Project: GOD (Group of Dreamers)

Works for me! Any night as far as I’m concerned! I don’t know 'bout the rest of you guys, though. (work, school,…)

and when it comes to whether or not we will have a shared dream, I like to think of it like this, “I do not believe it to be a matter of hope, it is simply…a matter of time” - Morpheus

oh I didnt think about that… silly me…

and… what do you mean by…


Fast Question: In a LD, if you will yourself to remember your dream, does it work?

this is going pretty fast… we all might as well be in a chat room…

I will try to become lucid through HILD tonight, I’m already really tired, by 11:30, I should be out cold. What time setting we going by? It’s 10:24 here.

perhaps, im not really sure. Why not try it tonight, if…no WHEN we get this thing working


This thread would be more aptly titled “Wishful thinking”, no personal offense to any of you.

I’m afraid that i’ll be too excited to go to sleep, so you guys will all be having a shared dream, while i can’t sleep! :tongue:

same here

when you goto sleep, or are trying. Do as Neo does…Free Your Mind. Try not to think so much about it.

Holy crap, you’re right. What time zone guys? I’m GMT -6, Seraphim’s GMT -5, i believe…

Ok, good. Hope this works, going to sleep in a half hour I think.


where shall we go first?


Meeting Jesus?


Learning the aspects/meanings of life?

Yeah, I’m in. I am 100% Christian. I don’t know if you trying to see God is possible, but it’s worth a shot.
You’ll probably have to come get me lucid. Remember, I’m Nemesis.

Ha ha ha. When it comes to ND’s, I’m a mother f*cking shape shifter. I might be my self, a zombie, an elf, a demon, Mario, Snake Plisken, a child (4-14 usally), a catman, anything.

You got to state your parameters yo. When are we doing this? What are we going to do? Who all’s goanna be in it?

Ask him? Dude, dream powers!!! I like your idea though, asking’s fine.

Seraphim and I have concurred that this will take place at 0:00 GMT -5. About who’s going and who will be responsible for who…



looks like a possible multiple personallity disorder MPD

Yeah… thanks for the tip :razz: