Project: GOD (Group of Dreamers)

well, that can be the co-leaders’ job. As for me, Think of me as Moses, leading us into the promised land lol.

please, just don’t do it.

:smile: ok.

when do you plan to go to bed, oh mighty leader?

for this to even begin to work, we’re gonna need to get someone who can definitely go lucid easily and maintain it long enough to get someone else lucid.

HAHAHAAHAAHAAHA :rofl: :lol: :happy: :biggrin:

depends on when you all want to, but not right now though lol.

Yes, anyone here very good?

this is becoming exciting!

We’d better make a definite time though… some people might not be on when we give out the time…

And I hope no one sets there hopes too high just incase this doesnt work :sad:

yea, lol. ok. whenever u guys r ready. :smile: idk how long it takes you guys to become lucid, but i fall asleep within about 30-45 min. I’ll have to do some major relax. exerc. to relieve all this giddy anticipation though. :smile: You make a good leader, Seraphim. You’re always focused on the big picture, the task at hand. :cool:

well, maybe if we can build up enough hope, and maybe even pray, then perhaps we shall succeed. And if we do succeed…It will be great. Not only will the experience be awesome, but we will finally have proof! We shall be looked upon with great respect!


Lunatic & I have agreed on a time.

12:00 midnight.

AMEN! Ok, 12:00 it is.


wooo page 3!!!

he has a point… how do we know when everyone is lucid? some of us may not be lucid at the same time… and some of us may not even be asleep at the same time…


It’s the latter of the two that scares me.

yes tonight, and if it doesnt work tonight we’ll try again tommorrow…

everyone doesnt have to be lucid at the same time. We just need one person to start the chain of the “awakining”.

As for all of us not sleeping at the same time, let us hope that this is not the case…