[NDC-X]Normal Dream Challenge 10 - Congratulations Letaali!

Three NDs and one fragment. The fragment was briefly lucid. There was a network of teleport stations around the world, does that count as future technology?

Just the 1LD this morning. (With RC)

Week 4

[spoiler]25/6/2015 - 2ND + 1LD
26/6/2015 - Fragment, 3ND + 1LD + possible task completion
27/6/2015 - Fragment, 2ND
28/6/2015 - 1LD + 1RC

Light sabers + a witch

Week 4

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25.6 2 NDs + 1 fragment
26.6 1 ND + 1 fragment + 1 task
27.6 2 NDs + 1 fragment + 4 late tasks
28.6 1 fragment + 1 task + 1 late task

Sunday. ND with Fantasy task. [community.ld4all.com/t/moogles-quest-part-26/39794/117)
Real Name - it was set in the Once upon a Time world.

06/28/2015 Sunday
2 ND chained

I need to edit the 23rd I misread my journal. change 1 ND to 2 ND chained together.
06/23 - 2 ND with chain

2ND, nothing task related.

Week 4

[spoiler]25/6/2015 - 2ND + 1LD
26/6/2015 - Fragment, 3ND + 1LD + possible task completion
27/6/2015 - Fragment, 2ND
28/6/2015 - 1LD + 1RC
29/6/2015 - 2ND

I performed the classic “knife through the hand” RC, but I was not lucid at any point. FLD I think. Sucks.

Week 4

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25.6 2 NDs + 1 fragment
26.6 1 ND + 1 fragment + 1 task
27.6 2 NDs + 1 fragment + 4 late tasks
28.6 1 fragment + 1 task + 1 late task
29.6 2 NDs + 1 fragment + 1 RC

I just updated my journal with the dreams I have had Between June 10, to June 29 (AKA the time I was absent from the NDC). I apologize for this absence and I dont expect you to read every single dream journal entry. If you would like to read them, they are available here … however here is a quick summary, along with the addition of points. It would be cruel to ask you to do the math because I was absent.

Points Earned By Night
10-11 : 1 Fragment
11-12 : 2 ND , 1 Fragment
12- 13: 2 ND
13-14: 1 ND
14-15: 1 ND
15-16: 1 ND
18-19: 1 ND
19-20: 1 ND
22-23: 1 ND
24-25: 1 ND
25-26: 1 ND + RC
26-27: 4 ND’s
27-28: 1 ND
28-29: 4 ND’s + RC

21 NDs = 210 Points
2 Fragments = 10 points
2 RC = 6 points
TOTAL = 226 points earned between June 10- June 29th[/spoiler]

shudders I will stick with finger through palm :peek:

It was more of a sword really. Also, I was joking. Don’t RC with a knife! :happy: I was sure that I was dreaming so I did it.

^^ Haha Letaali, I see you too like to live dangerously… :happy:

Fragments + 2LD - I brought some demon statues to life, so, task while lucid? Also there were witches in a game (fragment)

Week 4

[spoiler]25/6/2015 - 2ND + 1LD
26/6/2015 - Fragment, 3ND + 1LD + task
27/6/2015 - Fragment, 2ND
28/6/2015 - 1LD + 1RC
29/6/2015 - Fragments + 2ND
30/6/2015 - 2LD +task while lucid[/spoiler]

I am facing an inability of incubate tasks which is making some LDs frustrating.
Also I should be busy for the next few days. Not complaining, just pointing out.

Week 27

[spoiler]2015-06-28 Sunday
5 LDs | 2 DILDs and 2 Chains.

2015-06-29 Monday
1 ND.
2 LDs | 1 RCILD and 1 Chain.

2015-06-30 Tuesday
2 NDs.
1 LD | RCILD.[/spoiler]

Fact: Knife RC is a bad idea for me, because I feel pain in dreams and it’s also possible to get it through the hand IRL… Therefore it could have the same result in both realities.

06/29/2015 2 ND
06/30/2015 2 ND

Have you fused with the blade in waking life? My hand absorbed the “form” of the blade and turned into metal, while I was pushing the knife into it. It was my left hand and it didn’t hurt, but since the handle of the knife was weird, it hurt my right hand. I’ve also started to feel pain in dreams, a fact that I’m not that happy about.

I did the current task. Saw a zombie.

Week 4

Two NDs and two fragments.

The long time travel dream is hard to classify. We used things that certainly isn’t invented yet, and we were consciously trying to invent things. There was a museum, but not really a monument unless the building itself counts (It was quite impressive) It was more science fiction than fantasy, and I guess that doesn’t count. :cool:

:rofl: That counts for future technology.


:shy: A typo. I verified that your total is correct, I just missed typing in the “+1 Late Task”. [size=50]I’m actually keeping track of points in an Excel sheet, which I’ll upload at the end of the challenge.[/size]

As I mentioned in chat, I will count this ghost as a fantasy creature, but I hope we don’t get too much horror rather than fantasy.


Tasks are granted points on a per dream basis, so 1 late task (Future Technology) and 1 late task (Space) for the first dream, and 1 late task (Future Technology) for the second. 3 total.

I believe that falls under the “miracle” category :tongue: I’ll count it as future tech.

I’m not sure I can count this, unless you actually saw/fought the monsters yourself. I’m looking for direct interaction with fantasy characters or creatures.


I’ll read this one later and get back to you.

:neutral: As I said before, I don’t really want to count horror, as most horror creatures are vastly different from their original folk legends. Especially with zombies, which can often be considered sci fi. I’ll think about this one.
[edit](After talking on IRC) Ok, it was more of a lich type of zombie. A human soul bound to dead meat with magic. I will count that as fantasy.[/edit]

It was blue, stitched together from a dead body with a soul attached to it with magic. It was a specific character from a show. If you don’t think it’s fantasy, fine.


I’ll update with everything from Week 4 later.

I saw a city that looked a lot like Minas Tirith, but had a bit of influence from Caldeum and Dalaran. Fantasy setting, right?

In another dream there was fantasy creature that looked like some sort of ape-human boy that had fur, claws and sharp teeth. I’m not sure if it’s from any folklore and you seem to be strict about that so maybe this is nothing…

I also saw a force field and other future devices/gadgets.

Week 4

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25.6 2 NDs + 1 fragment
26.6 1 ND + 1 fragment + 1 task
27.6 2 NDs + 1 fragment + 3 late tasks
28.6 1 fragment + 1 task + 1 late task
29.6 2 NDs + 1 fragment + 1 RC
30.6 2 NDs + 1 fragment + 1 task
1.7 4 NDs + 2 tasks + 1 late task

Finally broke through a 4 day dry spell with 1 ND + 1 Fragment here.