Hey, i have read up on LD’s and have been trying to LD for about a couple months now. Just recently (this has happened to me twice) I had kept concious until just about 3 seconds where something keeps hapening that totally freaks me out. What happens is as I can feel my self goin into a LD it feels like my body is starting to shake and vibrate and feel all weird, so i just freak and wake myself up. Do you reckon if I just let my self relax and go through the vibrating part i will get a LD??
Thanx Tris
shaking and vibrating are normal symptoms of sleep paralysis i’m sure if you ignore them you’ll find yourself in a lucid dream but it’s a bit tricky… try to focus on something like breathing or counting… if the vibrations are too hard to ignore, try to ‘feel’ yourself being pushed outside your body You may want to create a spinning sensation, it sometimes helps.
Good Luck!
thanks alot for the help - whats sleep paralyis ?
well when you enter into a dream, you enter into what is called R.E.M. (rapid eye movement): in this state, all the muscles in your body are paralysed except for involuntary muscles, and your eye muscles. It happens to prevent you from acting out your dream but your eyes, they still move just the way you are moving them in the dream. So when you start entering REM consciously, you become aware of that paralysis and aware of the loss of sensory input and your brain interprets it as vibrations and shaking yes, you will be paralysed, it might be overwhelming the first time, but it’s nothing to be afraid of, it’s what naturally happens when you dream
I’ve wilded without experiencing any paralysis. no maybe you won’t get it after all. but if you happen to find yourself unable to move, don’t panic, just relax and ‘push’ yourself out of your body. you’ll know when you get there
It seems a pretty good way to try to have WILD’s during the night is to just sit there without trying to go to sleep, without trying to stay awake. Sounds like it wouldn’t do much, but if you think about it, it will work. When people decide to go to sleep, they are focusing on going to sleep. If someone is trying to stay awake, they focus on staying awake. If you just go to bed and don’t do anything, it will only make your sub-concious mind sleep, while your mind stays concious, therefore causing your body to enter this paralasys state.
thats some deep shiz right their man
Don’t worry it is completely normal. When ever I do WILD I will often get such intense vibrations that it feels like I am having a seizure. This happens just before I am ready to crossover to the dream. Try not to think about the vibrations, or anything for that matter, and you will just be pulled right into a dream. If you let the vibrations disturb you then you will stay awake.
If you decide you just can’t stand them no matter what, try different methods of lding. I find that when I have a WILD my body always vibrates, while a MILD will not. Can anyone relate?
Bodily vibrations happen when the body falls asleep, so although it happens every night, you’re only going to experience it consciously if your mind is still awake at that moment. And that’s exactly what happens during a WILD.
With MILD however, you use visualization and autosuggestion to imprint an strong intention inside your subconsciousness while falling asleep. But you let yourself fall asleep, thus you most likely remain unconscious when the vibrations occur. MILD is based upon becoming lucid during the dream (DILDs), and it uses intentions coupled with visualization of a previous dream to trigger lucidity after an unconscious transition from the waking state to the dream. During a perfect WILD however, you never loose consciousness during the transition.
Hey! I think this is pretty important if you usually enter a ld through sp. I just recently had sp, and went into a dream (if you already haven’t noticed, it’s easy to ld after sp). I went a few feet from my bed, when I felt myself shaking in my dream, and it ruined my ld. I suggest to wait until sp stops to try to get out of your body. This might not apply to all, but just in case, it might not be a bad idea.
vibrations are also helpful in astral projection
Whats up tris?
I know what your talkin about, i get that vibrating/spinning feeling when im trying to WILD. I cant seem to get through it, it always breaks my concentration, like i cant fully give into it. It feels like im on the brink of LD, but i just cant get over the FUCKING fence. haha. keep trying though…
i find that passive attentive thinking helps. In english- all you have to do is let it pass, but you still need to pay attention. Just sit there and let the paralasys take place, but pay attention, or you’ll probably fall asleep.
drumsticks, i cant let it pass it is too intense and I just wake up.
I count from 1 to 100 saying “1, It is a dream”, “2, It is a dream”… I had only once that i woke up when i my body was vibrating but i felt i had to swallow my saliva. When i count it is less intensive and i can pass this moment conscious
thnx gonzo i will try counting
Hey, I lied awake for two hours last night when my body was numb, i felt a few vibrations go up my body but that was about all. Just curious, is my problem that I think too much when in this stage, i anticipate HI and my eyelids keep opening up a bit. Should I try to focus on breathing or counting or some boring task until the dream starts?
Just ride it out and try to make sense of any visualizations you see. Keep remembering your intention of being lucid. I don’t know about other people, but when I have sleep paralasys, It feels like I’m being violently shaken. Normal, yes, but to such a strong degree. It feels like I’m being electrocuted. All without the pain. It keeps me awake with no problem, so I can’t really relate. Just do the steps above and see if it works.
Have you ever tried to get up during this? I it’s hard to even stand.
getting up is easy after it, one night i had these vibrations and i woke up straight after it and put some more clothes on