Pain limit

I do feel pain in dreams and after I wake up. When I had my daily nightmares—you guys are going to hear lots of stories about that time, because these were the most vivid dreams I’ve ever had; they are as fresh in my memory as my first kiss or my last birthday party, which kicked ass. Anyway—when I had my daily nightmares problem, I was once tortured. The girl had a knife with which se would draw lines in my chest over and over. It took a while till I started bleeding, and I didn’t bleed much (but in my dreams, even the most violent ones, there isn’t usually much blood), but I woke up feeling every inch of my chest burn of pain, and I even had a headache. I don’t know if this info can help your… sort-of saddistic study, but that’s what I have to offer.

You know that quick release lever just below your neck? Pull that then drop kick your head into space and feel your eyes pop out :happy:

Chop off your head and chuck it in the fire! :ebil:

@Inch: I now officially fear you. :happy:

Cool :smile:

hmm, i never feel pain in my dreams. its just like my whole body is numb, thats why pinching my own cheeck is the best RC for me :open_mouth:

lol whatever, im going to try this next time i have a LD :>

My dreams have been slightly more violent recently. In the last few months, I’ve:

1.Been bitten on the arm by a shark(a very small shark, but still…).
2. Been shot in the back with a silver cable hook.
3. Had my throat slit with a knife.

The first two hurt mildly, but the third didn’t hurt at all. Actually, I was very calm about the whole thing, I think - I just mopped up the blood and got on with it.

if you really really want to feel pain in a dream, visit mine. i think i have some railguns stashed away from last time i found someone less than nice in them. i’ll remember to keep a fresh stock of incendiary grenades for you guys, too. ooh! and lets not forget one of my personal favorites: a stinkbomb with the last 10 years worth of biohazard materials from Fooker’s apt. that stuff is strong enough to melt a tank :cool:

Last night I had a LD and tried it out. Must have been low level or something or I’d never even consider it. :content: I stood on top of multistory house and made it fall over, crushing myself. Surprisingly it was fun and I repeated it. :razz:

I find pain in drams varies ALOT for me such as

  • One LD I had I was climbing a thin chain and it really hurt my hands.
  • While in another dream I got shot and just felt a slight rush of adrenalin and a little numb/tingly sensation.

I think you don’t necessarily have to feel pain. I often jump from high places, even in non-LD, without getting hurt. Once I performed surgery on myself (I think I have, maybe I just want to) and it didn’t hurt. If you want it not to hurt I don’t think it will. If you want to be invinciible in dreams, then you are.

I know in a recent dream I got stabbed to the bone in my forearm by a serated hunting knife and then blown up with my arm getting blown off (then growing back), but I didn’t feel any bit of it (but strangely, I can feel everything else in a dream) :wink:.

Would you prefer to feel pain in your dreams–you know, to make them more real? Or are you content with pain being non-existant? :neutral:

I think in certain situations, I’d prefer to be able to feel pain because I could inflict certain pain on myself and become accustomed to it, that way if it ever happened in real life I’d have a certain amount of numbness to the pain (not sure if that would work, though…).

I don’t know why anybody in their right mind would WANT to feel pain in their dreams, let alone inflict it on themselves. True, sometimes we need pain to warn us that we’re being damaged (ie, if you spill boiling water on your foot, the pain warns you it’s there so that you can get rid of it ASAP as opposed to leaving it there for it to get worse), but there’s something highly disturbing about people who want to hurt themselves…

Here’s what I believe.

I find pain almost unbearable, when I THINK it’s unbearable, and eventually after I wake up and think. I realize it was thought all after all! So pain is thought in dreams, same with everything else in dreams, your not real in dreams! Your surroundings, and props are not real, they are figments of your imagination that you think are real, so there for it is real… :eh: lol

I read this thread and it got me thinking… I dont remember experiencing pain in a dream.

I pondered this thought while falling alseep a few weeks ago. And that night I ended up having a dream where I had bloody nose for no reason and then sinus pain followed. That kept escalating by the second. I will spare you the details but the pain kept getting worse until I finally awoke and only then did the pain start to go away. I watched the clock and it took 3 full minutes before the pain was gone.

Atleast I know I’ve experienced pain in a dream…thanks to this thread.

Quick side note, I also read the gun thread about getting shot in dreams, I didnt rememeber any guns in my dreams either. Now ive been shot at too! Although i havnt been hit yet!

I saw a thread titled about dying in dreams… i didnt read it becuase i dont think im prepared for death just yet. hah

“there’s something highly disturbing about people who want to hurt themselves…”
I agree with that unless the person hurting themself is sick in the mind, which happens sometimes.
And no offence, but I don’t think you understood what Domi Li was trying to say. He only wanted to feel pain in his dreams (where it doesnt matter what happens) so that IRL he might be less sensitive to pain. So really he is trying to prevent pain. But, like you said, we do need to feel pain as a warning, so messing with how how feel pain wouldn’t be a good idea.

Try jumping onto a freeway and letting all the trucks and cars have their way with you, that would be fun.

No, I did understand what was meant. But I disagree with the idea that it doesn’t matter what happens in a dream. I think it matters quite a lot, in fact, especially if you’re aware what you’re doing. For example, if you were in a lucid dream in which everything including pain was extremely vivid, surely it would seem “real”, despite you knowing it isn’t. In that case, what is the difference whether you get hurt in the dream or in real life? One may not be permanent, but both (if the pain-inflicting was successful) would cause you agony at the time, and probably emotional distress such as the type some people get from nightmares, or perhaps even real injuries. I wouldn’t wish pain on anybody, in dreams or otherwise - I’d much rather protect them from it!

Me neither. But the same thing happened to me. Before I read that gun topic, I’d never dreamed of a gun or being shot. But since then I’ve both dreamed of a gun (though it didn’t do anything) AND being shot in the back (not from a gun, though). Once the idea gets in your head, it seems to be easier to dream of it, I think!

I’ve experienced a few different pains but a lot of the time now they don’t even hurt though they are scary in the sense it seems so real. Arm being cut off, stabbed in the chest, being shot in various places, falling from a building and cratering, and the strangest one yet exploding in some sort of confusing desert war where i then began slowly moving as a pile of splattered organs and freely running around later.

strangely, this is something that I had been thinking too some time ago… I would be curious to dream of being tortured, both to know how acute pain would feel in a dream and also to see how much I can stand. I know this might sound crazy or insane but i think it’s very interesting.