The forum is growing so big lately that the current mods cannot keep up anymore. Therefore there are new Mod positions available.
Mod selection has always been done by invitation only - when the current Modteam thinks you are a suitable candidate, you are invited to become a Mod.
However, we now think everybody should have a go, therefore we have decided to give everybody who applies today the mod status. It doesn’t even matter how many posts you have or how long you have been on this forum, everybody can apply.
Applying can by posting a reply in this thread stating: “YES I WANT TO BE A MOD!”
Tomorrow all candidates will receive their stars and the directions to the bathroom.
Me please! I read pretty much the whole forum (except shortcuts, lounge and the evolution thread) every two days. I promise not to make everybody come to me and worship the wikibook .
(That was sincere!)
That sounds like everybody who posts here becomes a mod… surely not what you meant?
Hah! I forgot about that when I was reading the topic… the forum is getting pretty busy though. And even though the post says that everybody gets to be mod, it also says you have to “apply”. If only pasQuale wasn’t dutch
I think this is a great idea. All of the members on ld4all are so well behaved, and it stays so busy. If we are all mods we could easily handle double threads and post, and handle all those 5 page threads that need splitting.
I say hire all the good people while we have them, and then we’ll be able to whoop the bad ones if they ever drop by.
Yes, I most definitely want to be a MOD. I have been experimenting with LD ’ing for a long time. I have read just about every book and visited every forum on this subject that I could find. I also enjoy helping new people explore lucid dreaming. (We help ourselves by helping each other)I have even made believers out of some of my friends who originally thought I was crazy. They are now enjoying there own LD ‘s.