Post Election Support Group

I am absolutely SICK that i am not old enough to vote in this election. This election to me is extremely important to the future of the united states, yet alone, the world.

Being only 15 years old really sucks when you are as politically charged and active as I am. While I cannot contribute my vote to help getting homie out of the office, I can campaign for Kerry and that is EXACTLY what i am doing. I am doing anything I can to help Kerry win this election. I am avoudly democrat. While my dad is also democrat and voting for kerry, my mom was originally for bush because she saw kerry as having “good plans” but she thinks he just couldn’t do what he says. but after watching fahrenheit 9/11, she has changed her mind and said she is voting for Kerry anyway. I am happy that since i cannot vote kerry, my parents are.

As for the debate, Kerry did an excellent job I though. at least the first one. but he started to not do as great in the latter 2. But still doing better than bush. at least in my opinion. I thought bush did a pretty good job in the 3rd debate, but kerry still having that slight edge on him. Everyone that supports Kerry on this board, it would be great if you all joined up with your local Democratic headquarters and helped campaign!
I leave you all on this note… Vote Kerry in '04! :content:

Good advice!!!

It is good to see yong people take an interest in politics. While your can’t vote for president here is a vote you can cast.

Nice avatar BTW

My last post is gone :uh:

Sorry I found it. Wrong thread :confused:

Both Bush and Kerry spoke today. Bush in New Jersy and Kerry in Florida.

The only thing Bush spoke about was Iraq. The basic message behind all his rhetoric was vote for me and live. Vote for Kerry and die. Oh Please. Throughout the speech he referred to Kerry as his opponent refusing to acknowledge him by name. How caddy can one be. Anyway as I said his entire speech was about Iraq and nothing else. It is disheartening to see that President Bush does not seem to understand that there are other issues that concern us. Despite the fact that he lost the popular vote in 2000. Despite the fact that this race threatens to be even closer than it was in 2000. Despite the fact that we are more divided than I have ever seen. President Bush refuses to acknowledge that he might just be wrong on a few things and perhaps change some of his policies.

On the other hand in a much shorter speech Kerry spoke about Iraq, health care, the economy, and jobs. Yes, he was actually able to talk about more than one issue.

They both speak everyday. Taking one from today and saying he only talks about iraq is unfair though. Different days you speak about different topics.

I don’t think it is unfair at all. If either speaks again tomorrow and I get a chance to see it I will post about that as well. Neither said much of anything over the weekend and today was the first day (that I saw) where both candidates talked about their issues. What is unfair though was how fox news did not air the first part of Kerry’s speech yet they claim to be “fair and balanced”???

Kerry had less air time than Bush and managed to cover a range of issues. Who is left that does not understand what Bush’s position on Iraq is. His position is abundantly clear so, why not talk about something else. Aside from Iraq and tax cuts for the uberwealthy Bush does not seem to have anything of substance to say on other topics. On the topic of fairness it is certainly unfair to imply that if you elect Kerry you are all going to die which Bush did throughout his speech.

Well lets be fair here. Kerry said the same thing when he lied about how Bush plans to restart the draft.

I have heard others say that as well. Now perhaps I missed it (anything is possible). But, I have never heard Kerry actually say that. I have heard him say that our armed forces are over extended and that the guard and reserves are being used as a back door draft but, I never heard him say that Bush plans to institute the draft. I know that members of congress, Republican and Democrats alike, have expressed concern over our current deployments and are frightened that if some other threat emerged a draft might be necessary. I just don’t think Kerry himself has said it. Now if he did say it and he had no good faith basis for saying so then, I would agree with you that it would be unfair.

He said if bush was elected again there would be “a strong probability” of the draft comming back. So if you want to get into semantics, he might have never said bushed “plans” it but between that and his ads its pretty clear hes trying to scare people.

Just like when he was talking to a group of older people he tried to scare them by saying bush plans to privatize social security and none of them will get any money. He even used a made up quote of bush saying it, which he never did!

Of course then the democrats(even if it wasn’t kerry himself) sent out flyers of a black man getting shot with a fire hose saying something to the extent that republicans are trying to suppress the black vote.

Its a real nice election isn’t it?

Kerry Sucks

Well that is not really far fetched. Unless things get better who knows what would happen in the future. Right now we are irritating many countries who shall we say are not on our Christmas list. If another crisis were to erupt where would we get the soldiers from. Either pull out of Iraq and leave it to fend for it’s self or quickly Increase our armed services. For that matter what happens if things get worse in Iraq and we need more soldgers. I think what Kerry is pointing out is you have to think 2 or 3 moves a head of yourself. How many people do you know that right now would volunteer to serve in Iraq if the need arose? Do you know even one? If noone would volunteer then what alternative is left. But I agree things would have to get pretty extreme before this option is used. I would have to say this one is 50/50.

This is absolutely true. The bush plan would cause the government to do one of 2 things.

  1. raise taxes
  2. cut benefits

Since bush does not want to raise taxes the only option is cutting benefits. Now the cuts in benefits may not happen right away but, make no mistake about it they will come. We just won’t know when or how much until we see how many people elect for these private accounts. Where as I can go 50/50 on bringing up the draft issue the social security issue is a major concern for seniors and people with disabilities. Kerry is 100% correct on this one.

