Post Election Support Group

He does have a plan in iraq and it is progressing. You might think its going slowly but you can’t expect change over night. I personlly think we are winning though.

You see them trying to scare people more and more the last few weeks? Like it wasn’t enough to just bash each other. I have a feeling the turn out will be lower than expected because so many will just not vote because they don’t want to put up with it.

Yes he does have a plan unfortunately it is just continuing with the same flawed strategy.

I don’t think anyone is doing any “bashing”. I hope you (or anyone) do not in anyway feel picked on. We are just a group of people who respectfully disagree on the issues.

I disagree to an extent. There are some states that are already decided one way or another. Therefore some may not bother to vote since the outcome in those states is already a foregone conclusion. However, the states that are in dispute I think will show a high turn out. I don’t think people are fed up with it at all. I believe the opposite is true. I think people see this election as something the is very important and as a result you will see a greater voter turn out in the “battle ground states.

Anyway, as things stand right now I predict that Kerry will take Florida and New Hampshire. The republicans it seems have given up on Pennsylvania and it now appears that Kerry has a comfortable lead there. Each day it seems Kerry moves closer to victory. 9 days left to election day

I,the nucleus of all lost knowledge have this prediction to foretell:… Kerry will win the election…BUT…Bush will win the Presidency. Remember what I have spoken, so that when it comes to pass you will know.

who ever wins and what ever happens, it’s not going to be good…

I take it you predict a repeat of the 2000 election.

Well I hope you are wrong there. I think that would be the worst possible outcome. Once was bad enough but, twice would have serious reactions and none of them good. Who ever wins it has to be a clear win.

Hey there, Bush is awesome!
Now, I would say some of my thoughts on Kerry but I don’t want this post deleted…

:user: looks like you’ve been busy huh? :user:

Anyway i feel the same way about both partys…

I do understand your feelings. I wish we had a viable 3rd party like other countries do. However when forced to choose between the parties we have I choose Democrat. 8 years of Reagen and 4 of Bush 1 was unbearable. Ruined the economy, environment, endangered social security. Yet in just 8 years under Clinton we saw great prosperity. We cut the deficit, fixed social security well into 2060 and had a surplus. Now 4 years of Bush II with the same trickle down theories and policies. As a result we have recession, high unemployment, back to wrecking the environment, going to kill social security, more people living in poverty, suspension of civil liberties and of course more war. Oh and don’t forget the record high gas prices!!! Personally I do not see why this is a tight race!

I think your very right milod…
Clinton was the best president ever i dont care what anyone says…
he did alot for this country and along comes bush and destroyed all what he did…

LOL. You know Bush’s IQ is 90, right? If that sounds intelligent to you, then we’re all Einsteins…

:ok: :ok: Two thumbs up for that.

Anyway, just thought I’d stick in my two cents.

Is it really 90? Cuz that’d be awesome if it was lol, but sounds just like a rumor/ fake statistic.

Here is something that has not been in the news but, I think is an important issue. Our current president has formed what he calls the Freedom Commission. This commission is charged with the task of solving the problems of people with mental Illness. As a result of the commissions findings Bush plans to among other things:

  1. Screen every child in America for mental Illness. This may well result in thousands of children being forced on medication regardless of their parents wishes. Parents who don’t want their kids on medication could be charged with child neglect.

  2. Screen every adult in America though, he has not figured out how to do that yet. Lookout, next time you go to the DMV to renew your drivers licence you might have to submit to a psyc eval first.

  3. Forced medication on adults.

  4. One of his buddies that works with the drug companies has developed a device about the size of a quarter that can be implanted under a persons skin and deliver doses of Haldol. This is one of the most antiquated medications on the market. It has the most side effects and can cause irreversible damage to people.

And that is just for starters. Freedom Commission???

8 Days to election day.

You got to be kidding milod!!!
are you serious? where did you here about this?
this is insane, and by what method is one considered mentaly ill?
besides who wants to be , or their child to be on some list saying that they are mentaly ill?
And how convienient it is that its one of bush’s buddy’s that has developt this drug.
you see this is what i am always saying, this is just another form of control, first an implant fthat control’s your mind with hadol, next an implant that just completely takes over your mind…

It does seem a litttle far fetched… But if its real, man. Reminds of this short story we had to read, SQ. SQ like IQ but its sanity and at the end most of the world are in assylums and the rest of the world are working at them…

it does sound far fetched huh?
but alot of things in life sound far fetched at first…

Parents who wont give thier children medication that will help them should be charged with child neglect. If a person can function normally in society, then I wouldn’t be for forcing them to do anything. If you can’t, then you should get help. Nothing far fetched about that.

your missing the point here…

Does anybody have a theory on why Pat Robertson strongly supports bush…

I don’t have a theory buuuut i have a suggestion! try using other punctuation points instead of “…” trailing off every now and then :wink:

here we go again…