Online Chakra Test - Part II

Root: open (19%)
Sacral: open (31%)
Navel: under-active (6%)
Heart: open (31%)
Throat: over-active (69%)
Third Eye: open (38%)
Crown: open (31%)

Navel closed and throat overactive? :woah: I barely talk IRL except in social situations :tongue:

Same here, except my Navel and Throat were overactive. :yes:

Root: open (31%)
Sacral: open (44%)
Navel: open (44%)
Heart: open (50%)
Throat: open (44%)
Third Eye:open (69%)
Crown: open (50%)
well thats about right

Root: under-active (0%)
Sacral: over-active (81%)
Navel: under-active (6%)
Heart: open (50%)
Throat: over-active (88%)
Third Eye: open (56%)
Crown: open (50%)
Intersting…I’ll check what that means…

Root: under-active (-44%)
Sacral: under-active (-19%)
Navel: over-active (69%)
Heart: under-active (-62%)
Throat: open (31%)
Third Eye: open (44%)
Crown: under-active (0%)

Hmmm, seems accurate o_O

~ 1 Month ago.

Root: under-active -69%
Sacral: under-active -69%
Navel: open 0%
Heart: under-active -75%
Throat: open 12%
Third Eye: open 31%
Crown: under-active -12%


Root: under-active -88%
Sacral: under-active -62%
Navel: under-active -19%
Heart: under-active -81%
Throat: open 6%
Third Eye: open 44%
Crown: under-active -25%

Great… I seem to have answered all the questions and this is the result I get?!


:bored: Sucks.

You should try again when you have more time.

If they’re at all related to your results from the Personality Disorder test, I would expect to see a lot of negatives, excluding the third eye.

A month or two later, now that I’m feeling better…

Root: open (31%)
[color=red]v[/color][color=orange]Sacral: under-active (0%)[/color]
[color=green][2]Navel: open (69%)
[color=green][3]Heart: open (44%)
[color=red]v[/color]Throat: open (62%)
[color=green][4][color=blue]Third Eye: over-active (88%)[/color]
[color=green][5]Crown: open (69%)

  1. /color ↩︎

  2. /color ↩︎

  3. /color ↩︎

  4. /color ↩︎

  5. /color ↩︎

Half a month later:

Root: under-active (-75%)
Sacral: under-active (-31%)
Navel: under-active (-19%)
Heart: under-active (-44%)
Throat: open (25%)
Third Eye: open (56%)
Crown: under-active (-6%)

Getting better.

Root: open (25%)
Sacral: open (25%)
Navel: open (50%)
Heart: open (44%)
Throat: open (56%)
Third Eye:open (50%)
Crown: open (38%)

Interesting results, to say the least.

Wow seems like you everything pretty balanced!

Surprised me as well. Especially with me being only 14 and all, it didn’t seem very likely. I took it twice, and got the same results, about.

Root: under-active (-25%)
Sacral: under-active (-12%)
Navel: under-active (-25%)
Heart: under-active (0%)
Throat: open (25%)
Third Eye: open (12%)
Crown: open (25%)

Interesting! :razz:

Root: under-active (19%)
Sacral: open (31%)
Navel: open (38%)
Heart: open (69%)
Throat: over-active(81%)
Third Eye: open (50%)
Crown: open (56%)


Root: open (31%)
Sacral: under-active (12%)
Navel: under-active (0%)
Heart: open (31%)
Throat: over-active (81%)
Third Eye: over-active (88%)
Crown: open (50%)

Just did it…

Root: open (38%)
Sacral: under-active (-50%)
Navel: open (19%)
Heart: under-active (-31%)
Throat: open (50%)
Third Eye: over-active (62%)
Crown: under-active (-50%)


Root: under-active (-19%)
Sacral: under-active (-56%)
Navel: under-active (-25%)
Heart: under-active (-56%)
Throat: open (12%)
Third Eye: over-active (81%)
Crown: open (50%)

I don’t really care about these results. Mostly because i don’t believe they can be summed up with a few dozen questions answerable in some 5 minutes.

Root: open (44%)
Sacral: open (44%)
Navel: open (56%)
Heart: open (62%)
Throat: over-active (75%)
Third Eye: open (62%)
Crown: open (69%)

Hey, nothing is under-active this time, although the throat is still over-active. Yet as one member said, you cant really tell about the state of your spirit’s energies from a bunch of questions. This is just for fun. :content:

Some years ago since I did this test:

Root: open (19%)
Sacral: open (25%)
Navel: open (25%)
Heart: open (50%)
Throat: open (38%)
Third Eye: over-active (69%)
Crown: over-active (81%)

Now this is interesting, I didnt know that my top chakras are overactive :razz:

Edit: Historical results of my chakras appended: