Pain limit

A very strange experiement indeed!
I would be very careful with this experiement of hurting yourself while dreaming. There may be a psychic impression left on your physical body upon awakening that can possibly leave your physical body in pain. I suggest you tell yourself in your LD that whatever experiments you make involving pain will not hurt your physical waking body.
Good luck!

All I can say is be 150% sure that you are dreaming!!!

good luck!

(toothpick under toenail then kick a soccar ball as hard as possable. I think that was in one of those 'Which is Worse" things. I didn’t think of it myself)

the most painful thing i did in a dream was run into a wall, and i wasn’t really planning on it hurting…

it was extremely intense…

i’ve done some of those other acts and they don’t really compare.

Maybe try to rip of your skin, and touch it with some nails :eh:
But evrybody’s right, you feel that you expect…

AAHH that sticking a toothpic under the toenail one really got me. im sitting here cringing at the the thought :eek:
Crazy idea though. I guess some people need some crazy stuff to do to keep themselves entertained in a LD

Hmm, most of the time I don´t feel pain in my dreams. I only remember two occasion:

First time was when I tried to fly through a wall. The wall wasn´t exactly solid, but not like air either. Perhaps a bit like a VERY thick liquid. I slowly pressed myself through, and for a moment I felt a painful pressure in my head. Wasn´t very strong, though.

Second time was when I was running through a garden. There were some trees and the twigs beat my face. I was rather happy about that (“cool, how real that dream is…”) yet had to slow down a bit

Well the only time i’ve ever felt pain in a dream was in a non-LD. i got stabbed in the heart with a sword, it hurt like heck but when i woke up i just had an uncomfortable feeling on my chest. another thing you could do is jump out of a plane without a parashoot onto a giant needle. :bored:

Errr did anybody try this stuff and if so what were the results. I really would like the results.

my brother woke up last week and cried for like an hour before he shut up. this was at 2 am.
he said his ear hurt but there wasn’t anything and the next day he didn’t feel anything.
i think he was dreaming.

i stuck a knife in my arm and it didnt hurt that bad but the pain incresed and increased and wouldnt stop so i had to wake myself

:eek: I just involantaraily grabbed my big toe… :eek:

Wow, there should me a masochism sub-forum just for you guys! This is all so sick!!! Why waste a lucid dream inflicting pain on your self when you could be:

  1. Flying!
  2. Having SEX!!!
  3. Teasing those wacky DC’s!
  4. Having SEX!!!
  5. Finding out more about yourself from your Spirit Guide
  6. HAVING SEX!!!

I had a dream once that some evil guy was ripping my heart out and it was incredibly bad. It didn’t really hurt but I could see everything vividly and I had a stinging sensation. There were veins still attached to it and it was still beating :eek: and I was screaming and stuff. From what I can remember, he bit off those veins and ran away with it.

He took the heart away with him to some evil temple. All of this took place in my bathroom, btw. I died there, in the bathtub, and after I died I became Undead and went to kill him. I could still feel the stings. I went deep into the temple and killed him :happy: it was a really epic and vivid dream, almost like a story.

I think doing these things to yourself might be interesting in a dream. As soon as I learn to get lucid enough, I will try to commit sepuku :happy:

the toenail-toothpick thing is horrible, I wouldn’t do that, and I wouldn’t stick it in my eye or ear either. I’m more of a “cut” kind of guy :happy: I think it’s better in a dream, if you have a swordfight or gunfight with someone, to make it as realistically painfull as possible.

Best. List. Ever.

#3 doens’t seem that fun to me compairing to having super powers, but #5 does seem intresting, to know yourself trough lucidy…

Oh, #2 - #4 and #6 allso seem fun lol :content:

Just from the process of reading this post my stomach starts feeling bad and I feel pain in my big toe

EDIT- a few minutes later: still feeling pain

:eek: that sounded exciting. I love story-like dreams.

whispa also can’t stop imagining the toothpick under toe-nail thing :bored:
I’d hate to put on false nails as the thought of anything touching the bottom of my nails (near the root) makes me feel uncomfortable.

I had an LD last night where I was flying and I “deliberately” :cool: landed in a rose thron bush, and that hurt alot but not as much as real life, and the pain wasn’t really hurting, just had random throbbing

I just don’t feel pain in dreams. I’ve been:

-Ripped apart by a giant croc
-Smashed in the eye with a broom
-Hit by several speeding cars one-after-another
-Crushed in the paddlewheel of a boat
-Mauled by a tiger
-Torn apart by a werewolf
-Shot in the leg with a shotgun
-Beaten by an android (mind you, every part of the android was metal)

That’s about all I can think of…but no pain, nonetheless.

Try slicing your gums with a jagged piece of glass or ripping your stomach open by your belly button using just your hands…I cringe just thinking about it. :content:

shivers madly Me no likey pain… not at all… I’m not a risk taker, let’s put it that way. (even in a dream where nothing can possibly happen) The worst I’ve had has been a scraped knee. Usually it’s everyone else getting hurt, I’m the hero to the rescue! :happy:

barfs and shakes uncontrolably