Maybe find a friend who can perform hypnosis for you? That way you have the trust and no commercialism.
LOL! I don’t have a friend who would know how or would not think I’m crazy for asking but thanks. I think boundaries are better when you go to a professional.
It’s probably better that way…I hypnotyized my friends once…I made one go on an acid trip and the other went hysterical with laughter over a brown spot on our living room wall
I would advise against having friends hypnotize you to past lives if they don’t know what they are doing.
I’ve hypnotized 2 friends that way - i always made sure to give the instruction to go to a nice live (so no trauma’s attached) - but if you don’t know what you are doing the person you hypnotize may encounter something traumatic and you need to know how to handle that when that occurs.
nb: lol josh
If you find no one, and you wish to try hypnosis, buy a book on self hypnosis, or browse some reputable websites on it (but a book might be better).
Well, because I am one to believe in guides and this flier I have just appeared when I needed it, I decided to schedule a session to help me quit smoking and see how that goes with this lady and then maybe try PLR. Her info says that you are aware the whole time. That the hypnotist is just a guide to place someone in a deep state of relaxation and awareness and then the person does the work themselves. How can that be?
yup that’s true, you are still aware at a level It is like being immersed in a movie - she will suggest things and you do them. Like see this, do that, try this etc and then you tell what happens and she responds to that etc.
Good luck with the quit smoking session let us know how it goes
Thanks, I definetly will
This is an idea that I need to explore further but hypnotists need money. Learjet is broke therefore Learjet needs to find another way. I also don’t hypnotise well.
I want to explore past lives in lucid dreams. Any ideas or techqniques are welcome.
There was one thing that I tried. Realising that DC’s are aspects of myself I thought I would ask some of them what I was in my past life. So I walked up to one DC that was dressed like a soldier with the intent to ask him, then I realised that a soldier is what I was.
But I want more detail. Names and places would be good. I’ll keep trying…
it may sound too scientific, but my theory is that all the infinite parallel universes sometimes connect through some kind of way and get into our dreams or/and RL creating dejavus or premonition…
I don’t think that that is too scientific Alex C, and why not? I personally think that there are other levels of conciousness that we can tune into, some more easily than others but in that way we can see the most likely course of action or outcome and hear what our SG’s are trying to tell us or help us to see, among other things…
I totally agree. Anamcara, do you beleive that an LD is an alternate universe? What’s your opinion on this subject?
I don’t know Alex, I’ve been wondering about dreams in general and what they are for a long time. I haven’t really consider them as an “alternate universe” but more a different part of the one we are in.
WTF!! How did this topic get turned around? From past lives to alternate/parallel universes to spirit guides.
Actually Alex C, what you’re saying makes a lot of sense. Where learjet wants a past life experience through an LD could in fact be a form of self hypnosis to help along but it all has to go with the preparation. I don’t think it’s safe to wonder off into these realms on your own without experience.
So anam, did you ever go to your appt. with the hypnotist?
Not yet, $325.00 for just the smoking sessions . Maybe next month.
That’s a hefty bill. Does your health insurance cover smoking cessation?
Umm, I think just wellbutrin and classes but I’ll have to double check, thanks.
Did anybody see Proof Positive on Scifi? They had a police cpt who was regressed and found out he was a reincarnated painter called Carroll Beckwith. He researched it and proved 28 points he remembered during his session and then underwent 2 polygraph tests and proved he wasn’t lying about learning about this painter before his PLR session! OMG!
Yeah, I saw that a while back. His wife is a detective too. That was really cool. B/c he had somewhat of a resemblance to that guy.
Mmmmm… here is my rationalization for that.
clears throat, sets up chart with a clever little graph on an easel
This can be applied to almost any area of past life, although i feel it is primarily suited for regression.
As you should be aware, I am a firm disbeliever in PLE (if you didn’t know that, go reread this thread)
What happens to the body and mind while in hypnosis? Your mind is opened to the suggestions around you… but is it not plausible that it is open to other things in state as well?
I believe that when you are in a hypnotic state, your minds defenses against any and all outside influences are dropped, and I believe there are LOTS of things out there to be influencing it. For example, spirits of people who have passed away? (and then some who haven’t I will get to that shortly)
My explanation for PLE regression hypnosis is that when a person is “regressed” they are essentially channeling for some type of disembodied soul, thusly explaining the accuracy and historical “proof”.
Or sometimes fabricating the whole thing entirely… this would not apply to those that could be proven historically of course, but c’mon? some of these have got to be phony.
“We all have our demons”
Figure of speech, right? Nah, I am one of those nuts who takes this literally. Remember Legion from the New Testament?
I believe that through certain unsavory deeds and actions, you pick up a few stragglers, demons, evil spirits – whatever you want to call them. But essentially spirits that would do anything to get nice and comfy in a body again, so ticked off that they don’t have a body of there own, they want to make your stay in yours as miserable as possible,
or spirits who just hang around and take pleasure in the deeds you partake in… or maybe they just like to be that little voice that whispers “steal the stapler! steal all office supplies!”
I believe that when in a hypnotic state, this spirits can manifest themselves through you.
Assuming of course you are the type of person they like to “haunt”
qui ote
So do we humans. We might have so many instict as most animals, but we sure have quite a few.