Project: GOD (Group of Dreamers)

we all tried to go to bed at the same time. Our bed time was 12:00 A.M. and I thought we were pretty organized. I wasnt sure about the heaven thing either :sad:

??? It all pretty much relied on me? eh…

We could try again tonight though…

I had a dream about you too but I cant remember it :sad:
all I remember is having a false awakening… there was a bunch of other people i didnt know there…

I was off for a while and when i came back all this thing was already settled. Anyway looks like we should organize this thing very well, time zones etc.

Hey everyone i live in new jersey and i would love to join in this

if this is stil going on i would love to have some of u help me become lucid!!

one reason for your failure is that you guys did not establish a very good plan.

i’d do something like this, each member has one person they are to contact, this is their 100% focus as soon as they are lucid… if they do not feel succesful in finding their target within a perceived time frame of roughly 1-5 minutes, they will just go look for the group.

if they find their target, they will give their target a codeword, something simple, but something that wouldn’t be easily guessed, something like “purple cow” or something like that… but it can be a sentence, a song lyric, whatever…

step 2 is finding a location to meet everyone, it would be best to draw up some sort of picture, or post a picture here for us to try to memorize, such as a nice picture of a mountain or something. However since this is a forum, what could be easier than asking to go to ld4all itself?

so in the big scheme of things, assuming everyone meets, there will be posting of dream journals as well as codewords… if the stories check out (and there is room for people to lie here, a better system would have to be worked out, such as having a mandatory story postinig time or something) AND the codewords check out… then maybe you’ve accomplished something.

really for this to work at all it would need to happen in person, everyone sleeping in the same room, doing a guided meditation or something.

i really like the name “project GOD” though, I’ve been wanting to do something like this, but try to get it going at my university… would it be okay for me to use that title for it if I can’t think of anything else?

and i might be in on this if you try it again, depending on whether i read the boards much more, etc… I’m 100% NOT christian though.

you dont have to be a christian to do this…
most people are doing this just for the shared dreaming.
I’ll talk to seraphim later and we might try again to night…

yea, most of us are here just for the shared dreaming. There’s a new thread being started right now. I’m not sure where yet, so look around. :om:

yeah u can use it. Just give me credit if possible, but credit is not required.

I was waiting for someone like “Hope reality” to talk, we need ppl like him.

anyone else in?

if you want, we can implement the code word situation from the other project when we meet at the crossroads

Yea, I wish he was on yesterday. R3tro came on last last night.