Odd words in dreams

See, the weird thing about it was that at the time it really didn’t seem to mean anything. My friend was writing the word 'below" and got to B E… and then just sort of went in another direction entirely. She actually wrote “bevalent,” but I decided that she had spelled it wrong and must have mean bivalent. It sort of made sense… :neutral:

“Weinerdribble” and “pugglesworth” :eek:

Huey, your words remind me of Roald Dahl’s books so much!

Anyway, I had an interesting one today. “Fongy.” It was the nickname of a guy called Mahogany (which I think is a really cool name in itself), so it sort of sounded similar. However, I have a hunch that Fongy must have come from this guy, Dr. Fong, that’s been in the news a lot for the last week.

Weird…just…weird. :neutral:

lol that sounds like a slang word for masturbation

[mod]usage removed to keep the post within forum guidelines :moogle: [/mod]

:happy: Hey! I thought something sorta the same :lol:


Augsus- In my dream it referred to one of several large copper chambers surrounding an ancient tomb, each is sealed airtight and has a crude illustration engraved onto the lid…Weird huh? :confused:

Another weird word… Quoting my own DJ:

Also, the name of the mountains I supposedly have to go to find my Guardian Spirit: Yoge Mountains

“Cij’e” and “Ouju” as scents. (It was a recent post in my DJ…too lazy to post link or details.)

“rubbers day” in this morning’s dream was apparently referring to bubble wrap. :eh:

On the topic of scents, there was one particularly vivid dream I had last year that included a bottle of perfume labelled “Apollo”. :content:

A few nights ago I remembered a dream in which the sentence “Quornilous jellied bees” played a prominent role.

I don’t think quornilous is an actual word, but it really should be.

It meant something like ‘sage, wise, occult or magical’. I imagine that this may have been a dream-corruption of the name ‘Cornelius’, as I have always considered that name to have similar connotations.

I once had a dream back in seventh grade , that my math teacher said “today we’re learning about centennial numbers!” , I never heard that word before , and I think it has something to do with 100’s , because cent is 100 in french , and century is 100 years.

This is interesting. Its never happened as just a word before, but one time I woke up saying the sentence (in my head) The fifth incarnation of Buddha.

I didn’t even know Buddha incarnated but apparently Hindus believe that he has incarnated ten times. Each incarnation has a lesson to learn from it. I think they are more like fables.

The fifth incarnation of Buddha teaches about money and being greedy. The strange thing about it is that I have huge problems with money. So I’ve tried to learn from it. I figured that was the reason it was given to me.

i cba to read the read of the topic and go back to quote this, but “bivalent” is the chemical terminology for an ion that has to share or swap 2 electrons in order to exist.

oxygen, sulphate, and magnesium are all examples.

Gah, thank you for reminding me. Except not.
I had a dream somewhat recently where I heard a word. It was somebody’s… last?.. name, and I remember it seeming of dire importance. When I woke up, I rushed to my computer and Googled it. No results, of course. But now I can’t remember the name so I can ask my subconscious. >_<

My dream of last night included a ‘‘green bean counter’’. It looked like some sort of mace. :eh:

After a while I realized that it’s also something to do with biology which I don’t remember exactly, possibly something about chromosomes pairing up in meiosis? I dunno, school’s over now and I no longer need to remember such things.

Anyway, I just got back from a week-long mission trip type thing to Tennesee. We went to sleep at midnight on friday, got up at five this morning, and were driving home by five thirty.

Well, I tried to go to sleep at least a little (I pretty much can’t fall asleep uless everything is dark and quiet and not involving me being shoved in a van), and most of what I managed was a bunch of little five-minute sleep fragments. In one of them I dreamed that I was standing in front of the house our group had been repairing, and this kid J was telling me that they had a Giraticute on their porch.

A Giraticute. It was pronounced with the soft G sound like “Girondist” and probably some other French words I don’t remember at the moment, and in the context of the dream it meant “a gargoyle that looks like a cat.” :eh:

i think, in dreams, the meaning in the dream is more important that the actual syllables of the word.

For some reason that sounds to me like it’s the name of a Pokemon. :lol:

Anyway, since Rodrigo asked so nicely, my latest addition to this topic is the “Blowworm”, a strange lopsided/twisted insect with severely hampered movement. I’m not sure whether all blowworms were supposed to look like that, or whether this particular one had just been severely mutated, but I had to feel sorry for the poor thing. :sad: