I have tried to have an obe 2 times before. I gave up on it and figured it was to much work and I already have pretty much no free time with my busy college schedule. Last night me and my roommate were talking about lucid dreaming, he told me he has had them before and I was really excieted because I hadn’t met anyone else who even knew what they were. Well When I went to sleep I had an LD immediately, then I would wake up and go right back into another L, but this time it was a little different. I never lost my awakeness when I was going back into a new dream, I just sat there and watched the imagery fade and and waited till i could take part in it. After about 8 LDs I woke up and just stared and my ceiling… I felt my whole body vibrating and weird sounds. I knew what was happening. Then the soudns got louder, it sounded like people whispering all around me…it was very cree[py but didn’t scare me… I had to question whether people were really there but I knew everyone in the room was alsleep. Then it happened. The whole room sort of folded into me towards my face and I felt all my energy going out rhough my head, I then saw the ceiling right in front of me, then somehow it ended and I just went back to staring at the ceiling like I was before. I woke my girlfriend up and told her what happened and she just rubbed my back and comforted me, I guess thinking I had a nightmare or something. This was the most intesnse thing I have ever experienced. And its very strange that I had my first OBE accidentally just like my first LD. Its like I am being showed something. For ANYONE that argues OBEs are LDs they are flat out wrong… they are not anything like them. I didn’t get to go around and explore because by the time I left my body it was over but I know I wasn’t about to go into a dream state. My theory is that when you are going into an OBE you are using a part of your brain that has to do with some sort of sixth sense , or a part that most people can never tap in to. It has already been proven that a large potrion of your brain goes unused so I think my theory is a valid one. All I have to say is WOW, and for anyone in doubt, keep trying this is stuff is crazy.
Waw ! Interesting experience !
What could be the difference between your experience and a WILD with SP ? Could you ( or another people ) explain it to me, as I never experienced WILD…
Anyhow, it makes me remember of a strange event : it happend to my aunt… but she was awake. She was standing with other people speaking together. She was rather tired, and unwilingly focused on the ground. She felt something going out from her body, as you describe, and she looked in front of her : but she saw herself with other people ! It lasted just one second, cause she was so surprised !
That’s awesome man. goodjob! sounds like your spirit guide wants you to come out of your body for something! you are lucky that you can OBE naturally. keep trying and keep up the good work buddy!
Sorry to be a skeptic, but how did you know it was a really a oobe??
I have had quite a few similar experiences, and have come to the conclusion that it is not more than a WILD like conscious dream where you dont lose conscious as you enter the dreamworld.
But it sounds like a great experience no matter what it was…
dreaming and trance experiences can be powerful depending on your skill
watch for mind split effects next time if you can. that shows right away what’s meant by the term projection
Sounds a lot like a WILD. I have had many similar experiences. Since you woke up so quickly how can you be so sure it was a OBE and not a WILD?
Yeah, interesting experience, thanks for sharing
I’ve not had an OBE, and do wonder if its just a variety of lucid dream.
Your experience goes into my ‘bag’
However your statement about unused areas of the brain is a bit questionable to me - it sounds very similar to the 10% of the brain myth
Thanks for all your replies. My answer to those of you who ask how I know for a fact this was an OBE and not a WILD or LD is because I have had both before and I KNEW for a fact I was awake, when I am in an LD sometimes I question it, which is actually how I have become so good at LDing. I have it stuck in my head now that I when I am not LDing I will know it without the shadow of a doubt and won’t have to worry about doing stupid things. This has caused me to have more LDs than I could ask for and when I had this OBE I Knew for a fact I was awake. The voices I heard were actually real whispers of my roommate whispering to his girlfriend (which he told me about the next day because after the OBE was over I popped up out of my bed in astonishment and he thought he had woken me up) in bed but it was amplified and multiplied so it sounded like I was completely surrounded by whispers. And I never actually “woke up” my eyes never actually closed, I just returned to my body , but it was instant and I never had to open my eyes, I was just staring at the ceiling. And the fact that I have read so much about how the energy goes through the crown of your head is just more evidence that leads me to believe that this was an OBE, because thats exactly what happened. In my time I have had at least 200-300 LDs so I have a very good feel for what LDs are like.
