Nightmares... and lack thereof.

I refer to them as the “Shadow people” I have seen them several times in that “grey” area between sleep and awake.

The only nightmare I have ever had is the same one recurring every so often where I am outside a bar called the “Bloody Bucket” and I’m standing on the corner and this guy drives up or comes up behind me and shoots me in the back. The pain feels so real and I wake up with my whole body arched and my head and feet are the only parts left on the bed. I usually am stiff and sore for a week after I have that experience.

I had a nightmare the other night and I’m sure it’s because I’d gone without Effexor for a while (prescription didnt arrive :sad: ) I don’t usually have bad dreams but these are horrible. There’s people everywhere keep pushing me and I can’t get away from them. The whole time I’m panicing, trying to get away from something.

well it wasnt realy like people, more like some liquid coming down the wall…

Hmmm… at least i do not remember having a nightmare recently, whereas i can remember some from the past when i was a little kid. almost all (or all ?) nightmare’s i remember took place in the house my family and i lived in when the nightmare took place.

i know this sound crazy, but i really wish i had nightmares more frequently. i miss the action and emotions in my dreams :sad: they are so boring/strange atm.

the only dream that I can recall is a nightmare I had when i was 4-7 years old,

underneath a red-white-red-white circus tent some scienctest was creating heros, like batman and superman, i kept wanting more and more heros until finally the scienctest sacrifieced himself to feed his hero making machine.

I still kinda feel guilty…

I never have nightmares, I don’t know why. :eh: About half year ago, I made a table of my dreams for a month. Most of them – 90% - included negative emotions, but usually not fear, but embarrassment, pity, perplexity… Even if fear, it was never strong enough to call this a nightmare. Sometimes I dream about stories, which sound scary, like beasts, having run away from a zoo and chasing me in the schoolyard; or nuclear explosions in our town… But I remember them as usual dreams, just more interesting.
The only scary thing about dreams I can remember is what I had at about 13. In that dream I met a very ugly man and offended him some way… He was walking after me, I was hiding from him, and then I woke up. I already saw my room, and now I heard his steps again… Dang, if there had been any step more, I would probably gone mad. There was an idiotic moment I really thought I had brought this guy here from the dream. I think people that thought out “the Nightmare on Elm Street” knew such things too… :grinnn: But I hadn’t seen the film yet, and I didn’t know anything about sleep paralysis and hypnopompic hallucinations and all these things, so I just inserted this moment into a story I was writing that time. So I only derived benefit from it. :grin:


I forgot when I was posting this message, that about two years ago I had three dreams where my parents would fall from the balcony or burned in a gas explosion… It was not like a classical nightmare, because nothing threatened personally me, and I didn’t run and didn’t do anything at all, because nothing could be done… I agree these dreams with other people dying are Really Bad. I would prefer all monsters in the world chasing me than one more such dream… They made me paranoid for long time.

When I was a little kid I saw large, purple blobs that crawled along the ceiling.