I’m going to start making my own language again. (Hahahah neko’s inspired me)
I’ll name it "Regino-leno
(Language of kings)
Here’s the alphabet:
A = Japanese A (father)
B = English B (Bat)
D = English D (Diphthong)
E = Japanese E (Bed)
Ē = Japanese Ē (mattē – e is pronounced like “ay”)
F = Soft F (Fi Faye Fo Fum = Wrong, Mount Fugimora = Right – pronounced softly)
H = English H (Hat)
I = Japanese I (macaroni)
K = English K, Latin C (Kill)
L = English L (Love)
M = English M (Mill)
N = English N (Nit)
O = English O (Not)
P = English P (Piano)
R = English R (Red)
S = English S (Sick)
T = English T (Tin)
U = Japanese U (Boot)
V = English V (Venus)
X = English ks, Greek x (Ajax)
Y = English Y (Yellow)
Z = English Z (Zebra)
I started months ago to create my own language but was unsuccessful. Now, months after the last attempt, I’ve created a language called Kaadin, and it has 1, 285 words so far, still limited and far from complete. Kaadin is sort of like a Esperanto, German, French, Latin, Japanese, English, Portuguese, Italian and Russian combination.
It sounds complicated but it’s not really .
Here’s an example of some of the dictionary: Small Words Alusim Mets
I Sa
Am Bene
To Y
As Pi
All Susi
Not Nus
It Kit
Is Esa
If Nal
We Sur
Our Nul
Us Sul
You Tu
You [plural] Tus
Big Words Alus Mets
Happy Joyesch
Calm Cusanne
Near Anuci
Life Efena
Ligt Ketloness
With Avan
Crab Pinca
Sharp Aton
Car Auta
Scissors Autzer
Let Tiri
Zero Zet
One Kin
Two Dece
Three Tri
Four Qua
Five Cin
Six Pent
Seven Sept
Eight Hex
Nine Nun
Ten Dis
Anyone has any words to add, you can, just go easy on the accents
Here’s how some of terms for past, present, and future words. Verbs Inatros
To make a past forn of a verb, add “ae” to the end, then the noun in front.
Sa parli-ae = I have spoken
Sa profe-ae = I have learned
To make the present form, don’t change the form.
Sa parli = I speak
Sa profe = I learn
To make the future form of the word, add “um” to the end, then the noun in front.
Sa parli-um = I will speak
Sa profe-um = I will learn
Alou, Sa bene joyesch cek Sa dae vore cek pipus S’amori resapir parlisa ka bene telal passitena pai ceki.
So, I am happy that I did see this page I love constructed languages and am very fascinated by them.