ND Challenge 4

I’m not sure if this (has dreams from both yesterday and today, still in the ND Challenge period though) counts as aliens, since it was just a discussed + imagined movie. I didn’t actually see any aliens, except for some False Memories of the trailer.

Not so good recall today though. :neutral:

One dream and one fragment. No aliens unless they were in hiding :razz:

One ND, fragments of another, but no aliens. 15 points.

1 ND yesterday and 1 Fragment today. Ain’t doing so hot right now XDD;

:grin: I did it! First night too! Wow!

Here’s the entry with the alien. Only one ND I am afraid. Still, Task One, Done! :happy:

1 Fragment, 1 ND and 1 LD. The Fragment has a Silence in it (one of Doctor Who’s lovely Aliens), that I was driving away from. Does it count, because it was a fragment? I think it counts. o.o

I’m not going to bother explaining my LD because it was more a nightmare. The ND was to do with driving around and now I’m freaked out by driving again. I’ll see if I have time to type it up.

Edit: I did type it up, here. Though I omitted the LD

Since it was a legitimate alien that you saw I’ll count it. Congrats to Eilatan and Scipio Xaos for completing the task already!

Aha! 4 NDs and 1 Fragment! My dream recall practically skyrocketed overnight! Unfortunately I didn’t dream of any aliens or superheroes. Oh well, there are still plenty of chances for that :smile: As for now, I have a busy day so I’ll get to writing my dreams later today.

EDIT: Oh, in the end I only had 4 NDs, no fragments. I just remembered how the fragment tied with one of the NDs so… yeah. My bad ^-^;;

three fragments

Space but no aliens.

Here’s a ND. Recall’s been bad the past two days.

2 LDs; 30 points.


Bah, been too lazy to care about inducing dreams and so :tongue: someone should induce a dream where Im dashed to start

one dream and one fragment

No aliens … unless the woman was abducted by aliens :tongue:

One dream this time, no aliens, no fragments, no lucidity. :sigh:
I feel like I had a rather eventful night last night, but I forgot it all upon waking I guess. :sad:

Four fragments, no aliens; 20 points.

One more normal non-alien dream from last night.

Here’s an LD / ND mix. Mostly an LD though. Yay!

Two dreams - no aliens :smile:

Well it would seem as though I spoke too soon when I said my recall skyrocketed: I only had so little as a fragment last night :sad:

Fragments are actually only worth 5 points each night, not 5 points each. Just for clarification :smile: