Possible Holy grail Technique part II

Tried it again and this time I didn’t get up and turn if off. But it only played the interview once even if I had on repeat :sad: I have to make a playlist instead and use that so I can have it playing for more than 2 hours. I almost WILDed several times during the morning and I could hear LaBerge talking in one dream and I did listen to some music in another dream but I’m not sure if that was from the interview though. I did have problems with controlling the volume of the music in the dream , so who knows :tongue:

I did get a LD later on but I think I would have gotten that even without the interview :cool:

Thanks for the Alarm clock plugin for Winamp. I have downloaded it and using it now :smile:
Wish me luck! :thumbs:

Good luck, DreamAddict! :cool:

darn, I use Winamp5 and the plugin doesn’t seem to work :no:

I use winamp 5 too. You need to copy a DLL from the install directory to the plugin directory before it works. I think it might even say that in the readme file in the installed directory. Or maybe that was from another plugin that had the same problem :eh:

Hmm…worth a try…ive had problems with audio while falling asleep, but this time im not think “Just get asleep with this on”, but “Just listen to it!” (i think that after 45 mins ill fall asleep)

Heh, I can bearly understand anything form the poor quality, so I’m gunna try to fix it up. This seems quite promising. :tongue:

Is there any othe rplace to get it from? For some reason when I click on it it doesn’t seem like anything is happening, am I doing something wrong? :help:

Blah, I’m afraid the music is going to wake me up.

I’m was using the following Mac OS-X AppleScirpt and some bud style earphones as I slept the last three nights listneing to the Stephen Laberge 2hour interview about lucid dreaming.

I find this script is nessasary because it provides 5 minuits of peacefull silence between each 18 seconds of interview playback. The 5 minuits of peacefull silence makes the whole thing tolorable and lets my mind wander allowing me to go to sleep easyly.

It loops 5 mins in paused mode then unpauses and soft fades up to half volume then soft fades down to zero volume, then pauses the playback for anouther 5 mins. I find the fadeing up and down is nessasary beause an abrupt accent would wake me up.

After trying this for the last three nights It worked for me all three nights. In each case I don’t remember hearing the interview but I spontaniously became lucid about 45 mins or so into my sleep time each night. The first two nights were lucid dreams but they only lasted 4 seconds. The lucid dream last night lasted one or two minuits (I woke up at the end of each).

The bud style earphones let me play the interview loud enough (half volume) for my sleeping brain to hear it clearly without wakeing anyone up. It’s hard to keep them in my ears durring the whole night but it seems the first hour or so is the only time they are needed.

[code]tell application “Finder”
set volume 5
end tell
delay 3
tell application “iTunes”
end tell
delay 45
tell application “Finder”
set volume 0
end tell

The portion above is just there to give me
45 seconds to comfirm the level of my
bud style earphones. Then the portion
below turns off the sound and pauses
playback for 5 mins and loops like that
all night. All delay values are in seconds.

tell application “Finder”
set volume 0
end tell
delay 2
tell application “iTunes”
end tell
delay 300
tell application “iTunes”
end tell
delay 2
tell application “Finder”
set volume 1
end tell
delay 2
tell application “Finder”
set volume 2
end tell
delay 2
tell application “Finder”
set volume 3
end tell
delay 2
tell application “Finder”
set volume 4
end tell
delay 2
tell application “Finder”
set volume 5
end tell
delay 2
tell application “Finder”
set volume 4
end tell
delay 2
tell application “Finder”
set volume 3
end tell
delay 2
tell application “Finder”
set volume 2
end tell
delay 2
tell application “Finder”
set volume 1
end tell
delay 2
end repeat[/code]

I’ve been using this type of method for a while now and it can give great results. I haven’t read the whole thread here, but in case it offers anything new here’s my thoughts:
If you’re burning a CD of say an interview it can be a good idea to add some of your own verbal cues every now and again. This is fairly easily done with an audio editor such as Audacity (free, just do a Google search for it) which allows you to use multiple track recording. Once you get used to the program you can add periods of silence to the main track and then import your own (pre-saved) verbal cues on a different track which you can sychronise with the silence on the main track. The result can then be saved as a WAV or MP3.
If you’ve never used an audio editor this probably sounds very complicated but it’s pretty easy once you get used to the software.
I use a timer to play the CD after 5 or 6 hours sleep as it’s much more likely that I will be dreaming at this point. Ear-plug type phones (which fit right into your ear canal) are a must as they are much more likely to stay put and not disturb your sleep. A headphone extension lead is also usefull as it gives you some slack and reduces the risk of pulling the phones out if you turn over in bed.
Using the audio editor, I also apply a long “fade in” to the start of the compilation (so the sound builds very gradually from silence to the desired volume). This means that you are less likely to be woken up and allows the sound to be easily incorporated into your dream. I apply this to at least the first two minutes of the recording.
Another great audio editor is CoolEdit (mentioned earlier). This has the added bonus of allowing you to apply brainwave synchronisation to your compilation.
In my experience there are a lot of variables which can make this method fail (The CD fails to play or skips, an earphone falls out during the night, or you are not dreaming when the CD plays). But on those nights when it all works like clockwork it can give great results.

I went kind of overboard with this, although there are still some rough edges. If anyone else wants to play with this and give me some feedback, that would be great. I’m happy to add more features.

As is, defaults to a pause of 5 minutes, and nice long sine-wave transitions, which IMHO sound better than linear transitions.

It also ‘rewinds’ the track such that when the volume reaches 50%, it will be playing the same part of the track as when the volume dropped to 50%.

I haven’t tried this in it’s current form – I did try a simple version a few nights ago, and it kept waking me up!

update: I tried this using the track from the Free Lucid Induction CD “Download”, and I starting hearing it during a really interesting dream, and I sort of knew what it was – I thought it was playing in the dreamworld though, because several minutes earlier in the dream, I was getting ready for bed, so I figured I had just turned it on and it was getting kind of loud, so I tried to turn it down using this really trippy remote, and then next thing I knew I was half-awake, and I grabbed the remote next to my pillow and turned it down… I think I might have had a shot if it hadn’t gotten so loud that it woke me up, but who knows… and then I couldn’t get back to sleep, although at least I was able to imprint a decent chunk of the dream. more details

I also use this code for doing stretches – every 45 seconds, a cresendo of music lets me know that it is time to move on to the next stretch. (on my fairly old G4, a pause of 40 seconds, a peak of 2 seconds and 250 steps adds up to a 45 second cycle, unless my computer is doing other things as well)

Save the following code as an Applescript Application.

[code]global length_of_pause, length_of_peak, number_of_steps, sine_wave, sine_time, seconds_to_rewind, percent_to_rewind, min_vol, max_vol, sine_delay, initial_delay

–default values
set length_of_pause to 300 --length of pause at minimum volume, in seconds
set length_of_peak to 0 --length of pause at maximum volume, in seconds
set number_of_steps to 200 --number of steps between min and max volume
set percent_to_rewind to 50 --percent to rewind
set min_vol to 0 --minimum volume, from 0 to 95, default 0
set max_vol to 100 --maximum volume, from 5 to 100, default 100
set sine_delay to 0.1 – delay between volume adjustments, in seconds helpful for slow/busy computers: if volume slider in iTunes doesn’t move smoothly, try using a small delay
set initial_delay to 3600 – delay between volume check and beginning of first pause, gives you a chance to fall asleep.

set sine_wave to {}
set sine_time to 0

tell application “iTunes” to display dialog “Custom or default?” & return & return & "( pause " & length_of_pause & " seconds, peak " & length_of_peak & " seconds, " & number_of_steps & " steps, rewind " & percent_to_rewind & "%, min volume " & min_vol & ", max volume " & max_vol & “, sine delay " & sine_delay * 1000 & " milliseconds and an initial delay of " & initial_delay & " seconds/ " & ((initial_delay * 100 / 60) as integer) / 100 & " minutes )” buttons {“Cancel”, “Customize”, “Use Defaults”} default button 3
if button returned of result is “Cancel” then
continue quit
else if button returned of result is “Customize” then
else if button returned of result is “Use Defaults” then
end if

tell application “iTunes”
set sound volume to max_vol
if button returned of (display dialog “Volume Check…” buttons {“Cancel”, “Skip Volume Check”} default button 2 giving up after 45) is “Cancel” then continue quit
if sine_delay is greater than 0 then
repeat with i from number_of_steps + 1 to 1 by -1
set sound volume to item i of sine_wave
delay sine_delay
end repeat
repeat with i from number_of_steps + 1 to 1 by -1
set sound volume to item i of sine_wave
end repeat
end if
if initial_delay is greater than 0 then
with timeout of initial_delay + 60 seconds
display dialog “Waiting " & initial_delay & " seconds / " & ((initial_delay * 100 / 60) as integer) / 100 & " minutes to Start…” buttons {“Cancel”, “Skip Initial Delay”} default button 2 giving up after initial_delay
end timeout
if button returned of the result is “Cancel” then continue quit
end if
if length_of_pause is greater than 0 then
with timeout of length_of_pause + 60 seconds
display dialog “Paused…” buttons {“Cancel”, “Skip This Pause”} default button 2 giving up after length_of_pause
end timeout
if button returned of the result is “Cancel” then continue quit
end if
set pos to player position
if pos - seconds_to_rewind is greater than 0 then
set player position to pos - seconds_to_rewind
set player position to 0
end if
if sine_delay is greater than 0 then
repeat with i from 1 to number_of_steps + 1 by 1
set sound volume to item i of sine_wave
delay sine_delay
end repeat
if length_of_peak is greater than 0 then
with timeout of length_of_peak + 60 seconds
display dialog “Playing…” buttons {“Cancel”, “Skip This Peak”} default button 2 giving up after length_of_peak
end timeout
if button returned of the result is “Cancel” then continue quit

