No sleep? No sweat!

thought you might wanna know, tonight im gunna see if i can go a night without sleep using bwgen (theta) to compensate.

According to what I have read (many many different sources), conscious theta is about 4x as restorative as unconscious theta.

Sooo im gunna listen to it for 3hrs, then stay awake all night and see if im tired the next day. If im not then i will try it tommorow aswell. If im still not tired then i will have decided that theta meditation definatly is 4x as restorative, and maybe live my whole life like that (only joking, I would probably die!)


Cool experiment. good luck with that buddy. I would do that tonight but i have finals in school all this week :neutral:

yeah, you should try it some other time though. I would like to hear if it works for someone else.

I have always wanted to try to live without sleep at least for a couple of days. It’s very interesting.
I tried it a lot of times but I haven’t succeeded yet.
Listening theta may help.
When I listened my homemade theta preset with bwgen I felt more relaxed and less need to sleep.
I tried breathing techniques and spiritual things also connected to it and deep meditation.

I have and idea which probably seems a bit crazy.
What if I manage to refresh myself without sleeping for about two days and then try to refresh only with lucid dreams.
Probably it would be very easy then.(Visualization increases, rem deprivation). And then I could live without ordinary sleep.
Only using lucid dreams and conscious meditation.
Why should I loose consciousness during the refreshing process?

What is it? Explain in detail please.

i dont really understand mindfield!
Please elaborate

Definitely very interesting. could you explain a little more?
I think I am going to try going with no sleep really soon. Christmas break is in just a few days, I will probably try then.

You might be able to go without sleep for a few days, maybe even longer, but not PC program is going to remove your need for sleep unfortunately. You tend to hallucinate and have crazy shit happen to you after sleep deprivation of a few days, my Dad experienced hallucinations after 3 days when he was younger. But if you could manage to go without sleep indefinately you would die within a number of weeks. :eek:

i disagree, just bcus its a computer program doesnt mean it is useless. Theta meditation is known to compensate for sleep. In fact some yogi dont ever sleep, and use a form of yoga called yoga nidra instead, many of them have not slept for years and are perfectly healthy.

Sorry for being complicate.
I don’t think we could live withouth sleeping if sleeping means restoration and refreshing.
I think we could live withouth loosing consciousness.
And I think the following:
-The need for REM sleep can be statisfied with LD.
-The problem is that you cannot enter REM immediately.
-If you lack sleep for a while(24-48 days), then you could enter REM almost immediately
-LD-s WILD and MILD can become very easy.
-High possibility of entering LD immediately. You don’t loose consciousness and still restoring.(I also think LD-s are very restorative)
-One problem remains:the need for deep sleep,deep theta and delta waves etc.
-This can be replaced with conscious meditation and meditation during LD.
-Conscious and deep meditation becomes very easy also(I tried this one) because you have a lot of chemicals in the brain that helps it.
-You continue to live this way.
Trying is still in progress. :smile:
After an unsuccesful trynig I usually don’t try it for about 3-4 weeks.

The main cause of failure is:I simply fell asleep :crying:.
I didn’t reach the “jumping point” where LD becomes so easy.

But now I will have a lot of spare time to try.

1984 wrote:

Of course I don’t want to die. Thoose who show serious sleep deprivation symptomes usually don’t try to replace the old style sleep with anything. They work or learn, drink a lot of coffe etc. Theese are of course mess up with the recreation system of the body. You just use energy and don’t recieve.

ahhh, i see mindfield. Yeah good idea. But Once you have compensated for REM sleep, then the tiredness you used to enter this state has gone and your back to square one. Unless you mean that you dont sleep for 24-48Hrs continuosly as part of the schedule, not just as an introduction, which might work, im not really sure.

Anyway, good idea, and BTW i decided not to try the experiment as I was meeting my friends at 12 so i didnt want to be too tired or oversleep.

If someone else could try it aswell that would be gr8.

Maybe I will post it in the Lucid laboritory, except its not really about LDing. Oh well.

I’d do it, but I wouldn’t be able to. No headphones…and plus I’ve already found out that my limit is 4 days without sleep.

So I’m just showing my confidence in you.


Don´t forget that sleeping…is the best way to dream.

was ur maximum of 4 days with any alternative restoration
An im glad you have confidence, it is well placed i assure you

Don’t go too long, or the lack of REM will kill you…

there is no lack of REM thats the point

When you reach the point and manage to sleep for about 30-40 min REM(of course by LD :smile: ) You will be refreshed only to a few hours(you can still be very refreshed just not for 12 hours) Then you can have your next dose of LD:).
And while doing this you can add meditation and to get deep sleep.
Meditate for example 10 min.
I think the extra “REM” you got won’t go away right after the first lucid napping.
I think that somehow the recreation process can be stablized to fit this new circle at least for months(or longer…). This is something like polyphasic sleeping mixed with LD-s, meditation and ideas I have to use them the best way to get rid of the annoying consciousness loss.
I can imagine a lot of variations. For example somebody get so trained to keep himself conscious that he can sleep the whole night in LD and meditation. Then because he didn’t loose his consciousness he becomes more trained in that and can do it again.
This time he can leave the naps and sleep again whole nights but lucidly.

i ahve mild (relatively) insomnia, so do u think that would help stay conscious??

I think no. It can “help”(cause) you to stay awake but not conscious. Because insomnia often caused by something annoying feeling or thought. It remains in the mind, your attention is fixed on it and it doesn’t let you sleep.
Trying to sleep very hard can also cause it.
And if you have such type of insomnia then it can obstruct meditation and WILD.

Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t mean to imply that it was useless, just that it cannot remove your need for sleep. As for the Yogi thing, I think that’s a load of bull, they are human just like everyone else, and without sleep they would die, however fancy, mystical and eastern their techniques are. But, if you believe in this, or maybe have even seen the evidence for this, then that’s obviously up to you.