All my life I’ve had strange dreams when a radio alarm, or just music is turned on. Sometimes I’ll just hear the music in the dream, and then wake up. But recently I had a dream while waking to NPR. There was this program on about materials that don’t decompose in the environment. Then suddenly in the dream yellow flowers appeared all over, and the narrator seemed to narrorate the dream. There was no hope of ever getting rid of these flowers, because they would never die, never decompose. I remember all the talk about ‘cleanup’, and DuPont not admitting it’s mistake. I woke up and heard the rest of the program while awake. This is why I’m looking all this Dream stuff up, I think. I want to know what is it called when an outside stimulus directely influences a dream as it is happening? Thanks.
I wish I could dig up an old lucid dream I had. In this LD I was listening to my favorite talk radio show Art Bell. I heard it word for word, and enjoyed listening to it … until they started talking about Satan and so I woke myself up. … I know, I know, call me chicken.
I kinda mentioned that dream in here today too: “Lucid Snoring”
This thread also questions how real life sounds affect dreams, and how we as lucid dreamers have the challenge of trying to alter or prevent waking life sounds from entering our dreams.
Most of the time, I just dream a black hole. However, the first night I went to bed after reading about Lucid Dreaming, I woke up from the black hole, with just one thing in my head: The Queensrÿche song “Silent Lucidity”, and I found it funny since I haven’t heard it in awhile. Sometimes I just dream in audio, it’s crazy. I can’t say if I’ve ever had an LD, but I’ve been having some weird dreams since I started taking ginko.
That’s a pretty good way of describng it. I don’t know what it’s called I’m afraid but it’s happened to me a few times, always in the morning when there’s a radio on or knock at the door. They can be quite interesting dreams.