		end if
		repeat with i from number_of_steps + 1 to 1 by -1
			set sound volume to item i of sine_wave
			delay sine_delay
		end repeat
		repeat with i from 1 to number_of_steps + 1 by 1
			set sound volume to item i of sine_wave
		end repeat
		if length_of_peak is greater than 0 then delay length_of_peak
		repeat with i from number_of_steps + 1 to 1 by -1
			set sound volume to item i of sine_wave
		end repeat
	end if
end repeat

end tell

on customize_timing()
tell application “iTunes” to display dialog "Current settings: pause " & length_of_pause & " seconds, peak " & length_of_peak & " seconds, " & number_of_steps & " steps, rewind " & percent_to_rewind & "%, min vol " & min_vol & ", max " & max_vol & “, sine delay " & sine_delay * 1000 & " milliseconds and an initial delay of " & initial_delay & " seconds/ " & ((initial_delay * 100 / 60) as integer) / 100 & " minutes.” buttons {“Pauses / Delay”, “# of Steps / % of Rewind”, “Volume”}
if button returned of result is “Pauses / Delay” then
tell application “iTunes” to display dialog “Current settings: pause for " & length_of_pause & " seconds, peak for " & length_of_peak & " seconds, sine delay " & sine_delay * 1000 & " milliseconds and an initial delay of " & initial_delay & " seconds/ " & ((initial_delay * 100 / 60) as integer) / 100 & " minutes.” buttons {“Length of Pause”, “Length of Peak”, “Sine Delay/Initial Delay”}
if button returned of result is “Length of Pause” then
tell application “iTunes” to set length_of_pause to text returned of (display dialog “Enter length of pause in seconds” & return & “(currently " & length_of_pause & " seconds / " & ((length_of_pause * 100 / 60) as integer) / 100 & " minutes)” default answer length_of_pause) as integer
else if button returned of result is “Length of Peak” then
tell application “iTunes” to set length_of_peak to text returned of (display dialog “Enter length of peak in seconds” & return & “(currently " & length_of_peak & " seconds / " & ((length_of_peak * 100 / 60) as integer) / 100 & " minutes)” default answer length_of_peak) as integer
else if button returned of result is “Sine Delay/Initial Delay” then
tell application “iTunes” to display dialog “Current settings: sine delay " & sine_delay * 1000 & " milliseconds, initial delay of " & initial_delay & " seconds/ " & ((initial_delay * 100 / 60) as integer) / 100 & " minutes.” buttons {“Cancel”, “Sine Delay”, “Initial Delay”}
if button returned of result is “Cancel” then
continue quit
else if button returned of result is “Sine Delay” then
tell application “iTunes” to set new_sine_delay to (text returned of (display dialog “Enter length of delay between each of the " & number_of_steps & " steps” & return & “(currently " & sine_delay * 1000 & " milliseconds)” default answer sine_delay * 1000) as integer) / 1000
if new_sine_delay is not equal to sine_delay then
set sine_time to 0
set sine_delay to new_sine_delay
if sine_delay is less than 0 then set sine_delay to 0
end if
else if button returned of result is “Initial Delay” then
tell application “iTunes” to display dialog “Choose time scale for setting initial delay: currently " & initial_delay & " seconds / " & ((initial_delay * 100 / 60) as integer) / 100 & " minutes / " & ((initial_delay * 100 / 3600) as integer) / 100 & " hours.” buttons {“Seconds”, “Minutes”, “Hours”}
if button returned of result is “Seconds” then
tell application “iTunes” to set initial_delay to text returned of (display dialog “Enter initial delay in seconds” & return & “(currently " & initial_delay & " seconds)” default answer initial_delay) as integer
else if button returned of result is “Minutes” then
tell application “iTunes” to set initial_delay to ((text returned of (display dialog “Enter initial delay in minutes” & return & “(currently " & ((initial_delay * 100 / 60) as integer) / 100 & " minutes)” default answer ((initial_delay * 100 / 60) as integer) / 100)) * 60) as integer
else if button returned of result is “Hours” then
tell application “iTunes” to set initial_delay to ((text returned of (display dialog “Enter initial delay in hours” & return & “(currently " & ((initial_delay * 100 / 3600) as integer) / 100 & " hours)” default answer ((initial_delay * 100 / 3600) as integer))) * 3600) as integer
end if
end if
end if
else if button returned of result is “# of Steps / % of Rewind” then
tell application “iTunes” to display dialog “Current settings: " & number_of_steps & " steps, rewind of " & percent_to_rewind & " percent.” buttons {“Cancel”, “Change # of Steps”, “Change % of Rewind”}
if button returned of result is “Cancel” then
continue quit
else if button returned of result is “Change # of Steps” then
tell application “iTunes” to set new_number_of_steps to text returned of (display dialog “Enter number of steps from minimum volume to maximum volume” & return & “(currently " & number_of_steps & " steps)” default answer number_of_steps) as integer
if new_number_of_steps is not equal to number_of_steps then
set sine_time to 0
set number_of_steps to new_number_of_steps
if number_of_steps is less than 1 then set number_of_steps to 1
if number_of_steps is greater than 1000000 then set number_of_steps to 1000000
end if
else if button returned of result is “Change % of Rewind” then
tell application “iTunes” to set percent_to_rewind to text returned of (display dialog “Enter percentage of rewind” & return & "(currently " & percent_to_rewind & “%)” default answer percent_to_rewind) as integer
if percent_to_rewind is less than 0 then set percent_to_rewind to 0
if percent_to_rewind is greater than 100 then set percent_to_rewind to 100
end if
else if button returned of result is “Volume” then
tell application “iTunes” to display dialog "Current settings: minimum volume " & min_vol & ", max " & max_vol & “.” buttons {“Cancel”, “Change Minimum”, “Change Maximum”}
if button returned of result is “Cancel” then
continue quit
else if button returned of result is “Change Minimum” then
tell application “iTunes” to set min_vol to text returned of (display dialog “Enter minimum volume” & return & "(currently " & min_vol & “)” default answer min_vol) as integer
if min_vol is greater than or equal to max_vol then set min_vol to max_vol - 5
if min_vol is less than 0 then set min_vol to 0
if min_vol is greater than 100 then set min_vol to 100
else if button returned of result is “Change Maximum” then
tell application “iTunes” to set max_vol to text returned of (display dialog “Enter maximum volume” & return & "(currently " & max_vol & “)” default answer max_vol) as integer
if max_vol is less than or equal to min_vol then set max_vol to min_vol + 5
if max_vol is less than 0 then set max_vol to 0
if max_vol is greater than 100 then set max_vol to 100
end if
end if
tell application “iTunes” to display dialog “More adjustments, or continue?” buttons {“Cancel”, “Continue Customizing”, “Done”} default button 3
if button returned of result is “Cancel” then
continue quit
else if button returned of result is “Done” then
if sine_time is equal to 0 then
tell application “iTunes” to display dialog “With " & number_of_steps & " steps, the round trip took " & sine_time & " seconds.” & return & return & “Total time from peak to peak is " & (sine_time + length_of_pause + length_of_peak) & " seconds.” buttons {“Cancel”, “Customize”, “Continue”} default button 3
if button returned of result is “Cancel” then
continue quit
else if button returned of result is “Continue” then
exit repeat
end if
exit repeat
end if
end if
end repeat
end customize_timing

