Pain limit

I’ve been trying to do some sick **** to myself in lucid dreams. Mostly stuff that I’ve been wondering about the pain factors of. Here’s my goal list:

1.) Bake myself in an oven.
2.) Chain myself inside a tub and use a DC to fill the tub with boiling/scalding hot water.
3.) Rip my stomach out and pour the gastric(?) acid on my face.
4.) Run myself through a big dream blender.
5.) Inject different drugs into my eyes.
6.) Chain myself to a crane and have a DC lower me slowly into a pool of acid
7.) Get slowly compacted into a 2x2 inch cube.
8.) Run myself through a humongous dream shredder.
9.) Have my skin peeled off with insanely hot tongs.
10.) Slowly rot away in a tight box.
11.) Make everything slow-mo and get Drawn and Quartered.
12.) Slow-mo everything and then do that thing where they tie each one of your limbs to a horse and then fire a gun, scaring the horse into running in their 4 opposite directions. The end result is you getting ripped apart.

And really, any of the stuff on Rotten would be good to try, but I think 12 is enough.

I have a good one, how about starving to death in a pool of your own bodily fluids and other excrements? It would be painful, embarassing and completely unpleasant, just like the time in an ld i peed myself, and woke up thinking i really had. but i hadn’t.

My first and only LD I’ve had, for some reason I decided to see what it would be like to be run over by an 18 wheeler truck. At this point I was starting to lose my lucidity so it wasn’t exactly a free choice but as soon as I started to get run over I could feel the wheels and a bit of pressure, nothing painful though, then it woke me up…or at least I thought it did but it actually turned out to be a FA and I realized that it was and became lucid again! I must admit I was pretty happy about all that concidering it was my first LD

:uh: I should try some of this stuff…in a dream, that is :wink:.

I’ve had a lot of crazy stuff happen to me–like had my head popped like a grape by the Incredible Hulk, and this one dream where The Cat in the Hat and a huge 50 Cent (not a fan, BTW) split me like a wishbone…it was weird…

As Horrible as this sounds I will definetly try too remeber too try it… Here are some more

  1. Swallowing Razorblades
  2. Power Drill through esophagus
  3. Breaking Fingers
  4. Breaking Jaw(By Seperating uper from lower)

Ughhh…this is going too suck.

Skin myself, chop off all my arms and legs, and jump into a large vat of boiling lemon juice. That way the stinging/buring pain will accomadate the fact that I can’t swim without any extemities, so I’ll start to drown as well.

If you mean in real life, then some people do it because it releases endorphines which makes you feel good without the use of drugs. Same thing applies to people who do certain extreme sports or activities, they do it for the rush.
I myself doubt i could ever do such a thing to my own body, but i do understand that some people do it.

Circumcision with a serated hunting knife or jagged piece of glass… :wam:

heheh… I’m very disturbed.

What I find really disturbing is getting a dream of being cut and waking up with a scar. I have one faint scar still on my chest. I have no idea how it happened but it was freaky when I saw it. My hands also have a lot of scars from dreams. I know it wasn’t my cats because I locked the door.

How about putting your tongue on the running blade of a chain saw. Or putting a needle into your puple.

According to the new rules “Please refrain from posting […]extremely violent and/or tasteless posts”, I think I will lock this thread. By the way, I think you have interesting ideas in it enough in order to continue your experiment for years. :wink: