In my Philosophy class there was a brief discussion on dreams. Apparently some “philosophers” think that you don’t dream, ever, you just have false memories of dreaming when you wake up (I think Dennett believes or did believe this).
Now, the teacher mentioned LDing, and everyone in the class laughed (except me). They thought it was hysterical when he said that people think you can control your dreams and fly in them. He said that some consider LDing to be nonsense, and it was obvious that everyone agreed.
I almost feel sorry for them. They don’t know what they’re missing, really!
As for the false memories… I’m no scientist, but I just don’t agree with that.
lol! That’s so crazy, If you didn’t dream, why would people’s heart rate go up when they have freaky dreams? that;s weird that the whole class laughed, one of my friends persues LDing, all the rest think it’s just some type of joke. I told my friend about it, and she thought I was crazy and thought the only reason I wanted to LD would be for sex a little bit shallow… I hope if I take philosophy or any corse that covers LDs I’ll have a decent class!
Yeah, seriously. I wouldn’t stand people dissing LDs and I would give them a piece of my mind before they ignorantly mock one of my favorite hobbies. Don’t forget Philosophy is ALL about debate. Everyone thinks LD is absurd? Argue that people spend 1/3 of their life asleep. Why would you want to ignore all that time when you can be concious in your dreams doing ANYTHING you want breaking the restrictions of reality.
I really think you should have stood up for your teacher. I would have done that. Even though the few people who do know I lucid dream already mock me. At least I’ve got the teacher and Stanford University to back me up. Can’t argue with that.
ok you have to be kidding… very interesting. My experince went nothing like that.
Back in high school i told a few of my close friends about it. i teased them that i would come into their dreams and trip em out they smiled but didnt really belive me. a few did though and i got 4 people doing it then i gave up telling people and just shared my experince with my friends that could be bothered to do it. that was year 9. in year 10 at the end i must have told someone else about lucid dreaming. then it was fantastic. i ened up explaining for the enxt two weeks as they were the last 2 weeks of school how to do it and why to do it. students and teachers were both interested. i spent most of my class time explaing how and some of my experinces. of course there were the people that laughed and turned away but they came backand listened the second time round.
i did an oral on lucid dreaming at the start of this year. you should have seen their faces, they all started talking about dreams aas soon as i finished. some people still didnt belive that it was possibile. but after my talks with them i got them to have one. i love telling people about lucid dreaming. i suggest taht you tell your whole class and tell them to come hear. tell them how to do it and why to do it. start off with small group of people and trust me the rest will comea nd waht ever you do. do not look like it is imposible to do. it is pos and make sure they know it.
and how does a deck of cards become… the devill!!! ?
maybe if they think that coz of the devil card, but i can’t imagine the devil having the form of a deck of cards
then again, im not really a religious person and don’t really have an oppinion on the heaven/hell scene. sorry if there are religious ppl who might not be happy with my views, i cant help it. its how i am
Seems strange to me that so many would laugh at it. I thought that natural LDing was a fairly common phenomenon…and thus I have always taken it as nothing special to be a natural…but apparently, maybe I should
Tell me, Timeless_Soul… is “Richard” a popular name at your school?
Because I’m quite the opposite of popular. But uh, people take me as smarter than most of the people in my school, but I have a group of friends that are slightly more intelligent than me that won’t believe me. If I told some of the dumber guys they’d probably take my word for it… well that’s ironic. The smarter ones are the idiots.
About a year ago I chose LDs as my subject for a paper for philosophy. I explained both the Western scientific and Eastern spiritual approach (buddhism-hinduism-sufism-taoism together with shamanism and the Dream-time of the aborigines) towards LDing to obtain a global idea of this phenomenon. I figured that a doctor in philosophy would certainly be open-minded enough towards Eastern philosophical ideas but unfortunately I was so naive to actually believe this… He accepted the Western scientific approach but didn’t even bother to read the whole chapter about Eastern spirituality. He said “please stick to the Western scientific orientated approach instead of discussing the esoteric aspects”. I’m sure he believed the second part was only some non-scientific-thus-pure-theoretical esoteric nonsense. One might expect from a philosopher that at least HE would accept that there are more sources of wisdom in this world, other than Western science/philosophy. But noooo, he’s saying that the basic religions of the East (which have about 1.5 billion followers) are only a bunch of esoteric pseudo-realistic theories which should be ignored because they presumably don’t contain much truth if one compares them with our superior Western science which MUST be the only way to approach the Truth. Darn… I was só angry!!
EDIT: I must however say that I know at least of one other doctor in philosophy who in fact is véry open-minded towards Eastern philosophies. I don’t think he’s a believer of them, but at least he accepts them as a great source of wisdom. And that alone makes a big difference. Unfortunately there are way too few academics with his open-minded mentality…