Possible Holy Grail Technique

I think the speaker system that is used might have to be high quality. This was my 3rd night with little or no effect and also my 3rd night since I returned my Sony speaker system back to my computer and put a tiny Radioshack mini amp next to my pillow instead. It sounds like a toy walky talky. I deduce that the narrow buzzy spectrum of the Radioshack mini amp is just sounding like nonsense noise inside my dreams and not like words. I’ll be using the Sony speaker system again tonight.

You may be right Epic, but I wouldn’t have thought so. Your subconiscous can pick up things pretty well. I’m currently using a couple of really small speakers that aren’t the best quality, and it seems to work for me.

I suppose my speakers are pretty clear, and I can at least hear the entire interview through them with no problems. Good luck with the other speakers.

I found out right after I posted that the lab at school does indeed have a burner in a PC and not just on a mac as I had previously thought. Now I can’t wait to get back to the lab and download the interview. On the t3 it will finish in a matter of a few minutes. However, we have this damn Thanksgiving break and I won’t get back there until Monday. :wink:

It just occured to me that I have some tapes that I ordered from the lucidity institute of Stephen LaBerge talking about lucid dreams… and a CD. The cd, he tries to get you to relax and put you in a trance I think, one of the tapes is excercises and the other is just him talking about them. Perhaps I could use them the same way. I have a friend who can record the tapes as mp3s for me then I could burn them to a disc.

Good to know that you use a fan, Atheist, because I do as well and I was wondering if it was possible to get the recording playing loud enough over the white noise… I guess it is. I’ll try this out.

Why not try to add something else to the mix and use everyones favorite Limited-Time-Trail-That-I-Am-Too-Cheap-To-Pay-For-So-I-Continue-To-Use-It-As-Nagware program, Brainwave Generator. Adding this to the background just may take this tech. to the next level… If I get some time I may experiment with this myself over thanksgiving break.

well, i tried it last night and the night before, and both mornings i had LD’s which is unusual for me, so i give this the thumbs up.

but what i did is play it looping through my computer while i sleep, but my computer also has a noisy fan that i learn to live with, but every morning, i wake up, turn off my pc and the interview and go back to sleep, this way it is nice and quiet, and this is when i have my lucid dreams.

so thanx for the technique, i’ll try it again tonight and tell ya how it goes.

I had a technical problem two days ago but everything worked fine yesterday. I had two brief lucid dreams yesterday. I can’t really remember why I became lucid each time, but I can say that as both lucid dreams lasted I could hear the interview audio playing. Not clearly enough that I can remember the dialog but I knew it was the interview. In the second lucid dream I looked at 7 paintings then I remembered a task I had planned to do so I asked for the next painting to show me what I should give my mother for Christmas. The next painting I looked at was not one that helped me think of a Christmas gift, but I will be painting it and adding it to my collection. I’ve been awake all night since but I’m ready to try it again in a few hours.

It worked again. I sleept for about 4 hours. I set a silent alarm to run the volume up down fadeing applescript loop for me at about an hour after I went to bed. At some point maybe half an hour before I woke up I became lucid and spent most of my time after that having sex or close to it. This was a perfect session, with nice and smooth lucidity with no worries of wakeing up. I could hear the interview comeing and going in volume a few times and I was gratefull at times it didn’t get loud enough to wake me up.

Great epic dewfall…sounds good!

I will try next week!


cool, worked again last night,
it was the first time i had a dream character tell me i was dreaming,

in my dream, i was finding all this money on the ground, and some guy was saying how funney it was seeing people get excited over finding money, but since there only dreaming they wont have it when they wake up, this made me lucid. so then i became a magician and stunned all my friends :happy:

this technique is great!

Funny idea, I have two questions:

1.You germans in here, do you know a similar interview that is in german language?
Well, if not, never mind, since I am reading this forum all the time english should do for my subcounciousness

  1. Someone said he made the interview get silent and louder again in intervals.Perhaps someone has an edited version of the interview, so I could download it and burn it on cd directly?

The idea of making your own tape is also very cool, just need a microphone and some hours to talk about LDing.I could just read out the posts of this forum :wink:


Oh, just noticed I have an audio editer so I can edit the interview myself :shy:

It seems to have stopped working completely. It only worked amazingly well for me the first 9 days, and now for the last 6 days it’s had no effect. Which is very surprising. It felt like it was going to work endlessly. The only small effect I had was yesterday, when I was dreaming I was eating at a classy restaurant in the middle of a complex story line. Then all of a sudden all the staff and dinning patrons started to recite the interview, taking turns to quote one sentence of the interview each. It was the part of the interview near the beginning where Stephen Laberge first defines what a lucid dream is. Everyone in the restaurant was reciting it with deep pride and joy the same way we sing our national anthems. I didn’t become lucid.

Bummer,… hehe.
The last few nights I had several similar things happening. One was: I explained to another person in detail how he would be able to haave lucid dreams. That went for quite a while till I woke up, annoyed of what possibilities I just missed.
Another thing was when I walked through a laboratory, there were some weird things going on there. At some point in that dream I thought: Fuck it, bummer this is not a dream. Otherwise I’d be lucid right now…
Several more of these stories :sad:(

Hey Traumgänger: Hast Du das Interview editiert? Ich kann während ich das höre nie einschlafen. Wäre geil wenn ich so eine editierte Version hätte, in der der Ton lauter und wieder leiser wird.
Und soviel ich weiß gibt es in deutscher Sprache so gut wie gar nix Gutes über dieses Thema. Das einzige ist so ein Buch von Paul Tholey. Einmal bisher hab ich im TV etwas über luzides Träumen gesehen. Das ging ca. 2 minuten. Ist hier in Deutschland offenbar bei weitem nicht so populär wie anderswo.


To Raven:

Ja, habs allerdings nach dem brennen schon wieder gelöscht. Ist aber nicht viel Arbeit, könnte also vielleicht auch nochmal eins machen, geht unter NERO ziemlich schnell.
Zum einschlafen ist es aber glaub trotzdem nicht gut geeignet, wenn du nicht gerade jemand bist der sehr schnell einschläft. Am besten wärs wenn du einen CD-Player mit Zeitschaltuhr hast.Damit hab ichs letzte Nacht probiert, leider war meine innere Uhr so genau dass sie mich kurz vor Beginn der CD geweckt hat… vielleicht sollte ichs einfach mal von meinem Bruder auf ne zufällige Zeit stellen lassen g


Wär echt geil, wenn Du nochmal ne Version machst und mich die runterladen lassen würdest. Das Problem ist bei nur, dass die Beiden ununterbrochen reden. Meistens schlafe ich sofort ein, nachdem ich die CD ausgemacht hab. Höre übrigens mit einem Discman. Hab keinen Bock mitten in der Nacht die Anlage laufen zu lassen. Ist ziemlich nervig mit den Ohrstöpseln wenn man auf der Seite liegen will.
Aber was tut man nicht alles für einen einzigen luziden Traum…

Raven :smile:

is it Ok if I listen to the interview before I do it at night?

Yes ben7, that’s perfectly ok.

The point of the ‘Holy Grail’ method isn’t to use the interview for subliminal messaging, but rather to simply allow it to influence your dreams.

It’s the same as when you fall asleep half-way through a movie. Sometimes when you do this you can still hear the movie in your sleep, and it might cause you to dream about it.

Quite simply, the point is to get you to hear people talking about lucid dreaming while you are asleep, and it certainly works. It dosn’t matter that you’ve heard it before (I listened to the entire thing several times before I went to bed that night), just that it’s there in the background while you dream.

Oooh the more you guys talk about this the more I want to try it. Unfortunately, my computer is in the other room than my bed. I’m sure I can do it somehow though.

I am quite disinterested in it, but only because I feel it would become a crutch, then I wouldnt be doing it on my own.
Kind of takes the skill out of it


I don’t know if thats true. I think that it would give people the oppurtunity to spend some time being lucid. The more you become lucid the better the pattern will be set up in neural pathways and LDing will become easier for you regardless if you use the technique or not. Presumably.

I think my problem with the technique is that I frequently fall asleep with radio plays on or audio books… perhaps I am used to hearing that noise and tune it out. I have never noticed my dreams being affected by listening to The Shadow or The Jack Benny Show.

Then again… maybe those recordings stop playing before my REM states set in. Hmmmm…