thousand very helpful sincere honest posts on the internet. A billionaire for, giving freely, advice and love to thousands of “strangers” on the web,
one could be payed for each honest keystroke on the computer,
is this not intrinsically more honest than being dishonest?
Isn’t it dishonest to do what makes you stressed, fearful, angry, fatigued,
isn’t it honest to do what is uplifting?
It is possible to subsist without employment, to drift, hitchhike through nature, or to manifest miracles so that one may “work” unconventionally and attain necessary finances. We must shift our collective understandings of money, so that we are not imprisoned by it.
Essentially there are 25 people, and 4 of them are artists, and of the 4, only 1 will pursue art, the other two will work in a shoe factory, so that one of these people can sit and relax and have a lifetime’s supply of shoes, and cause the other’s to be his slaves by keeping them all to himself and charging them hundreds of times more for something he could give virtually freely.
large groups of souls conform out of who their true soul is, into the net of “safety” by doing things they find whollistically dishonest.
and essentially, everything is FREE.
Think, shetler, nature has caves.
Food. Nature has fruit, vegetables.
It is only when we developed the act of taking more than was needed, that we had more people than our greed could sustain, in which, then, instead of all human beings (say, 4000 people alive on all of Earth) having ENOUGh, there are 4,000 beings that have more than enough, and 1 million who are exploited by the 4,000 who are essentially starving. and about 100,000 or more who, are, truly, starving.
essentially when we violate the mathematical laws of nature by taking more than we need, there is an effect, always, and now, we have money, and it is not even based upon gold.
what does one do, to manipulate the energy of money?