I also forgot to add one thing, at one point I knew I was to paralyzed to move (I waited for a minute so I didn’t ruin the OBE once i realized what was going on) and I started swinging my energy from side to side, at first I barely felt it moving then after a few tries everything in front of me started to fold in towards my head and I started to rise to the ceiling, seeing it but I couldnt control where I was going, it only lasted about 10 seconds once I was out of my body then I was just staring at the ceiling again.
I hope you will have a lot of similar experiences, and that they will be longer, thus you can give us lot of tips, as it seems you are the only OBEr on this forum…
Hello, just wanting to shred some light on LD-OBE experiences.
Hearing sounds in your OBE from the real world isnt proof of an OBE, i mostly hear sounds in my room when im not too deep into my LD. Also your OBE might look pretty real to you but its nothing more or less then an advanced form of LDing where you are able to create (sometimes by accident) the experience of an out of body feeling. I have done this a lot of times myself, at first i was doubting if it were perhaps a real OBE, but it isnt. Your surroundings might look extremely familiar, but that isnt proof either. If it happens again, just experiment a bit with looking at things you dont know in other rooms and compare it with reality after you wake up. Try to mess stuff around also, sometimes that goes pretty well, and when you wake up, its all still in order ofcourse.
Also a small note on real OBE’s. its not something you ‘just’ induce, like, by accident (unless you are in a car crash or so and end up in a NDE). If you want to induce a real OBE from a sleeping state, you have to use highly advanced techniques like going deeper and deeper into deep sleep and beyond, to a point where you’re brain’s electricity just drops to zero. Not something that ‘just’ happens when you are sleeping/dreaming.
One last thing, i dont want to reduce your (or anyone that thinks he/she can OBE at will) experience to something uninportant. It is a very cool way to explore your dreams and your consciousness, and you should continue with this and see what you can get out of it. Only thing is that you arent realy out of your body at all.
that was most likely an illusion. I’ve had it happen often and the room can look 100% identical, but there is a brief point where you open your eyes which you only realize after you do so. some call that etheric sight
Xetrov, I agree with everything youve said. There is however still one thing to look at: Authors like Robert Monroe, Bruce Moen, Rudolf Steiner, William Buhlman all seem to speak of a world intermediate the afterlife and the physical which is both fluid and influenced by thought but also real or objective. sort of like a buffer between the world and the first true afterlife. with skill that can be reached through dreaming and imagination, otherwise perhaps only through practice
If you practice lucid dreaming, this stuff is going to happen. I think it’s just part of the territory .
I had a weird OBE/LD a few days ago. I can’t even describe it. I became lucid in a dream and then thought about flying all the way up to my body.
Then I felt myself in bed…and the I felt my feet rising up in the air.
I was in some kind of half sleep state, because I remember being somewhat paralysed, but I could move my dream body (althought it was REALLY hard, because I everytime I tried to move, I would just fall back).
I wanted to check if I was dreaming, so I put my finger against my palm and it felt like it was going through it.
Next thing I know, I can see my self in my doorway, and I was controlling myself from the outside. It was friggin’ weird! Then my alarm clock went.
I’m raelly convinced that OBE are just really elaborate LDs.
But who knows
Yes indeed, this is an interesting topic to explore further. The fact that all those authors write about it and many people experience it seems to suggest to us that there is something more to it. However, it doesn’t nececarrily mean it is automatically what they claim it to be (since they all know for sure LD-OBE’s (or trance induced, which is pretty similar) are real OBE’s too, which are not).
One interesting fact is that they say this ‘intermediate state’ (by most called the ‘astral’ dimension) is fluid, which means it is influencable by thought. Doesn’t that sound awfully familiar, very alike (lucid) dreaming? Seems logical since this whole OBE phenomenon takes place in a LD. But then, how could this intermediate state be real or objective (as in, not imagined, but ‘realy’ there, independend of the observer)?
The answer to this, i think (and this comes partly from personal experience as well) is that during a LD-OBE, there are many possible doors both inside and outside your consciousness to explore. You could for example enter deep sleep or even deeper levels and explore the possibilities there (even uptill real OBE’s). If someone has a particular ‘paranormal’ talent one could most probably also observe and/or sense phenomenon like spirit guides perhaps (would they chose to appear). I think this, mixed with the fact that you are dreaming, creates this fluid ‘astral’ dimension where some things seem to be real and some not. Perhaps you could compare it with mask we carry which has very small peep holes into the astral world, and depending on skills these holes are large or small, while the rest of the view is filled with our own imagination (dreams).