on generate_sine()
tell application “iTunes”
set sound volume to min_vol
end tell
set sine_wave to {}
repeat with i from 0 to number_of_steps by 1
set sine_input to (i * pi / number_of_steps) - (0.5 * pi) (* input is in radians, from -0.5pi to 0.5pi (recall: 2pi = 360 degrees) )
set this_sine to (((sine_of(sine_input) + 1) * (max_vol - min_vol) / 2) + min_vol) (
if max-min = 100, then changes the results from (-1 to 1 to -1) to (0 to 2 to 0) to (0 to 100 to 0), and +0 brings them to (0 to 100 to 0)
set this_sine to this_sine as integer
copy this_sine to end of sine_wave
end repeat
if sine_delay is greater than 0 then
set sine_start_time to current date
tell application “iTunes”
repeat with i from 1 to number_of_steps + 1 by 1
set sound volume to item i of sine_wave
delay sine_delay / 1000
end repeat
repeat with i from number_of_steps + 1 to 1 by -1
set sound volume to item i of sine_wave
delay sine_delay / 1000
end repeat
end tell
set sine_time to (current date) - sine_start_time
set sine_start_time to current date
tell application “iTunes”
repeat with i from 1 to number_of_steps + 1 by 1
set sound volume to item i of sine_wave
end repeat
repeat with i from number_of_steps + 1 to 1 by -1
set sound volume to item i of sine_wave
end repeat
end tell
set sine_time to (current date) - sine_start_time
end if
set seconds_to_rewind to sine_time * percent_to_rewind / 100
end generate_sine

on sine_of(x)
(* https://www.apple.com/applescript/guidebook/sbrt/pgs/sbrt.02.htm AppleScript Guidebook: Essential Sub-Routines *)
set answer to 0
set numerator to x
set denominator to 1
set factor to -(x ^ 2)
repeat with i from 3 to 40 by 2
set answer to answer + numerator / denominator
set numerator to numerator * factor
set denominator to denominator * i * (i - 1)
end repeat
return answer
end sine_of[/code]

Optional add-on:

Insert this code before the peak and it will stop looping (stay on at max volume) beginning at a certain time you specify. Here, after 4:15 am (but not after 5, which stops it from triggering at 11 pm (since 11 > 4.25)). I was getting up at 4:45 so I figured might as well go for broke for the last 30 minutes…

tell application "Finder" set this_time to (time of (current date)) / 3600 if this_time is greater than 4.25 and this_time is less than 5 then exit repeat continue quit end if end tell

Does anyone have a cleaner version of the Laberge interview? Either better quality or without the music / thunderclap sound effects?

