Should I keep writing my dream journal?


I’ve been writing my dream journal for like a month and my dream recollection has increased a lot. Now I’m able to remember 2 - 4 dreams a night. I’ve had 2 lucid dreams. The first one lasted like 10 seconds and the second one for like 8 - 10 minutes. The vividness of my dreams had increased a lot too. At this point I feel that writing down the all dreams is not really important but to keep doing the exercise of remembering the dreams when a wake up is really the important part. My question is, if I stop writing all my dreams and I start writing just the important ones will be a mistake or not? I ask this cause I don’t have too much time to keep writing all the dreams but I do have a little time to point in the journal just the important key things. Thanx for your comments and experiences. Bye.

If you get lazy and stop writing them down, you’ll get more lazy and neglect to try to remember them when you wake up. Then your dream recall will become crap. Thats what happened to me when I got a job and school started, I didn’t feel like writing in it anymore. now I remember like 1 -2 dreams a week.

I don’t think your recall is going to suffer (immediately) if you discontinue your journal, but this isn’t the only purpose of writing down your dreams. As long as you remember to recall anything you can upon waking in the morning, you’ll still remember the same number of dreams each morning, but you won’t necessarily remember them several days later. This might not concern you, but it means you won’t have a paper record of potentially significant signs should you want to one day categorize your common dream topics. It’s useful to identify reoccurring dreamsigns so you can become more familiar with your own dreams, and ultimately recognize the most reliable times to perform reality checks.

To put it simply, you don’t need to keep a journal, but it probably will help your quest for lucidity. It builds dedication, and ensures that you don’t slowly start putting less and less effort into recalling your dreams over time, as Mike mentioned.

well, like athiest said, it wont hurt immidietly… What you should do, if you are bvecoming lazy about it, jsut write down some of your more important dreams, or the ones that you perfer the most (especialy LDs :happy: )…

I agree with Lucian, you can compromise by only writing down the LD’s, or you could simply jot down a few keywords from the dreams.