Repetitive dreams


I am a newbie here (see my presentation here … 615#263615 ).

I would want to know if several of you construct coherent and long term lasting universes in non lucid dreams. I got 2 kinds of interesting (at last for me ) non lucid dreams.

First category is repetitive dream, some kind of nightmares, for me… Like by chased by a terrible monster, running in tunnel, going out the tunnel just to barely escape a huge rock launched by the monster, etc. I did this one several times, some years ago. But, each time I did it again, I was more and more tranquil. I was getting sure that the monster would not get me. I knew that at the exit of tunnel, a rock would miss me, etc. No lucid dreaming, no remembrance that I was dreaming, but… like it I was just a step away from lucid dreaming.

The second category is a repetitive dream a repetitive place. In my dream, I often went in a big city, always the same. I met people. And the city was alive. I remember driving, finding a blocked street because a roadwork, and six months later, in another dreams, the roadwork was finished and I could drive in this street again!

Do you have some repetitive experiences like this to share?

Not personally - I never dream of the same place twice. Your experiences sound interesting, though!

I’ve noticed I have a few repeatative dreams, they often occur at the same time of year too.

Usually I try to use them for DILD. I often get attacked by wasps, last night I “reasoned with them” in a very low level lucid.

I did have one recurring nightmare though but that stopped as soon as we moved from that house.

I used to get the same dream once every year. I’m expecting it again soon. Maybe when I have it again I’ll use it as a DILD. Good idea!

There’s also this LD I’ve had 3 times. It was exactly the same. 2 soldiers shooting at me having no affect and me turning into a beast and eating them. :tongue:

In two dreams that I had, it was about a month or so between them, I visited a place that doesn’t exist in RL.
It was a little theatre, mostly built with wood. It was secret, and not many could find it.
But that was many years ago.

A more recent example of “dream continuity” is that sometimes when I dream, I remember things from earlier dreams but think that it really happened.

And then, I quite often dream about my neighbours’ dog (I’m a bit afraid of it…). I dreamt that they had gotten themselves a second dog. About two weeks later, I dreamt that they had three dogs. The “second dog” was exactly the same as in the earlier dreams.
I sometimes also dream the same dream many times.