Also, does anyone have any of the other source files? None of the other links are working… :help:

Besides the Laberge interview, I have theLucid_Dream_Induction.mp3 and SpaceDist.mp3 from the Free Lucid Induction CD “Download” thread


whoops, duplicate post! see next post…

Edited: See my next post for the details of changes made to this script

This script is similar to the on I posted above. Here is what it does:

After running through the setup, it pause for an initial_delay – by default, it is set to 4 hours. So you’ll get most of your deep sleep over with, and be in the second half of your sleep cycle, where most of your dreams occur, before anything happens.

Next it begins to run through cycles, each one louder than the last, until they top out at 100%, or you cancel it or start it over. at default, it will smoothly bring the volume from 0 to 25, then back down to 0, then pause for 5 minutes, then volume 0 - 30 - 0, pause again for 5 minutes, etc., until finally it tops out at volume 0 - 100 - 0.

The idea is that you will keep getting cues from the sound, until finally the cues will wake you up, although hopefully in a much more gentle and dream-friendly fashion than an alarm clock. you lie in bed, run through your dream a few times, then get up, record your dream, and tell the script to move on to the next sequence. you can also easily leave the script waiting for you (after selecting “Start Next Cycle”, but before selecting “Continue”) for several hours, if you want to stay awake for a bit.

the second time around, the initial_delay will be set to the intracycle_delay, which defaults to 1 hour. this should give you time to go to sleep, then the sequence repeats as above – eventually it will wake you up again, if the volume at max_vol is loud enough.

anyway, it can act like a gentle alarm clock, to help you with WBTB, and to boost your dream recall. also, you may get some dreamsigns from the sounds playing (before they are loud enough to wake you up)

by default, it will pause the track between volume spikes, and rewind the track a bit so that you don’t miss too much of what happens when the volume is very very quiet. there is now an option, pause_track, which can be set to false, which stops the script from pausing the track. You should then set min_vol to something at least barely audible, and set percent_to_rewind to 0. Oh, and min_vol will be scaled just like max_vol – at first, when max_vol * 0.25, min_vol will also be * 0.25, and so on. i haven’t tried this yet, but since i had the ability to set min_vol higher than 0, I thought I should include this option.

here is the code, which i will probably update several times, although i will be away from my computer for the next week or so.

[code]global length_of_pause, length_of_peak, number_of_steps, sine_wave, sine_time, seconds_to_rewind, percent_to_rewind, min_vol, max_vol, sine_delay, initial_delay, percent_of_max, intracycle_delay, pause_track

–default values
set length_of_pause to 5 * 60 – length of pause at minimum volume, in seconds
set length_of_peak to 0 – length of pause at maximum volume, in seconds
set number_of_steps to 50 – # number of steps between min and max volume
set percent_to_rewind to 50 – % percent to rewind
set min_vol to 0 – minimum volume, from 0 to 95
set max_vol to 100 – maximum volume, from 5 to 100
set sine_delay to 0.25 – delay between volume adjustments, in seconds
set initial_delay to 4 * 60 * 60 – delay between volume check and first pause, for the first cycle, in seconds
set intracycle_delay to 1 * 60 * 60 – delay between volume check and first pause, for all subsequent cycles, in seconds
set pause_track to true – whether or not to stop itunes from playing during the pauses. if you set this to false, you will want to set min_vol to something at least barely audible, and set percent_to_rewind to 0.

set sine_wave to {}
set sine_time to 0

tell application “iTunes” to display dialog “Custom or default?” & return & return & "( pause " & length_of_pause & " seconds, peak " & length_of_peak & " seconds, " & number_of_steps & " steps, rewind " & percent_to_rewind & "%, min volume " & min_vol & ", max volume " & max_vol & “, sine delay " & sine_delay * 1000 & " milliseconds and an initial delay of " & initial_delay & " seconds/ " & ((initial_delay * 100 / 60) as integer) / 100 & " minutes )” buttons {“Cancel”, “Customize”, “Use Defaults”} default button 3
if button returned of result is “Cancel” then
continue quit
else if button returned of result is “Customize” then
else if button returned of result is “Use Defaults” then
end if

set percent_of_max to 25
with timeout of 3 * 60 * 60 seconds
tell application “iTunes” to display dialog “Ready to start next cycle?” buttons {“Cancel”, “Continue to next cycle”} default button 2 giving up after 3 * 60 * 60
end timeout
if button returned of the result is “Cancel” then continue quit
end repeat

on run_cycle()
tell application “iTunes”
set sound volume to max_vol
if button returned of (display dialog “Volume Check @ 100%” buttons {“Cancel”, “Skip Volume Check”} default button 2 giving up after 10) is “Cancel” then continue quit
set sound volume to ((max_vol - min_vol) * 0.5) + min_vol
if button returned of (display dialog “Volume Check @ 50% of max” buttons {“Cancel”, “Skip Volume Check”} default button 2 giving up after 10) is “Cancel” then continue quit
set sound volume to ((max_vol - min_vol) * 0.25) + min_vol
if button returned of (display dialog “Volume Check @ 25% of max” buttons {“Cancel”, “Skip Volume Check”} default button 2 giving up after 10) is “Cancel” then continue quit
if sine_delay is greater than 0 then
repeat with i from number_of_steps + 1 to 1 by -1
set sound volume to (item i of sine_wave) * percent_of_max / 100
delay sine_delay
end repeat
repeat with i from number_of_steps + 1 to 1 by -1
set sound volume to (item i of sine_wave) * percent_of_max / 100
end repeat
end if
if initial_delay is greater than 0 then
with timeout of initial_delay + 60 seconds
display dialog “Waiting " & initial_delay & " seconds / " & ((initial_delay * 100 / 60) as integer) / 100 & " minutes / " & ((initial_delay * 100 / 3600) as integer) / 100 & " hours to Start…” buttons {“Cancel”, “Skip Initial Delay”} default button 2 giving up after initial_delay
end timeout
if button returned of the result is “Cancel” then continue quit
end if
if seconds_to_rewind is greater than 0 then
set pos to player position
if pos - seconds_to_rewind is greater than 0 then
set player position to pos - seconds_to_rewind
set player position to 0
end if
end if
if sine_delay is greater than 0 then
repeat with i from 1 to number_of_steps + 1 by 1
set sound volume to (item i of sine_wave) * percent_of_max / 100
delay sine_delay
end repeat
if length_of_peak is greater than 0 then
with timeout of length_of_peak + 60 seconds
display dialog “Playing…” buttons {“Cancel”, “Skip This Peak”} default button 2 giving up after length_of_peak
end timeout
if button returned of the result is “Cancel” then continue quit
end if
repeat with i from number_of_steps + 1 to 1 by -1
set sound volume to (item i of sine_wave) * percent_of_max / 100
delay sine_delay
end repeat
repeat with i from 1 to number_of_steps + 1 by 1
set sound volume to (item i of sine_wave) * percent_of_max / 100
end repeat
if length_of_peak is greater than 0 then
with timeout of length_of_peak + 60 seconds
display dialog “Playing…” buttons {“Cancel”, “Skip This Peak”} default button 2 giving up after length_of_peak
end timeout
if button returned of the result is “Cancel” then continue quit
end if
repeat with i from number_of_steps + 1 to 1 by -1
set sound volume to (item i of sine_wave) * percent_of_max / 100
end repeat
end if
if length_of_pause is greater than 0 then
if pause_track is true then pause
if percent_of_max is less than 100 then
with timeout of length_of_pause + 60 seconds
display dialog "Paused… Last cycle at " & percent_of_max & "% of max volume, next cycle at " & percent_of_max + 5 & “%” buttons {“Cancel”, “Skip This Pause”, “Start Next Cycle”} default button 3 giving up after length_of_pause
end timeout
if button returned of the result is “Cancel” then
exit repeat
continue quit
else if button returned of the result is “Start Next Cycle” then
set initial_delay to intracycle_delay
exit repeat
end if
set percent_of_max to percent_of_max + 5
with timeout of length_of_pause + 60 seconds
display dialog “Paused… Cycling at max volume” buttons {“Cancel”, “Skip This Pause”, “Start Next Cycle”} default button 3 giving up after length_of_pause
end timeout
if button returned of the result is “Cancel” then
exit repeat
continue quit
else if button returned of the result is “Start Next Cycle” then
set initial_delay to intracycle_delay
exit repeat
end if
end if
end if
end repeat
end tell
end run_cycle

