I want to talk about different types of dreams that we experience, not the dream subject but different types of dream settings. I am interested if anybody has any similarities among these types, any other types of dreams I am missing here? Are you getting some dream types more often in a particular induction method?
I am not using any induction techniques, Iv chosen WILD, DILD, DEILD as they seems to describe 3 main moments when I dream.
WILD - I am falling asleep without loosing lucidity, seeing my dream before I fall asleep. Takes about 5 minutes.
DILD - I fall asleep, having a blank point, then appearing in my dream and becoming lucid usually the same moment when I start seeing my dream. Not sure how long is the blank point and when I start seeing my dream.
DEILD - I wake up in the morning and going back to dreaming, can continue my previous dream or can do some thinking in my dreams, some experiments, OBE’s and so on. Can move and I am staying in a state somewhere between sleep and awake. Takes only 10-15 seconds to come back to dreaming.
1 - Creator Lucid Dreams, dreams where you are lucid and you create your own world, you determine all laws of physics, you manage your DC’s and decorations. Usually happens when I set my intention on a particular subject before I go to sleep. Usually from DILD, sometimes from WILD, DEILD. Easy to wake up at any time.
2a - Alien Lucid Dreams, dreams where you are lucid, you appear in a random world with its own laws of physics and DC’s. You can control only your body, you cannot control other DC’s. Only your personal actions and conversations can change this dream in a different direction. No matter how hard you try you are not able to control anything but your self. Usually happens when I do not set my intention to any particular subject, also I do not set my intention to lucid dreaming, going to sleep with absolutely clear mind. Usually from DILD or WILD. Hard to wake up, sometimes feels like impossible to wake up.
2b - Same as 2a, but you feel like you can switch to 1st type of dreaming at any time and you actually can intrude and act as a creator at any moment. Everything starts as in 2a, but you are having a different feeling through all the dream. Easy to wake up at any time. Usually from DILD or WILD. Easy to wake up at any time.
3 - Thinking Lucid Dreams, dreams where you are lucid, happens when you are really dedicated to something in awake life and you transfer your question to your dream and keep trying to find the answer all night. Depends on the question, can be with visuals and can be without visuals, sometimes I am located in emptiness, talking to people whom I do not see, talking to my subconscious perhaps. Sometimes I am having very vivid dream and looking for hints and answers on my questions. This type of dream sometimes can be very annoying, the problem is that as soon as I start solving my problem I get deeper and deeper into it. I can change my dream to another one, but only for few moments, in few seconds I will return back to solving my problem, again and again. I cannot remember a single night where I could switch away from this kind of dream if I had one. You can describe it as cycles, you finish one cycles you “this might be the answer” and you automatically wake up your self to remember it or to write it down or in some cases to test if you found the answer. Then you go back to sleeping and you appear in the dream where you are looking for answers again, you try to change your dream, but you come back to solving your problem, again when found another possible answer you wake up. You can also wake up when you want to wake up, but when you go back to sleeping you will start all over again. I remember nights when I woke up more then 50 times, could not sleep the whole night because I whenever I entered my dream my mind wanted to seek for the answer. Funny thing is that in the morning I did not feel sleepy at all, just like any other night. But as I said before this can feel very annoying during the whole night. Usually happens from WILD and DEILD’s. Easy to wake up at any moment.
4 - Observer Lucid Dreams, dreams where you are lucid, you understand that you can intrude into your dream at any time. Sometimes you have a body, but you simply let your dream flow the way it is. You can observe your own actions without controlling them. Sometimes you act as a 3rd person camera, you do not have a body to control. Perhaps this is the type that I created for my self. When I wanted to quit lucid dreaming I failed at every attempt, I did not want to have lucid dreams but I did have them every night. I wanted to have normal non-lucid dreams or no dreams recall at all, but I could not do it. Whenever I realized that I am lucid I woke up, then went back to sleeping and entered another lucid dream or continued my previous lucid dream. I was waking up the whole night, could not sleep well at that time, I felt pretty tired when I had to go to work in the morning. Took me 3 month to find a solution and 1 more month to adapt to my new solution. I acted as an observer, I knew I am lucid but I never did any actions. I simply observed my dream like a movie. Always had that feeling that I can intrude and change everything around, but I learned to stay calm and simply observe. Sometimes I would teleport my self to the top of a mountain with beautiful nature and fresh air around me, was sitting there the whole night, enjoyed the air, enjoyed the view. Sometimes I was participating in some scary nightmares, I could observe them or I could wake up and hope to have another dream when I go back to sleep. This was until I decided to come back to lucid dreaming. It took me around 2-3 weeks to get rid of this habit. When I came back to lucid dreaming, in my first attempts I was lucid but I kept saying to my self that I do not want to control my dream and was observing only. I am glad I passed this period in my lucid dreaming, not having this type of dream anymore at all. Can happen from WILD, DILD, DEILD’s. Easy to wake up at any moment.
5 - Non-Lucid Dreams. Everybody know’s what it is. Last time I had those was around 5 years ago, I remember that in most of them I was chased by someone or something amd sometimes I chased someone. I was still chased when I just started lucid dreaming, then I learned to laugh and joke on those who chased me, that was my first success in dream control. Later on I stopped having any chasing dreams. Now all my dreams are lucid no matter what I do and I believe I wont be able to reverse the process, I think I wont be able to come back to non-lucid dreaming.
At the moment 2a is my favorite type of dream. In my first few years of lucid dreaming my favorite was 1 and 2b but at some point I got bored of them and wanted to experience something beyond normal creator dreams. 2a and 2b are the most vivid dreams as well.
Maybe you guess why I did not include OBE/AP/RW and so on? They are the same thing and they are part of lucid dreaming and they can be done in all types that are mentioned above. OBE/AP/RW and others will follow rules and settings of any dream type.