sleep anasthesia 4 the 1st time

hey everyone, in a couple of weeks they are going to put me under sleeping anaesthetic for a 10 to 25 min period. This is gonna be my first time under this, and all i really know about it is the stuff i see in the movies. i know its not a big deal or anything but for the past few days ive been thinking about dying a lot and how weird it would be to suddenlky just shut down (weird thoughts for a 18yo eh? :tongue: ). i did a search here, and all i found was what people had experienced under anaestheisic. so coupla questions: is the general concensus that you won’t be able to lucid dream? the responses were mixed in the topic here. second, is it really kinda freaky? only once i experienced wild, where i was nearly asleep in the morning, and i slowly felt myself pulled into the dream and in bout 3 seconds i was in my dream. is it like that? is it possible that i will wake up half way through surgery (with a tube down my throat, that is), i know that if i dream, than im very good at waking myself up accidentaly, i don’t want to do that halfway through procedure. I got more questions but i’ll put those in later as they come to me. thanks in advance :smile:

ps. yes im kinda freaked out :wink:

I’ve only gone “sleepy” once, but it was before I was big into dreaming and stuff. From my experience though, I remember them giving me laughing gas (which actualy did make me laugh…A LOT!), then they gave me a shot (which I laughed at more), then a few minutes later, I woke up. I didn’t want to be woken up and they kept yelling at me to breath (My breathing was still slow and sleep like, making me want to go back to sleep)

In summary, I don’t remember any dreams at all. It was instantaneous for me. Though, it may have been due to a lower normal recall rate at the time.

I wouldn’t worry about waking up half way through though. Its probably a different procedure than I had, but like I said, I didn’t want to wake up even after they finished. In the case that you do wake up, they will get you back asleep in no time, probably before you can even figure out where you are.

Good luck :smile:

Yes they will be watching you to make sure that you don’t wake up. It is also a different kind of sleep, because they give you something to make you sleep. You can’t wake up until it weares off. I have been under three times, and didn’t wake up onec. they did say that they had to give me more of the drug once because it was wearing off.

Hey guys thanks for your responses, yep i definetely have my mind at ease now i guess if it really comes to it, i don’t want to dream even if it can be lucid, because i hate that trapped feeling i can get in a dream where i feel i can’t wake up. hopefully waking up isn’t going to be like sleep paralysis :content:

thanks again

My friend went under when he had his appendix taken out. He said he just went out and the next thing he knew he was waking up. Though they said he had woken up during the procedure, he didn’t remember any of it.

Dude, you got nothing to worry about. They give you the drug and you cant even try to stay up. Its not like falling asleep at all. you wake up in what seems like no time at all and it all over. You wont dream because you not realy sleeping you are just "knocked out’. Its actually a kind of relaxing experience.

I was put out once, and they said I might feel a like I’m drunk or high for a bit then pass out, but I don’t remember a thing, I don’t remember waking up, or a couple hours after that. Then I got home and went to sleep!

I don’t suspect lucid dreaming would be easy because you’re not really just sleeping, you’re getting put out by a drug.

Actualy, I might be possible to LD. I think its more a matter of the lack of recall that makes it pointless.

I don’t know, its just an idea.

thanks guy for the positive messages,

krakatoa: you said your friend woke up, but he couldn’t remember waking up. thats a good thing i guess i’ll be the same then because i used to wake up at night without remembering.

Tobedandbeyond: thanks for mentioning that it’s not likke going to sleep, i think thats what i needed to hear, it would be heaps freaky if you suddenly just started feeling losing control of your body, and you slowly slip away into unconciousess :tongue:

logicgate: did u say u didn’t remember anything a coupla hours after you initially woke up? whoa :content: i hope i don’t get like that, i really hate to forget and miss stuff like that

Ysim: im gonna be trying for the ld i decided. its just gonna be mild pretty much for me, just saying im in a dream. if i do dream i’ll post and let you guys know

cheers again :cool:

From my dream journal:

Take a shot! I think it was my conviction something would happen that made it happen.

Good luck MadeDCMA

:clap: Congrats huggkruka, you did something I thought was impossible, or atleast extremely hard!

I’ve been under twice and I don’t recall dreaming, just felt like a time skip… :eh: although when they were waking me up that was pretty weird, they pinched me and called my name until I woke up and it felt like I was underwater…

anyways you shouldn’t worry about it too much

I didn’t miss much! Apparently after I woke up I was put in another room for a while so they can monitor you and make sure you’re alright or something. I don’t know because I don’t remember any little bit of that! Then I got into the back of a car, that I remember, then nothing for about an hour till I got home and then I went to sleep!!

I guess it’s like the old “calling your name*” LD thing… if you believe it wont work it probably wont work.

*Supposedly it caused you to awake

The missing body, and the senseless content like numbers being rearranged sounds like a non-REM dream to me. I have both heard people talk about that kind of dreams from the beginning of the night, and experienced it myself when i have passed out from sleep deprivation and wilded. It must have been quite an effort to remain lucid :cool:

wow, incredible! :clap: this is the first time I hear about someone having succeeded into having a LD while under narcosis :happy: Very cool! Thanks for sharing :happy:

I was put under anesthesia two years ago for a surgery. There was nothing really notable except for a really slow passage of time and it felt like it took me forever to ‘wake up’. (The whole procedure was under 45min though.)

for me i would feel sandpaper all over my body, see like little white scratchy dots or perhaps checkerboard patterns, be bewildered, then wake up and it’s over.

the experiencing of hallucinations doesn’t last more than a second or two.

wow, thats cool, when you mentioned the idea of the docs turning u in2 a dragon, yeah, its so weird when that happens in dreams and u take it for normal, especially once you wake up :content:

on another note, if anyone watches the simpsons, u know the episode where lisa gets braces, and once they ‘gas her’ she has that crazy dream, where shes flying? maybe weird and strange dreams are what comes with being knocked out.

I love that dream sequence with Lisa and the Beatles with the Yellow Submarine. Ahhh, those were the days.