Self hypnosis : a good way to help yourself !

I tried this technique a few days ago, and somehow I felt like I was really hypnotized by myself, strange feeling. My hand didnt get up, but my palm moved up a bit :smile:
And I DID wake up in the middle of the night, right after a dream… but strangly no dream recall… nothing, not even a bit! :sad:

But this could be my problem and not the problem of this technique, because for almost 1 week I can not recall any of my dreams!?! The most I had were just little bits or feelings…

Any Idea how I can overcome this, and move on on my quest to lucidity?

Still very good technique, gonna try it again, thats for sure :smile:


Well you seem to have some DR problems.
There a lot of ways to overcome that and improve your DR.
I can tell you some of them :

in order :
-before bed, try to recall your day from the morning with all the little details you can find.
-when you go to bed, put you DJ next to your bed tell yourself (with hypnosis or not ) that you will remember your dreams perfectly and write it fully.
-try to wake up during the night (more wakening = more chances to recall dreams )
-when you wake up don’t move at all and keep your eyes closed.
-Ask yourself what did I dream about?
-Let your mind wander
-Do NOT think about your day.
-If nothing comes, try to guess what you could have dreamt about like subject you think a lot lately.
-Change your position in bed (for example : if you woke up on you stomach, flip and lay on your back ) and do the previous wakening steps.
-If nothing worked just write down your mood.
-finally, some dream elements may come back during your day so be ready to write it as soon as you remember it. Even if its a really small one.

Hope this will help you. Keep me up on your progress! :happy:

I tried this again, still cannot tell that It worked perfectly for me, but the night after I tried this technique whaaaaaaam LUCID :smile:
So this actually helped me i would guess, not the same night, but anyhow.

And thanks for these many advices, some of them I am already doing regulary.

This one is really hard, I did that after my lucid dream, because I wanted to remember how i became lucid and what i dreamed before, but i fell asleep :cry:
Luckily I could recall my LD in the morning, but i guess with less details… anyway DR problems solved… for now :smile:

Thanks for your help! Gonna try it more :smile:

no problem!

Keep going :smile:

This looks really cool. I’ll try it tonight. You say that these suicidal monks had lots of practice though? I would prefer not to die tonight. I’m worried I’ll just screw myself over in one klutz move.

WoW, my topic is back from the dead!
Thank you.

So, yes these monks had a lot of practise, they do spiritual training for years so don’t worry.:smile:
Tell me if it helped you!
Good luck

Is there a Cd I listen to? Like I saw this “Lucid Dreaming MP3” for self hypnosis.

Also I like looking through the fourms just to see what I can find :smile:

Recommend to try my free app Self-Hypnosis Pendulum.

iTunes (IOS):

GooglePlay (Android):

Official Site:

I doubt that’s gonna happen, such functions of the body are hard to take control of (I once tried to control the dilation of my pupils, no luck.)

I’m having hard time falling asleep and to have a dream. Thanks for the post! I’ll definitely try this one out! :smile:

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