I’ll give you that one. That was truly despicable. While I believe there is a serious need for reforms in our voting system. That was not the way to raise awareness to it and most likely only inflamed people who other wise might have been sympathetic to the issues. However, preventing people form voting who are eligible to vote is equally despicable. Everyone should have the right to vote and every vote should be counted.

The latest polls have Bush up by about 2%

I don’t think I can ever remember elections being the way they are now. Living in the southern part of the United States compared to have being raised in the northern part is an even bigger change. I’m completely for Kerry. I truly believe that Bush has fouled things up and can’t admit that he did. If he would just see that things are not going smoothly and work at that.

I think I said this on an earlier post about the draft. And if Bush doesn’t make changes and we’re not out of there(Iraq) soon and as Milod said we definitely are not on anyone’s christmas list this year, draft is more than probable. Privatizing and cutting benefits is going to be down right disasterous. Right now there are so many elderly and disabled that truly count on these benefits and are barely surviving as it is.

I’m not too sure with saying that Fox was unfair by not showing the beginning part of Kerry’s speech. It only showed me that poor Bush needed more time to get one point across where Kerry was able to touch on more than one topic in his short time.

I am for Kerry but I’m so disappointed right now. I just feel that the USA teaches and tries to enforce upon us that it is more important to have a leader that goes to church every sunday, is happily married, has strong family values, etc… than to put someone that can get the darn job done. Regardless of his gender, marital status, color, religion (if any).

:lmao: I like that one. Let’s all feel sorry for Bush.

Yes, teachers should not be teaching their views with politics. Though most universities are the worst offenders but, mostly for the democrats point of view. Perhaps we need a separation of politics and school just like church and state.

Yes this is one of the worst elections yet. I think for both sides there is so much at stake. People are also angrier than usual as well. The polls show the country as divided but, I am not so sure that is true. I think that if everyone that can vote does, Kerry wins by a good margin. What frustrates me is there are so many people that don’t vote. Anyway, I am sure (unfortunately) that things are going to get even nastier over the next 2 weeks on both sides.

That is the classic Bush syndrome. If he would just say “I made a mistake” or “I was wrong about that” he could turn things around for himself. This is the same thing that happened with Bush I.

Flipping through the channels during a commercial break from the Bos/NY game, I saw that Fox actually had Kerry in the lead his 41% to Bush’s 40% the rest undecided.

We are not talking about cutting benefits. Kerry outright lied and said bush had a plan to “privatize social security”, and he said it to try and scare people.

There wont be any draft, I don’t know why anyone would think there is a chance of it. Its only a scare tactic, no one wants the draft. There is no reason we would ever be forced to have a draft. At worse you need troops you pay them more and a ton of people will join. To answer your question, I do know people who would go to iraq. Infact I know someone who went to iraq came back already and is more than willing to go back if he had the chance.

Awesome :thumbs: I have not seen too much news today yet. I bet his lead will increase even more once Clinton starts campaigning for him next week.

Well we should be because, if Bushes Social Security Plan is ever enacted into law we will end up cutting benefits to seniors and the disabled.

:uh: No he didn’t. Bush has been talking about privatizing Social Security since his 2000 race and throughout his term in office. Fortunately, for the disabled and elderly he can’t do more than one thing at a time. This is not in any way a scare tactic on Kerry’s part. Even the partial privatization that bush is talking about (for now) would cause the current system to financially collapse.

While I agree with you that a draft is unlikely it is not as far fetched as you make it sound either. If we continue on this course of ill planning you never know what can happen.

Bush Sucks…


I take it you think they both suck.

hopefuly bush will not be president again, but that is imposible, everyone knows that bush jr is not the real president and he’s only a puppet for his father who is the real president, and will be for another 4 years, As long as you have strong political ties and alot of money you can become president too…
Bush is a morron…do you realy think he’s running this country…cmon…

Well, I don’t think it was a lie about Bush privatizing social security. If he did that it would be a relief to the government. And there has been so much money going into his mess of a war that he needs to save money where ever he can. It’s not a scare tactic. It’s a realization. One that could be right in front of us if Bush wins.

Kerry’s done nothing but bring out Bush’s faults. The draft is probable. And if in fact it does go somewhere, the American people won’t have a choice. If Korea, for example acts up and we feel the need to do something about that. We’ll send people there. And then what. We’re burning our bridges with a lot of countries and soon enough no one will want to be an ally when it comes to fighting. Which will mean that we’ll need more of our soldiers. And if that should happen than where else are we going to get voluntary military. No where. Because no one wants to go but with a draft you have to go.

What good can come from a guy who waited to come to his countries aid when it was attacked.

Actually I thought it was Cheney and Rumsfield.

I just caught a glimpse of some news. Apparently, in a speech today Kerry attacked the useless color coded warning chart (Our tax dollars at work). I was wondering why noone has brought this up. Exactly what are we supposed to do when we are at orange or red. Hide in the basement? What? I have no idea. If there is a game plan here I wish someone would share.

I compleatly agree.