Sex in Dreams

Actually in one of LaBerge’s books (I’m pretty sure it was him) they did an experiment on that. They tested increased breathing, heart rate and amount of sexual arousal :eek: . Scary but true. I forget the results though. :shrug:


Ill have to buy it! Do you remember the name?


I’m pretty sure it was the one called simply “Lucid Dreaming.” I got it from the library a couple times. It’s a great book.

Sounds like fun stuff.
Ill do a search also and see if I come up with anything else.

Say, I just had a thought. What if we all became experts on this subject, do you think people would think we were losers? heh :eek:
that would be crazy.
I think I would be like um… dont quote me, but if you do,
my name is spelled J-A-C-K

Just kidding jack, we have to give you a little grief.

“Lucid Dreaming” was the title of Stephen LaBerge’s first book. Well, I think it was the first, anyway.

You can download it at DJem’s site here:

Lucid Dream sex for me, at this point, is an annoynace more than anything. I find that when I gain lucidity but its a realatively low level LD… its the action I ALWAYS revert to which is maddening because its really not a priority for me. I’m thinking it has to do with the way our hormone levels fluctuate as we sleep. I have other things that I would much rather do with my dream time.

Normal dream sex is maddening because I never finish. I never get anywhere with it. :bored: I always wake up or the dream changes. A lot of the time I will turn down perfectly good dream sex, in normal dreams, with a nice girl because I don’t want to cheat on my girl friend. Now what is that I ask you!? Stupid subconscious morality. :sad:

When the male subject awoke he still felt the tingling in his “spine”… :nodnodwinkwink:


Did you just read that out of that same book? Sounds interesting.

PhantomSpectr is right: Stephen LaBerge already measured this in 1983:
Sex during LDs results in increased respiration, but not in significant changes in hart rate [which would probably be if there is an adrenaline increase].
Also during orgasm in the dream there is no ejaculation whatsoever IRL. (as opposed to ‘wet dreams’).

Well Jack,
I guess you are too late to volunteer for this research…
heheheheheh… :grin:

Ah thx Hypnodude and all other fellowship of dreamers!
This is very interesting because then we can develop a good tech so we wont have that problem then when we have sex in lds…

So it aint adrenaline then…stil i find it strange that you breathe faster but yout heart aint pumping faster…hmmm…(in a ld with sex)?
But ok, then we just have to be aware of our breathing…when we learned to control our breathing by being aware of it we maybe have solved the problem!
That surely can be done and tested :smile:

Maybe dopamine is rased in level also in the brainstem when having sex this could also have influence on waking up more easy! Just saying that maybe dopamine has an influence here…I shall look into it…maybe i find something…

Well if i have sex these days in a ld and i relax i can have sex much longer and awake not always from it, some years ago when i didnt watched out if i was relaxed (little meditation feeling)it was just the opposite, and relaxation influence hart and respiration so hmmm interesting…

This forum has become a nice club of dreamers working togehter!


I guess thats the idea of the Forum, One person discusses an idea and everyone else adds to it or re-invent the whole subject in its entire view.

I have acutally learned somewhat from reading about LD in sex, i never knew you dont have an actuall oragasm IRL or have a wet dream. :Now im thinking:, why do normal dreams posses sex and at the end you turn out wet, but in LD 's your fine and dry. What creates the difference between the 2?

I just still think it’s really weird that it seems to be different for me. I had LD sex this morning and woke up still having an orgasm. I wonder why it’s different for guys?

First of all i wanted to say thank you for all of you who put my name up there for volunteering.Right choice!!hehe
Like many others i have had some problems staying lucid through any sexuall activity,right to the end.But somehow it turned easier lately.In two lds and 3 non lds ive had sex with no problems at all,with nice orgasms by the end(not the wet ones tho:).
Therefore i find interesting those facts about females having orgasms and males not.
Well,maybe its just different for Sex Gods:):):slight_smile:

Well Ill just cut to the nitty gritty a little here…

I am very confident that this is because guys are a little like a lightbulb as to up time. When they are ready they are ready. Orgasm for men usually is short.

Women however are more like a… steam iron? They need to be warmed up, and they cool down slowly.

Or it could be that thats just what my spirit guide said. Shes female? Does that count?

Funny I ran into this topic. I had, not my first lucid dream, but the first that I was aware that I could manipulate the dream. And what was it about?? Sex. Anyway the obstacle I saw, and recognized right away, is that I tended to want to rush through everything for fear that I would wake up. Know what I mean? :confused:

Me and my guy friend timed our orgasms and mine only lasted twice as long as his. Just so you all know. I think that had something to do with this but I don’t remember what. :alien:
Anyways, I here’s my theory on this. Maybe men do have orgasms in LDs but they just don’t ejaculate just like when a multiple male orgasm occurs or sometimes in tantric sex. Trust me, I have a friend who can do it.
It’s a not very well known fact that women also ejaculate during orgasm. They don’t have sperm of course but a fluid still come out. I find that in my lucid sex dreams I have an orgasm usualy but I don’t ejaculate.

I am not going to brag, but I will tell you it is possible to ejaculate during an LD, even in deep sleep.
However It does take quite a bit of self-control.
Tantra is a very cool thing. I am familiar with what you are talking about.
Then again not ejaculating has its benefits, especially it doesnt deplete your “jing” as we call it in the martial arts.

Aydira wrote:
“Me and my guy friend timed our orgasms and mine only lasted twice as long as his…”
Need someone to fix it?:slight_smile: :content:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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