yeah, I read them, but I’m still unsure how the “snooze feature” operates.
I sent a PM to Reyth but haven’t received a response.
yeah, I read them, but I’m still unsure how the “snooze feature” operates.
I sent a PM to Reyth but haven’t received a response.
They are kind of expensive, I am struggling with Lucid dreaming after having a couple about 2 months ago I haven’t had one since. How useful/worthwhile do you think dream-masks are?
Moved from Quest for Lucidity.
Well, I think it varies with each person, some it helps, some it doesn’t. I personally have never tried one. I suggest to keep trying with the some methodes that are on ld4all. Then after awhile, still no luck, I suggest reading up on them more. Then decide if you really want to spend the extra money.
In the end it’s up to you, if you think it will help you or not.
Well, that’s my 2 cents, feel free to correct me if i’m wrong on anything.
I have a question too.
What is a dream mask? Is it the same thing as a sleep mask?
I say tough it out, your able to have an LD normally just keep trying.
Firstly, welcome to the community, Drifter.
I would wait a bit longer before deciding to invest in a Dream Mask, but I’ve heard good things about them. The Novadreamer is supposed to be the best one. They work, it’s just that they can be rendered unnecessary once you improve at Lucid Dreaming.
I’ve heard that sometimes they don’t do what they are supposed to. The dreaming brain can improvise and make you think that the signals are coming from your dream. For instance, if you have it set to go off by blinking red lights, your dream may place a police car there, and you’ll completely miss the sign.
thanks for the advice, I’ve sort of heard mixed things about them but I think I will just keep training for now and maybe look back into it in the future.
from what i hear that could be part of the trick. if you saw the red flashing lights, and the brain made it a cop car where there wodent be one, for example inside a house, you might relizes you are dreaming.
I understand that there is a new model of the Rem-Dreamer available, with improved features. It has rotary switchs instead of dip-switches so should be easier to configure. Sells for 170 Euro according to their site.
Has anyone tried one of these, and with what success?
Where’s the link? Thanks.
google it, it is the first link.
Ouch, thats around $212.00 USD isnt it?
ya im not getting one
That’s too much money for something that may or may not work. If they had a money back guarantee or if anyone has had impressive results with it I would seriously consider it.
Eventually someone will come out with a perfect device that works every time, until then it’s almost like gambling with 200 bucks when you get these nova dreamer rip-offs.
Holy guacamole…
That crap’s expensive.
Might try and convince my family to get me one for Christmas
I may never see that kind of money
i’m still keeping it natural…
Hi, I have killer dream recall and have been trying different methods to have a lucid dream-- all unsuccessfully. I purchased a nova dreamer-- but haven’t seen any lights yet. I’ve had it 2 nights, and am toying around w/ the sensitivity settings. Does anybody know a way to test the rem detection? I don’t have any problem w/ the uncomfortable factor, but am wondering why I haven’t seen any lights even during the highest sensitivity and deepest sleep mode. The thing is virtually brand new— it was sitting in it’s original box on a shelf for year. Any help is appreciated. THank you
well if there is a way to make it flash like a test for the lights, just see if you can see the lights when doing that. but i think for the money it is not worth it.
From what I hear, sometimes the lights will be incorporated into the dream. For example, if you’re dreaming that you’re walking on a road then the lights may appear as the headlights as a car.