Self hypnosis : a good way to help yourself !

I tried this last night but I think I was taking too long going down the steps because I kept losing focus and I eventually fell asleep at about 5 or 6.

Maybe I was just too tired or something, haha. I’ll be trying again tonight.

quick question, how succesfull is this. like do you use it every night? and do you get lucid every night?

I don’t use it every night but when I do, it increases my recall a LOT, like I don’t always remember my dreams but when i do it, i remember like 4 and i got lucid once.

I should do it every night because it helps a lot but i am usualy too lazy to do it.

:help: I tried this, and I think it might of worked but as I was picturing my elevator going down from floor 4 I got the irrisistable urge to squirm and to move. Do you think this was because I was taking too long too go from one floor to another?

Heyy, I’m gonna try this again tonight because I have been experimenting with all different types of techniques and I really like this one because you get really relaxed and ready for sleep and it doesn’t take long :smile:
I shall post my results in this topic tomorrow, I have had 2 LD in a row from the past 2 nights and I’m hoping to make it a third by trying this technique. (the other 2 were kinda just luck :tongue: )
Thanks for the help :happy:

May be you took too long yes.
But you have to take the time you need. However, I feel urges to move too at the end of the steps when i get out of the state. I stretch for 30 seconds :content: .
So from one floor to another, just take the time to see yourself going down and tell yourself the sentences.

Yes this technique is quite good because you can do it before sleeping and it’s easier to fall asleep wich isn’t so easy since i get exited before sleeping ( hoping for a LD :grin: )
Glad you like it. Though I might try to do it before falling back to sleeping during the night, it should work better since you are closer to REM.

Tell me how it went for you and keep going guys and good luck to you.

RESULTS: no dream recall :sad: must have just been a one off, but oh well I shall try again tonight! :happy:

That’s the spirit!

I have a book on this, and it has a two scripts related to lucid dreaming. One is for dream recall, the other to increase your chance of being lucid. I would like to share the scripts, but I don’t know if it’s legal. I believe that there is a free tape to get hypnotized for LD’s somewhere.

I would be glad if you could share the script.
And I think you can do that as long as you say where it’s from.

Self hypnosis on the fly is remarkably less effective than being guided by a recording. I’ve done plenty - Just compose your own script - start off with statements to relax… the staircase, elevator, whatever - even put more than one relaxation element… record things such as “now, as you walk down the next step, feel your relaxation getting stronger and stronger as you fall deeeeeeeper into relaxation… When I click my fingers, your relaxation will double… click!” etc etc… then follow up with statements LD-related… just bare in mind, hypnosis is about relaxation allowing better communication with the unconscious mind - which you should also remember is very logical - be aware how you’re wording what you say… i.e. making sure your own instructions are succinct and direct and allow for no confusion about meaning etc.

There’s a lot of good hypnosis material out there for those who wish to learn more about it… I think one guy I found quite useful was called Tad James if I recall. (Those who are very interested in the subject would be well-advised to look up the works of a man called Milton Erickson also.)

I’m gonna try it tonight. I’ll tell you tomorrow if I’ve had a LD!

Hi! Thanks for sharing the self hypnosis method. It really works!
But i’m now a bit scared of your monk story, every time i’m in hypnotic state I think about that suicide story and that creeps me out. I am afraid of accidently kill myself by thinking that my heart must stop :eek:. I know it sound stupid. But if the mind is really that strongg :eek: :eek:

Glad to help!

And don’t worry about stopping your heart, not even all of them managed to do it and they praticed all their life.
So I don’t think that you could even if you wanted to.

It almost worked for me! I tried it twice and each time, I was in hypnosis state and my hands went up! But unfortunately, I told myself “When I dream, I want to remembrer to recognize that I’m dreaming.” but I didn’t become lucid during my dreams. :cry:
I think I will try to combine the self hypnosis and the WILD, I don’t how but I’ll be thinking about it.

Really good that you could raise your hand!
From there, it’s up to you what to do.

Tell me if you managed to do WILD with it.

I started writing a self-hypnosis script yesterday (specifially designed to help with LD of course). Will probably take a good few more days of little bits of work here and there, then some tweaking with the language etc, but if anyone’s interested I can post the script here for people to record for themselves / put a link up to my own recording if preferred.

Go ahead!
It might help. And help is welcome :smile:

I tried this last night and finally made it to 0 without falling asleep or moving :grin: ! But I couldn’t get my hands too lift :sad: … but they did feel a little lighter and tingled a bit :eh: . Do you think this means I’m getting close :confused: ?

Yes I do of course, your hand has to get lighter before going up :smile:

Next time try focusing on only one of your hands and if it still doesn’t work, focus on your finger (it’s easier ).

Good luck!