on customize_timing()
tell application “iTunes” to display dialog "Current settings: pause " & length_of_pause & " seconds, peak " & length_of_peak & " seconds, " & number_of_steps & " steps, rewind " & percent_to_rewind & "%, min vol " & min_vol & ", max " & max_vol & “, sine delay " & sine_delay * 1000 & " milliseconds and an initial delay of " & initial_delay & " seconds/ " & ((initial_delay * 100 / 60) as integer) / 100 & " minutes.” buttons {“Pauses / Delay”, “# of Steps / % of Rewind”, “Volume”}
if button returned of result is “Pauses / Delay” then
tell application “iTunes” to display dialog “Current settings: pause for " & length_of_pause & " seconds, peak for " & length_of_peak & " seconds, sine delay " & sine_delay * 1000 & " milliseconds and an initial delay of " & initial_delay & " seconds/ " & ((initial_delay * 100 / 60) as integer) / 100 & " minutes.” buttons {“Length of Pause”, “Length of Peak”, “Sine Delay/Initial Delay”}
if button returned of result is “Length of Pause” then
tell application “iTunes” to set length_of_pause to text returned of (display dialog “Enter length of pause in seconds” & return & “(currently " & length_of_pause & " seconds / " & ((length_of_pause * 100 / 60) as integer) / 100 & " minutes)” default answer length_of_pause) as integer
else if button returned of result is “Length of Peak” then
tell application “iTunes” to set length_of_peak to text returned of (display dialog “Enter length of peak in seconds” & return & “(currently " & length_of_peak & " seconds / " & ((length_of_peak * 100 / 60) as integer) / 100 & " minutes)” default answer length_of_peak) as integer
else if button returned of result is “Sine Delay/Initial Delay” then
tell application “iTunes” to display dialog “Current settings: sine delay " & sine_delay * 1000 & " milliseconds, initial delay of " & initial_delay & " seconds/ " & ((initial_delay * 100 / 60) as integer) / 100 & " minutes.” buttons {“Cancel”, “Sine Delay”, “Initial Delay”}
if button returned of result is “Cancel” then
continue quit
else if button returned of result is “Sine Delay” then
tell application “iTunes” to set new_sine_delay to (text returned of (display dialog “Enter length of delay between each of the " & number_of_steps & " steps” & return & “(currently " & sine_delay * 1000 & " milliseconds)” default answer sine_delay * 1000) as integer) / 1000
if new_sine_delay is not equal to sine_delay then
set sine_time to 0
set sine_delay to new_sine_delay
if sine_delay is less than 0 then set sine_delay to 0
end if
else if button returned of result is “Initial Delay” then
tell application “iTunes” to display dialog “Choose time scale for setting initial delay: currently " & initial_delay & " seconds / " & ((initial_delay * 100 / 60) as integer) / 100 & " minutes / " & ((initial_delay * 100 / 3600) as integer) / 100 & " hours.” buttons {“Seconds”, “Minutes”, “Hours”}
if button returned of result is “Seconds” then
tell application “iTunes” to set initial_delay to text returned of (display dialog “Enter initial delay in seconds” & return & “(currently " & initial_delay & " seconds)” default answer initial_delay) as integer
else if button returned of result is “Minutes” then
tell application “iTunes” to set initial_delay to ((text returned of (display dialog “Enter initial delay in minutes” & return & “(currently " & ((initial_delay * 100 / 60) as integer) / 100 & " minutes)” default answer ((initial_delay * 100 / 60) as integer) / 100)) * 60) as integer
else if button returned of result is “Hours” then
tell application “iTunes” to set initial_delay to ((text returned of (display dialog “Enter initial delay in hours” & return & “(currently " & ((initial_delay * 100 / 3600) as integer) / 100 & " hours)” default answer ((initial_delay * 100 / 3600) as integer))) * 3600) as integer
end if
end if
end if
else if button returned of result is “# of Steps / % of Rewind” then
tell application “iTunes” to display dialog “Current settings: " & number_of_steps & " steps, rewind of " & percent_to_rewind & " percent.” buttons {“Cancel”, “Change # of Steps”, “Change % of Rewind”}
if button returned of result is “Cancel” then
continue quit
else if button returned of result is “Change # of Steps” then
tell application “iTunes” to set new_number_of_steps to text returned of (display dialog “Enter number of steps from minimum volume to maximum volume” & return & “(currently " & number_of_steps & " steps)” default answer number_of_steps) as integer
if new_number_of_steps is not equal to number_of_steps then
set sine_time to 0
set number_of_steps to new_number_of_steps
if number_of_steps is less than 1 then set number_of_steps to 1
if number_of_steps is greater than 1000000 then set number_of_steps to 1000000
end if
else if button returned of result is “Change % of Rewind” then
tell application “iTunes” to set percent_to_rewind to text returned of (display dialog “Enter percentage of rewind” & return & "(currently " & percent_to_rewind & “%)” default answer percent_to_rewind) as integer
if percent_to_rewind is less than 0 then set percent_to_rewind to 0
if percent_to_rewind is greater than 100 then set percent_to_rewind to 100
end if
else if button returned of result is “Volume” then
tell application “iTunes” to display dialog "Current settings: minimum volume " & min_vol & ", max " & max_vol & “.” buttons {“Cancel”, “Change Minimum”, “Change Maximum”}
if button returned of result is “Cancel” then
continue quit
else if button returned of result is “Change Minimum” then
tell application “iTunes” to set min_vol to text returned of (display dialog “Enter minimum volume” & return & "(currently " & min_vol & “)” default answer min_vol) as integer
if min_vol is greater than or equal to max_vol then set min_vol to max_vol - 5
if min_vol is less than 0 then set min_vol to 0
if min_vol is greater than 100 then set min_vol to 100
else if button returned of result is “Change Maximum” then
tell application “iTunes” to set max_vol to text returned of (display dialog “Enter maximum volume” & return & "(currently " & max_vol & “)” default answer max_vol) as integer
if max_vol is less than or equal to min_vol then set max_vol to min_vol + 5
if max_vol is less than 0 then set max_vol to 0
if max_vol is greater than 100 then set max_vol to 100
end if
end if
tell application “iTunes” to display dialog “More adjustments, or continue?” buttons {“Cancel”, “Continue Customizing”, “Done”} default button 3
if button returned of result is “Cancel” then
continue quit
else if button returned of result is “Done” then
if sine_time is equal to 0 then
tell application “iTunes” to display dialog “With " & number_of_steps & " steps, the round trip took " & sine_time & " seconds.” & return & return & “Total time from peak to peak is " & (sine_time + length_of_pause + length_of_peak) & " seconds.” buttons {“Cancel”, “Customize”, “Continue”} default button 3
if button returned of result is “Cancel” then
continue quit
else if button returned of result is “Continue” then
exit repeat
end if
exit repeat
end if
end if
end repeat
end customize_timing

on generate_sine()
set sine_wave to {}
repeat with i from 0 to number_of_steps by 1
set sine_input to (i * pi / number_of_steps) - (0.5 * pi) (* input is in radians, from -0.5pi to 0.5pi (recall: 2pi = 360 degrees) )
set this_sine to (((sine_of(sine_input) + 1) * (max_vol - min_vol) / 2) + min_vol) (
if max-min = 100, then changes the results from (-1 to 1 to -1) to (0 to 2 to 0) to (0 to 100 to 0), and +0 brings them to (0 to 100 to 0)
set this_sine to this_sine as integer
copy this_sine to end of sine_wave
end repeat
tell application “iTunes”
set sound volume to min_vol
end tell
if sine_delay is greater than 0 then
set sine_start_time to current date
tell application “iTunes”
repeat with i from 1 to number_of_steps + 1 by 1
set sound volume to item i of sine_wave
delay sine_delay
end repeat
repeat with i from number_of_steps + 1 to 1 by -1
set sound volume to item i of sine_wave
delay sine_delay
end repeat
end tell
set sine_time to (current date) - sine_start_time
set sine_start_time to current date
tell application “iTunes”
repeat with i from 1 to number_of_steps + 1 by 1
set sound volume to item i of sine_wave
end repeat
repeat with i from number_of_steps + 1 to 1 by -1
set sound volume to item i of sine_wave
end repeat
end tell
set sine_time to (current date) - sine_start_time
end if
set seconds_to_rewind to sine_time * percent_to_rewind / 100
end generate_sine

on sine_of(x)
(* https://www.apple.com/applescript/guidebook/sbrt/pgs/sbrt.02.htm AppleScript Guidebook: Essential Sub-Routines *)
set answer to 0
set numerator to x
set denominator to 1
set factor to -(x ^ 2)
repeat with i from 3 to 40 by 2
set answer to answer + numerator / denominator
set numerator to numerator * factor
set denominator to denominator * i * (i - 1)
end repeat
return answer
end sine_of[/code]

Thankyou very much for your new applescripts. I used your first applescript two nights ago, I had no lucid dreams though. But I know I will. I will allways be using your applescipts from now on. I like your 200 step fades and your sinewave paths. I have saved all your applescripts for future use.

I just today found anougher Stephen Laberge interview at this address.

I recorded it by using a standard audio cable to feed my front head phone jack back into to my audio input jack. Then I used a maxos X program called “Audio In 1.0.3” to record my audio in, at the same time I was listing to the interview with RealPlayer. It became an 88meg aiff audio file which I added to my lucid interviews playlist in iTunes.

Thank you for the inspiration and the starting point!

I’ve been updating the script(s) every day, I’ve been a bit obsessive, but I’ll have to take a break because of my vacation! :content:

I’m about to update the newer script, pretty minor changes – I decided that I needed a wider range between the quiet peaks at the beginning and the louds ones later on, so I changed percent_of_max from 50 to 25 (so now it goes up in increments of 5 from 25 to 100, instead of 50 to 100).

I also changed the volume check, so that it plays 100%, 50% & 25% (to reflect the above change), but I also made it so that e.g. 50% is actually 50% between min_vol and max_vol, instead of just 50% of max_vol.

Oh, and the dialog displayed during the initial delay now also shows the initial delay in hours – if you are really sleepy, it might be hard to remember that, yes, 240 minutes is 4 hours! :wink:

There are several other similar little changes I’d like to make, and eventually (if I’m still interested, or someone else is) it would be nice to improve the way that you customize the settings – it is sort of annoying the way it is now, I usually prefer to just edit the applescript!

Anyway, off to bed… I can’t believe I’ve been reading about lucid dreaming, electrodermal response and sympathetic nerve activity all day long instead of, you know, eating, showering, doing some laundry, packing for my trip, and uh, figuring out how I’m getting to the airport tomorrow morning! :bored: Hopefully I’ll figure it out while I’m sleeping… :tongue: