Post Election Support Group

I dont think that you Milod and you Nowell would be for Kerry if you knew how he operated, he doesnt give a crap about the small ppl.
And i know his ways a little better because im from massachusetts. You guys would be surprized to know that he cut medicade for alot of ppl on the programs both of you and i were debating about on the other thread, Not to mention all the programs for kids he cut, and …
well i cant recall right now but he screwed up alot of things back home, you should have seen all the ppl running around doing crime because they were cut off without notice… imean just like that from one day to the other…
kerry’s not the man for the presidency…bush and his ppl arent either …,… what are we to do???

What Bush was talking about is something else.

Whats really stupid about the draft though, is kerry is trying to imply that bush is planning to put the draft in. That is 100% untrue. If you want to argue about anything the draft is just as likely under kerry as it is under bush. Just think about it. Kerry said he wont run and just leave iraq, that means the troops stay and the same things your talking about can still happen.

Aww. A forum divided cannot stand! Can’t we all just agree to stop bickering and just vote? It’s not like there are any undecided voters arguing, and the chance that your going to change someone’s vote who’s either pro-Kerry/Bush enough to argue relentlessly about it online is about as slim as… Kerry’s horseface? As small as Bush’s brain? :razz: Yay insults! Oh right, back to the niceness.

Stands up, holds lighter in air, starts swaying and singing “All we are saying… Is give peace a chance…”

Bickering? I would rather say we’re sharing arguments here, just having a (now and then heated) discussion about politics - for some people this can be fun you know :wink:

I completely agree with konnart on this. Neither of them can run a country properly. This is choosing between an evil and a somewhat lesser evil. I would find it very entertaining if it didn’t have a lot of effect on the rest of the world.

And what’s up with the fact that it’s always either a republican or democrat as president? Aren’t there any other political parties?

Not really. Things here do not work like they do in other democracy’s around the world. 3 rd party candidates get very little support. Mostly because votes for third parties do not translate to seats in the legislature like they do in other countries. I look forward to the day when we truly have more than 2 parties. We have had a few 3 party candidates hold positions as governors and some state legislature positions but, nothing on the national level. As things stand right now 3rd party candidates just take votes away from one candidate as Perot did to Bush and Nader did to Gore. Neither of these candidates had any chance of winning and votes for them are often called protest votes. I call them wasted votes since these votes do nothing to aid the development of third party or reform the system in anyway.

edit- These programs are usually regulated by the states and not by the federal government. For example Medicaid is a federal program and the federal government set general gridlines for them but it is up to the states to regulate and implement that program. As a result the medicaid rules vary drastically from state to state. Most likely It is your state legislature and governor who cut those programs.

Don’t worry I assure you I have no illusions about Kerry. He is not the Democratic Candidate I wanted but, it is who we have. I agree we are picking the lesser of 2 evils here. But, 4 more years of Bush with no reelection to worry about is an evil we can’t afford. Civil rights, the economy, the environment, health care, social security and possibly our national security will be out the window. And that is just getting warmed up.

In what way?

Both G.W Bush and John Kerry are intelligent and rational persons and qualified politicians. Bush even has 4 years of experience on the job. His politics is excellent from the perspective of someone who is american and rich, someone who doesn’t give a damn about “small people” or about his county’s economy or about other nations in the world.

Of course no-one really cares about the small people. I think american society is too money-centered for that. But Kerry is liberal, which means the small people will be f***ed. But less than under a conservative president.

If a 3rd party takes enough votes away from someone they can make them lose, which is an effect on the system.

Milod you are correct and i might be confusing kerry with romney, but i think i remember kerry’s name bieng the target of many pist off ppl… i dont know…but i will look it up, im looking thru my home town newspapers now…
On another note, if i had to pick between the two choices i would probably pick kerry,
But i still think bush is going to win, i also think BinLadin will mysteriously be caught right before the election’s making bush a hero
gaining him lots of vote’s.
i dont agree with the war, but now that we are there, what the hell are we supposed to do, drop everything and run, addmiting we were wrong?
bush would never do that, he has to save face, now that he stuck his nose were it dont belong he has to stay there and keep getting our troops killed in a war that cannot and will not ever be won…
How the hell can anybody win a holy war…
if you look back in history, what holy war has ever been won?
And if there was one won, did they ever realy win?

That is true but, not in a way that the third party candidate would desire. It also does nothing to develop a strong 3rd party. For example: Perot would have preferred Bush over Clinton yet, all he did was take votes from Bush. Of course, in that election, Clinton would have won even without Perot. However, in the 2000 election Nader took votes away from Gore in a couple of key states. If Nader did not run Gore most likely would be president now even with losing Florida and all southern states. In this case Nader would have preferred Gore over Bush. Furthermore, this time around Nader is not likely to have as big of an impact. His views have less support now then they did in 2000.

Anyway back to Kerry Bush:

There are lots of polls out there some have Bush up by 2 points While others favor Kerry by 2-3 points and yet others have them dead even. I think all of these pools are useless since they are targeted to likely voters. However, we have seen a huge increase in new registered voters this year. Everyone seems to agree that most of these are Kerry supporters. The question is how many of these people will vote. Most channels report that they expect a 60%+ voter turn out. So really these poll’s are meaningless. One thing you can be sure of is the race will get nasty from here out.

11 days to election day

This is off topic but, fox news has reported that Clinton wants to be the next secretary general of the UN. That could be interesting!

Its not a holy war, and the war can be won. Infact I think we are getting pretty close(in iraq, not the entire war on terror).

How could you posibly think that this is not a holy war?
Just because it’s not a holy war for us, it doesn’t mean it’s not a holy war for Iraq…
And you think were pretty close to winning this war!!?
The war has just begun, and it wont be no time at all before it’s right here in our own backyard’s on a significant level, because its already here.
You think the twin towers is the only thing thats going to happen here?
Americans are brasing themselves for the worst, thats why we have a color coded awareness system.

What the do you think this war is, the entire war is based on the fact that we are fighting terrorism…
This war will never end, and if you think that it started when we invaded, your dead wrong, this war has been going on for a long time now…

Its not a holy war. To be a holy war it kind of has to be about a religion. There is no religion is play here though. Its just a bunch of crazy people. They might try to use their religion as an excuse but its hardly because of it.

Yea the war in iraq is part of the war on terror, which is why I was trying to make it clear which one I was talking about. In iraq we are very close to winning. In the overall war we can still win. You can’t get rid of all terrorist but if your goal is the organized groups, then you can win.

Milod wrote

It is going to get nasty. That I completely agree with. And the other thing is that whoever wins is going to win by a very small margin. The people where I live are really strong supporters of Bush. They practically idolize the man. God forbid you try and make a good discussion about politics.

I do however have to disagree with Alric.

There are two leaders that see this war rather differently and very scary. One leader (Bin Laden) and it’s people believe this to be a significant holy war. The other leader (Bush) from what I’ve read and heard, believes the world is going to end when a man in a blue turban presses the button. Both men are very religious so this is a holy war. Except that we aren’t instilling our holiness onto them.

A war that wasn’t thought out or planned before it was initiated.

Going to get nasty? Its been nasty.

How huge? Is there a source to support this? I take it normally about 45-50% of eligible citizens vote in america, compared to about 65-75% or more in many democracies. If 75% of americans voted would Bush have a chance?

I think it was over 80% that registered this time but then everyone who register doesn’t vote. I don’t think it matters if 60% vote or 90% vote, the outcome would be the same. Its pretty much split even. Whats going to make a difference is if 80% of the people for bush votes but like 50% of the people for kerry vote.

Oh I don’t think they even got started yet. Both sides are just getting warmed up.
We will have to wait until next week to see what happens. I think both sides will come out very aggressive.

I also predict that Clinton will give Kerry a push in the polls.

That is actually hard to predict. It gets even more complicated with the electoral system. No mater what happens Bush can not take my state, so neither of them really spends much money or time here. There are a few states that Kerry may win like New Mexico and some That Bush might take from the democrats this time around. However, if Kerry does take Florida as well as New Mexico and holds PA it is likely game over for Bush. If Kerry does not take Florida it will be a tight race because the other “battle ground states” are just too close to call right now. The other X factor is how many of the newly registered voters actually will come out and vote. Even Fox news reports that most of these new registered voters are likely to go for Kerry.

I would love to see a 65%+ voter turn out. That has been my biggest gripe about elections. So many people do not participate in the process. Everyone complains but when it comes time to vote so many people don’t get involved and VOTE. Most I think because people think their votes won’t matter. However, the 2000 election ( I hope ) has changed that and people will understand that their vote is important.

If we see a 75% or better voter turn out (across the board) my opinion is that Bush’s goose would be cooked. :smile:

Still neither candidate has said much on the environment. :grrr: Not long ago there was an advisory put out to 18 states not to consume fish from fresh water lakes due to mercury poisoning. :sad:

Here in my town, republicans have been going around stealing John Kerry yard signs from peoples lawns (including mine). Just today, My mom and I went and picked up 4 more signs and handed them out in the neighborhood to democrats who lost their Kerry signs. I just can’t believe that someone would do that. that is so narrow minded and petty. but as my mom put it, “they can stop my voice, but they can’t stop my vote.” haha.

On the note of Bushs plan to privatize social security… umm he has planned on doing that for 4 years. Kerry was not making an accusation, he was speaking the truth.

And to the people complaining about all the “bickering.”-
This Thread WAS MADE for bickering and arguing. hence the name “bush vs. Kerry.”
Don’t worry guys… HELP IS ON THE WAY!

Mmm There was a time when they said we were winning in Vietnam too. This is one of the things that scares me most about this president. He seems to think that the war in Iraq almost over and the are just a few radicals to clean up. Referring to the war in Iraq a catastrophic success??? I got news for you. In my opinion, the war has not begun yet. That 2 week sprint to Baghdad was not the real war. What we are fighting now is the real war. This is the war they wanted. To be honest I don’t think our current president can see that. Nor does he have the credibility to do what is necessary to win. Regardless of how you felt about the war in the beginning you have to route for a winning plan now because, it is our peace that is at stake. I just don’t think that Bush, thorough all his tough talk, has a winning strategy.

As far as the war on terror goes and yes I believe they are separate wars. At least they were in the beginning. We are no where. We are neither winning or losing. We just are not fighting it.

That is just plain idiotic that someone would do that. I am sure that there are other morons who are stealing vote bush signs as well. It just goes to show how heated this has become.

I don’t think there is really any “bickering” going on. Healthy debates perhaps but, so far everyone has been civil to each other.