None believer causin trouble

Hey i ust thought id bring up this story of sumin that happened to me today. I was in one of my classes talkin to this guy i know and sumhow i brought up Lucid Dreams and he asked wut they were so i told him and he starts makin this huge argument with me about them he was lik “bla bla bla i ur asleep ur unconscience and you cant be conscience and unconscience at the same time bla bla bla bla theres no way to come in contact wit ur subconscience bla bla bla bla its impossible stop smokin pot b4 you go to bed you got problems, why are you makin up these stupid lies you can’t control dreams bla bla bla” Anyway no matter wut i tried t do to convince this guy he just went on and on callin me a pot head and sayin i was crazy and stuff. So i just laughed at him and walked away knowing wut he was missing out on. Any1 got any advice for me on how i can make him unerstand? i mean even if he was bein an a**hole no1 should miss out on LDs (plus i wanna hear him say “you were right i was wrong” or sum form of that)

Give him LaBerge’s scientificle article on his research (including his scientifical prove of LDing) you can find here:

Look, this is one of the strongest and most convincing scientific proofs I have ever seen. Person dreams, is in REM and can still communicate to outside world with eye-movements. Brilliant!

So much better than all the parapsychological research I know.

However, I’m afraid the guy is just not open to anything, even not scientific proof. He doesn’t believe it simply because it sounds strange, only the experience itself could change his mind.

Some people has got big egos and are not open to new ideas.There is no way to convince them and i think there is no need.By wanting him to admit he was wrong you are feeding your ego,making yourself close to his.:sad:
Different things matters for different people and i dont think anyone should be convincing anyone to anything.
Its not to you personally Trigpoe,but the world goes through so many troubles because people trying to convince others that their way is better than their way.Religions base on this,politics base on this.All the murders and killings base on this belief.
Everyones different,let them go their own way
Just stand your happy thats not you whos “missing out”,be happy for your knowledge…i think thats the only way:)
take care:).

My advice would be to let yourself not convince him how “wrong” he is because it is impossible to control what another person believes. You cannot make another person “understand” that what you want him to understand, even if you punish them with the worst in Chinese torture techniques, you cannot brainwash them. P.O.W’s will prove this statement to be fact. Although you can influence, you cannot brainwash.

He may be “missing out” on the reality of lucid dreaming, but what are YOU “missing out” on as your focus is on changing another person’s opinion, or “understanding,” This is a circle of energy, which you will forever perpetuate.

Okay, well my first thought was to direct him to this site, but not if he’s going to be an idiot. It’s his loss and he’s probably too closed minded to have the brain capacity to have LDs, let alone believe that they exist.

well said guys, especially u jack. I think i will just leave him alone. And i was only joking about wanting him to admit he was wrong i really dont care on things like that i just thought itd be funny. But yeah i just wont bring it up around him again and if he brings it up ill just mention if he wants to find out for himself he should search on the web.

F*ck It! Let him find out the hard way, when its too late :happy:

He’s a WITCH! Burrrrrrrrrrrrrn himmmmmmmmmmmmm!

Eat his brrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnns! :grrr:

Drown him and see if he SINKS, if he floats he’s a Witch!!!Kill him!!! :cool_laugh:

Wow! Calm down guys. :eek:

Have you thought about talking to someone both you/he mutually know and telling them about it?

Two people backing it up is always a convincing argument! And you get to introduce another LD’er… :content:

Another Infidel, Burn the Witch!!! :confused:neak: :confused:neaksneak: :sly: :uptosomething: :evil: :devil:

I think Jack’s got a good thing going there. Deffinitely want to avoid wasting everyone’s time trying to convince him. Though it might be a good idea to give him LaBerge’s write up as BrainHacker suggested… just to attempt to make the breakthrough… I wouldn’t do much more than that. If he keeps pushing his negative opinion just make a facade of giving in. “Fine you’re right. I’m tired of talking about it.”

Affect the people you can… introduce it to those who are open to it. Otherwise… let it be.

From your argument it doesn’t sound like this guy is closed minded. Juding from the “You cant be concouse when your unconouse.” part, it sounds like he just doesn’t know what he’s talking about. I would do what the others have said and give him some hard evidence like this article. If he still doesn’t beleive, let him not believe. His loss, right?

Well said Jack

Some ppl are believers in none believing and others are believers in believing…lol!
Well do what Brainhacker said…maybe that will not even help…u can always say he is a believer because he is to lazy to do research what the truth is here.


Its funny that this subject is still going. But I actually tried to explain and tell my friends about it, and they understand what i am trying to get across and certian examples of it can be controlled. But I am not taken as serious as the subject could be. They just make stupid comments of it and this web site. I figure right now, dreaming and experimenting with your dreams can be the coolest thing possilbe to do for your own sort of entertainment. I figure i can have other people to talk to in person,and talk about of how deep that they can go within them self. Not that this web site isnt good enough or anything, but it would be cooler if i had someone that i really can relate to can understand exaclty what i am going through or what i am trying to accomplish. I guess i should just stick with my dream journal. But otherwise its their lost!

True Hubbs…very true…

We all need pl we can relate to and share our opinions with in real live…and a dream journal is a good substitute 4 that.

(or clone yourself…joke :happy: )



I fully agree with you… I don’t think I know anyone I can seriously talk with about LDing. Maybe… well, no.

I occasionally tell my friends about it, but I guess nobody could properly understand unless they either do some research themselves, or can initially relate to the idea, perhaps from personal experience.

That’s why I spend so much time here. :content:

Discussing the topic with other people practised in the art (Or at least trying) is just so much more satisfying that taking the endeavour yourself. Reading every article on the internet is one thing, but talking with people who also share the level of interest that I do, is much more exciting.

While I’m on the subject, everyone should spend more time in the chatroom! Specifically, between the hours of 5 and 10pm (GMT + 10) :cool_laugh:

Hope to see you all there.

Well iam lucky i have friends i can tell about my lucid dreams and experiments!
Although none of them experienced a ld ever, and they are not really interested to get lds for themselves…

I never met someone in real live (except Hypnodude) who is in lds…

