Music in LD's

in one of my LD’s Mick Jagger sang me a song, well I remember only two verses: ’ Laughing in the sands they change
Laughing in the wind break chains.’

was great song, and music, but when I woke up, I remembered only this two verses :neutral:

In one of my NDs AFI was playing my my kitchen.

Brilliant. I’d run away the second he decided to grunt anything though… scary stuff.

I’m a musician and I’ve heard music in LDs somewhat frequently. At one point I remember actually writing an entire song in an LD, but by the time I woke up and stumbled to the computer, the only thing in my head was the word “Alligator” sung in a specific way. I ended up writing a song in the following hour or two, but it had nothing to do with the dream song heh

I’ve only ever gotten a few bits and pieces from LD land to instruments/paper/tape. I really wish I could get more though, as it’s often astoundingly vivid and detailed… each individual part being clear as day and whatnot, to the point where I can isolate them in my head, etc. Maybe instead of the whole keeping a notebook by the bed thing, I should keep a 4-track.

the only time i ever hear music in my dreams(never LD, grr!) is when i’m writing them. i remember one of them called today. it’s really beautiful. i curse my SC for not being so creative IWL, though!

I only hear songs in my nd’s. they are always reaalllyy gr8 songs and when i wake up i can remember them so clearly but as the day goes on i forget them. so now i write them down to remember them. in ld’s, i try to play music on my phone but whenever i find my phone its all wierd and a different shape and numbers and letters are jumbled all over it so i hav no idea how to use it. i just try to convince myself that when i press a button in will play a song. i pressed it and nothing happened but a wand appeared in my other hand??!! lol.

I once got to hear real elvish music in a dream. Howard Shore did a great job composing the music for LOTR, but this was on a whole different level. There was an unfamiliar string instrument and something that reminded me of a piano, but not quite, playing slowly and gracefully as the sun rose over Middle Earth. Although it was easily the most beautiful thing I’d ever heard before, I quickly forgot it once I woke up since it didn’t have an easily recognizable melody and I’m not very musically minded IRL. :sad:

when I first fall asleep I can make any song I want play and its awesome. but as far as ld I rarely hear music.

I used to think that I never heard music in my dreams. I was wrong: there is the occasional background music. But nothing really notable in the way of being very noticeable or astounding.

Weird, too, considering I’m a musician. :shy: feels jealous of Mecha

i was having trouble writing a verse for my band’s song in real life, but a few nights ago i wrote a whole song and highlighted parts but woke up as i was finishing reading it and forgot it all

Although I’ve never heard real songs in my dreams, ages ago I had this one ND where I heard this music that didn’t exist IRL - I suppose my mind must have subconsciously composed it!

In my first lucid dream ever (which happened to be one of the most intense, wonderful, most enlightening experiences of my life) happened when I was away in a volunteer program in the Dominican Republic. I took an MP3 player with me, and I was really into the Smashing Pumpkins at the time, and my favorite song by them is Drown. I remember the music being very very real, more real than real life in a lot of ways, very intense, and very synchronistic with my environment. As the music got intense, so would my surroundings. It was like I was living and breathing the music. Wonderful.

I forgot to say that the music that started off my LD was the song Drown, and that it played for a little while in my dream.

ever tried to imagine for example drums in HI?
… if not, you should do so. It’s amazing how you can “play” or atleast, make up very complex songs when your concious mind slowly falls asleep.

Once i also heard this song in my dream. It was a catchy tune, some crossover-metal-thing. Unfortunately i forgot it.

I also remember that when I was younger, i would listen to hiphop all day long and just freestyle rap. (days long gone ^^) However, I was never good at freestyling IWL, but I sometimes dreamt of it - was amazing, I would come up with rhymes that I could never imagine IWL.

But as most others i keep forgetting dream music and especially lyrics ^^

i finished one of my band’s songs in a dream once and we all started reading it.
then i woke up and could only remember the first word.

this morning before i woke up, i had a dream that i walked into a room and my brother was listening to the rocket summer on his computer, but when i walked back into the other room i was singing it to myself and i could still hear it the same as when i was next to his computer haha

I’ve been LD’ing on and off for the past couple years. Within the past couple months I’ve started to really get back into it and since then I’ve had two very strange dreams…

The very first one I had was during a nap I took in the afternoon. I was just starting to doze off when all of the sudden a chrystal clear song began to play in my head. I found that I had complete control over orchestrating the sounds, including the beat and keyboard playing. As soon as I realized I could do this I started getting these massive waves of euphoria, like the most I’ve ever had in my life by far. The music was accompanied by what I’d say were half HI half dream images, short snippets that went along with the music, very colorful and erratic. It lasted about a minute and then went away. If anyone’s interested in the song, it was extremely similar to the Telefon Tel Aviv song Farenheit Fair Enough, but this one is close enough

The most recent one I had was some dance song I knew that was kind of cheezy, but I was controlling all of the build ups and what not and when it would let loose, I’d be overcome with euphoria. When I woke up though, I went back to sleep, and never was able to remember the song.

Anyone else ever had this happen?? I’m very intrigued, I love these little dreams and hope they continue and start to last even longer! I’m sure I could do this in an LD but I’ve yet to think about it during one, definitely need to try though.

edit this just got moved here, i see now others have experienced this, but what about the euphoria?

I only had this kind of experience in HI - without images though. Adding instrument after instrument to build up a fantastic arrangement.

I hope i’ll get such an intense dream as you said someday ^^

I’ve never consciously tried to compose in LDs, but a lot of my scenarios end up having background music (that already exists). However, there was one dream a long time ago where my brain ended up making something new (this was before I ever had any LDs). I guess I play too much video games for my own good, because this particular dream was Zelda related. There wasn’t any music beforehand, but when it got to this epic scene in the eye of a tornado, this awesome background music started playing. It was Zelda-quality music, and it was completely original! Best of all, it stuck with me so much that I remembered most of it upon waking up!

Then reality has to rear its ugly head…The notes in the song don’t exist in waking life (well, they DO exist, but not on any standard keyboard). The pitches are off the usual 12 semitone scale (I had to hold the pitch bend wheel in a weird position to get them to sound right), and that makes it practically impossible to play or record it. And now that it’s been years, I’ve forgotten most of it. Dang it all…

that sucks I wonder if you brain somehow used a tonal system similar to eastern ones like india. thats awesome you remembered it and could even find specific notes. i rarely remember much of the song notationally.

next time you are in an ld and you hear background music, remember that your brain is making it and take control. i’m extremely upsessed with music and i’ve never had as much euphoria in ld’s or wl than when i’m controlling music in my head.

p.s. i dream i’m in video games all the time

I just had an LD last night in which I tried to constantly remind myself that I was lucid so that I wouldn’t lose it. This subconsicously took the form of a repeated song with the lyrics “Look at me, I’m in an LD, I am lucid so give me some time”. I’ve still got the tune running through my head - it was really strange!

Lol an on the fly song, sounds like fun…

Catchy tune too.