Project: GOD (Group of Dreamers)


I’m kind of doubtful that we can actually meet god in a dream


well, i just thought of something. when we are lucid, we can access our sub-c, right? so all we have to do is scan over the list of names, memorize them maybe but looking at them should be enough, and then anyone who gets lucid will have all the names memorized, right?

maybe not god, but jesus, possible.

Num 12:6 And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, [I] the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision, [and] will speak unto him in a dream.

eh :neutral:

I might be missing something here about shared dreams (personally don’t care for it so much) Wouldn’t this have a better chance at success if you tried to line up your first stage of REM sleep? about 90 mins after you drop off to sleep?


probably, but we don’t know when the first person will become lucid, so it may take 90 min. idk, we’ll see.

For the people who quoted me for some reason, scratch that last remark.

I agree.

only 40 minutes left until…!!!

ok well, i guess im gonna go ahead and go to sleep. Let us hope this works. I will pray before I rest.

going to bed now?


Ok, Seraphim’s gone and we need one final count: Who’s in besides me, Lunatic, and Seraphim? Oh, and Nemesis and Randomperson, they’re interested. Randomperson already went to bed. If you don’t post a response, you most likely will not be in, unless we just happen to spontaneously remember u in a dream and I don’t think that’s gonna happen. Also, be ready for PMs from me and/or Lunatic.

Also, who else is going to try to induce a LD?

Oh, well, seeing that I am the only person still here; whether this works or not this is how it was suppose to go: Lunatic wakes up Seraphim. Seraphim wakes up me. I wake up Nemesis. Nemesie or I wake up Randomperson if he’s not already lucid. Good luck to all!! Hope to See you!!

im not going to even bother reading that many pages of something so simple. lol.

this sounds all fun and dandy, but you guys have to face the facts. you must go to bed at the same time, or at an extent to the same time. you cant just go to bed whenever.

uh yeah…lol thats it. hehe.

not really up for the whole see heaven thing…because I got things to do…but you guys can definatly come visit. I will get lucid tonight. Every weekend I get lucid :happy: its just the weekdays that I dont because of school, and of course xbox :smile:

well, im sorry to say but, I didnt go lucid :sad: . The only dream I had was one of being at church and having been around all these kids. I stayed at church for a while, then my mom calls me after church is over and is like, "WHERE ARE YOU??? Then, after that, I go back to church and I’m sitting there listening to the sermon when, this wife and husband start punching each other and fighting. Then the preacher comes and stops them and moves the husband away from the wife.

Then after having that dream, I remember having some dream, where I’m asking Lunatic if that shared dream thing worked, but I cant remember what he said. :sad:

yea, nothing happened here. we should try again sometime.

I din’t get lucid either. We should get organized. Seriphem, you need to make a list of all the people who will be in this (or was thst small list it?). We also need to set a date. Hold on… Bendrummin58 said that he get lucid every weekend, so why don’t we try tonight? Or next saturday? If we do it next saturday, you can make the list and I can PM everybody. We should all probably go to bed at the same time, like 12:00 or 1:00.