Republican or Democrat? Conservative or Liberal?

One last note on the fornication thing… fornication is technically sex before marriage, and yeah, if you wanna split hairs, you are right. But it is the twin sister (or brother whatever) of adultry, which is cheating on your spouse.

Finally, I like Milod and everyone else here. I just happen to occasionally disagree on certain subjects. And, like I said, I am a libertarian, and there is a big difference between believing something is wrong, and believing it should be illegal.

I don’t see it that way… One you’re doing with the support and knowledge of your partner and the other your decieving and incredibly disrespecting them. Except in the eyes of the Church they seem like opposites. Fornication can be a way express love or open a realationship to a new level, whereas adultry is almost always based on pure lust. Being more sexually open and aware does not go hand in hand with betrayl and deciet in my mind.

I completely agree

Well I personally was not offended however, (ready to be shocked) I think the fines were appropriate.

The bottom line is the law is the law and if you don’t like it you lobby to change it. Not break it! However, even that was not the determining factor for my opinion. There was no warning ahead of time of nudity giving people who would be offended by such act the opportunity to change the station. I may not care about the wardrobe malfunction but, like it or not there are people who do care and they have rights as well.

Ok, I see your point that these two aren’t the same. However there are reasons why fornication is a bad idea too.

From the anthropological standpoint, the basis of civilization is the smallest unit of civilization, the family. In order to promote the creation of family units, fornication has been discouraged throughout history (even though it has always existed on a pretty large scale.)

From a practical moral standpoint, indiscriminate sex causes ‘unwanted’ pregnancies, and pregnancy outside of a family unit, wherein there is a mother and a father. Whether it is politically correct or not, children growing up in homes with a loving set of parents tend to be more well adjusted than those who do not (generalization.)

But let’s look at it from the child’s perspective. How many of us know someone who doesn’t know his or her father or mother and feels an emptiness because of this? How many children are born to unwed mothers and end up living an empoverished life in which they feel the need to turn to gangs or crime. This may not be true of children born to single affluent parents, but refer to the original question in this case. Finally, how many innocent children are killed every day because they were unwanted (aborted?)

I think we can all agree that while it’s not always possible, even when someone has the best parents, but it would be nice if every child could grow up with both parents around in the same house, in a loving environment. That isn’t to say a single parent loves his/her child any less. That is certainly not always (if ever) the case. But it’s about the child, not the parent. Children are better off with two loving parents (a mother and father) if possible.

I’m sure that by now you have already thought; “yeah, Davion, but that’s what birth control is for.” Okay, fine. But there is no such thing as foolproof birth control. Moreover, there is no such thing as safe sex when one of the partners has had sex with someone else before.

So is it worth the risk to the child you may have? Is your personal pleasure worth taking someone else’s life and lifelong circumstances into your own hands?

I close my portion of the discussion on this side-topic by drawing distinctions between the morality of TRUE christianity with the so-called morality of the ‘left.’

The morality of christianity as it was meant to be is to lead one’s life to serve others, to defend those who cannot defend themselves, to feed the hungry, to clothe the poor, to love children, and to sacrifice one’s own personal freedoms and perrogatives for the well-being of others. Selflessness is the key to being the kind of person that Jesus Christ would want one to be. That is why we do not condone casual sex: we are thinking of the children, and of how the institutions of marriage and the family might be harmed. I cannot speak for all christians, or all religious people. I am simply stating this is the way it should be, according to the bible and conservative principals.

The morality of the left is based on secular humanism. The left believes in feeding the hungry too, and they believe in clothing the poor. Beyond those types of things that we share in common, the left believes in a type of morality that is more self-centered. The left believes in defending a woman’s “right to choose,” and selfishly ignores the well-being of the child (fetus, which in latin, means child.) The left believes in defending the right to indiscriminate sex, and selfishly ignores the children who may be born, the diseases which may be spread, and the damage that may be done to the institutions of marriage and the family. In nearly every one of the ‘morality’ issues that are championed by the left, there is an element of selfishness. There are, I’m sure, exceptions.


You are absolutely entitled to your beliefs. You have the right to say what you believe. You even have the right to protest those that do not support you beliefs. You have the right not to purchase products from business that offend your values etc… All I am saying is that you can not legislate religious ideology.

Of course there are things that are wrong. You seem big on adultery for some reason so I will use that. Of course that is wrong and I think a person who would do that to their spouse other is a cruel person. However, I do not think it should be illegal either.

Well I don’t really see the point in going over each issue either as they have already been discussed.

The bottom line is moral should not necessarily equal legal and immoral should not equal illegal.

Anyway I just thought I would let you guys know that I will be taking a bit of a hiatus for a while. So if I do not post a reply in this or other threads pleas don’t take offence I am not ignoring you. I am just not here. BTW- it has nothing to do with this topic. I am just posting it here because the is my last post before my vacation begins. Do not worry I will be back. It might be in a few days or I may be gone for some time. I’ll just have to see how things go. See you all soon! :wave:

Davion: I can see your points very well, and they do make sense.

Also, to respond to my own question, I think the ‘malfunction’ received way too much attention than it deserved. While, I may have to agree that some people may have been offended, and that the charges may have had to have been made legally (do not know too much about it), I still think it is hypocritical considering the ads last year were mainly Viagra and beer.

Milod: At the heart of it we are in agreement. As a libertarian, I believe it is the function of government to ENSURE freedom, not to limit it. God will deal with people on the moral issues. However some moral issues are inately legal ones, as you would no doubt agree. Murder, theft, adultry (in some states is a civil offence,) purgery, are all in the ten commandments, which is a religious document.

The fact is that there are consequences for breaking any moral “law.” Some of the consequences coincide with civil or criminal law, some just have to do with you personally.

Also, you have the misconception that I am hung up on sexual issues as my main moral focus. That’s not really true. I was just talking about those things because they were within the context of the discussion as laid out by the original poster. I also wanted to show that, while they might night be the most important issues to you or anyone else for that matter, they were no less valid. Rampant abuse of sexuality is just one symptom of the larger, true problem. In fact, it’s a symptom of something bigger in our society, in my opinion. We are all sexual beings. We were created that way by God. Therefore nobody can be blamed for liking sex. You guys might laugh at me, but I have never had sex with anyone but my wife, and then only after being married to her… and I promise… err… I’m not repressed about it in any way. I would not trade that for anything - not 1000 virgins or whatever our muslim friends are supposed to get if they die killing us infidels :smile: .

In closing, thanks so much for reading with an open mind, and for proposing some really good arguments as to your viewpoints. You guys always make me think harder about things I believe to be true. I was really stumped by some of the things that were said, and had to think my positions through pretty thoroughly. Many christians are taught the littel ‘axiom,’ “God said it, I believe it, and that settles it.” I agree with that in theory, but practically it’s nice to know WHY I believe things.