Recently Tried to use PK, TK, And Telepathy

Just from that post, you sound as if you truly believe that you are telepathic. How else could you be so confident of what another person, a completely separate individual who you probably only know from a few forum posts, knows and feels-- “deep down”?

In my humble opinion, people who think that something is impossible would only waste their time, choosing to get in the way of other people who try to make impossible things happen. Possibly more time and effort wasted by the former than the latter.

I’d just like to put a reminder here about respecting one another. You don’t have to respect, understand or share in what somebody else believes to realise making comments like “That’s just stupid” or suggesting off the bat they are making “failed attempts at humour” isn’t really respectful of them. It’s also entirely possible to post from the sceptic point of view, without flaming. Let’s try to assume the best of one another and keep this civil.


As far as my take on PK and telepathy. I tend to be more sceptical, but not totally closed to the idea that we might be more connected to others and the world around us than we have established in the scientific domain. Especially with some of the findings of quantum mechanics. Such as the finding that when a proton is observed, it can in some cases do something different to when it’s not observed.

Well like you said, the “failed attempt at humour” comment was suggested off the bat whereas I was just returning the favour. I would never try to insult someone without a good reason but in this case, I had every reason to. I’m sorry if I may have caused a stir in a part of the community but I just felt it was logical to stick up for myself as any normal person would IRL. I’ve never insulted anyone on this forum without a reason and I promise not to, unless an event like this happens again in which I must act in order to defend myself. :content:

Your reactions and arguments are, and this is pointed out with no intent on my part to attack you, extraordinarily illogical. Logic doesn’t mean that you go along with a popular opinion and become axiomically correct, there are rules to logic. If you know these rules and standards, then you have not followed them, regardless of what you felt. So, I would categorize your reaction as emotive and reactionary, not logical.

That’s why your argument was absurd (note the absence of ad hominem, another logical fallacy: whether you, as a person, are absurd, has no bearing.) To say that there is no reason to pursue it because we have a facsimile of the same experience anyway, is illogical. It doesn’t invalidate your own feelings about lucid dreaming being enough for you, but as a persuasive argument is recognizably flawed.

Thank you so much @RebirthNexus !!!

My post was a few years ago, so when I read yours I felt as if my post had been “refreshed.” You made some points I had forgotten too mention, and I’m so so happy you knew what I meant about using your energy.

I didn’t know if that was the correct/non-correct way of doing things, it just felt right. I could control it better.

I’m at work and I don’t have time now but I’m going to post a few of my most powerful telepathic moments when I get back. Thanks for your post, made me believe things that were long lost and forgotten.

My father and I have an extremely powerful connection with each other. We read each other’s thoughts constently. Usually it’s small things, wanting the radio to be turned down and the other does it. Calling the other when they were thinking of them (and this happens every time we call). Asking the same question the other was going to ask (all the time). All the way down to having the same dreams.

But it might be because we are so genetically close that this happens.

Then again I had a, “Telepathic” friend, we would pratice our ventures together. We had a 76% success rate…which is pretty astounding.

The use of a psi wheel and why is busted its due to heat etc from the hands however I found it interesting that when rubbing my hands togheter it moves even less than to begin with despite my hands being much warmer and heating the air up around it as they claim is the reason of it to move. How can my hands produce more heat when standstill than when im rubbing them togheter causing heat trough friction???

Yes skeptics love to say the psi wheel is busted. Thing is, I thought that a long time ago. So I did me a little experiment. I filmed a psi wheel under a glass bowl from about ten feet away. I sat in a chair watching tv, in the same room. I finished filming and watched the film. Needless to say the wheel hadn’t budged a millimeter. Sitting in the same chair, and not getting up at all, I moved the psi wheel. It made a full circle about three or four times…this takes away the possibilty of heat, air flow, static and magnets. I didn’t do this on the first try however, it took me at least a month.

To tell you the truth Emil, I’m still a skeptic in a way. You see, I have no idea how this works, and I have done numerous expirments to debunk/figure it out! It’s still hard for me to believe I can do such…‘things.’

Do you have any videos of anything that you have done, redifin?

@ TwistlingLight

I will e-mail you a video, but will not display it here.

Some flaming posts removed. Please keep it civil here. :ysim: