sleep paralysis?


Last night, when I was just about to fall asleep ( I was trying to LD) I started hearing a ringing screaming sound in my ears. It became so loud and intense that it was painful and even my teeth started vibrating. In addition to this sound i felt some kind of presence hovering above my bed. It definitily felt evil or angry. When I tried to turn over and look at it, i realised i was paralysed. If felt like the gravitational pull was multiplied by ten or something!
My cat (who was lying beside me in my bed) also noticed this presence and started hissing at it.

If felt like the paralysation lasted for about 15 minutes (it probably was less). By and by the paralyzation loosened and I was able to sit up in bed, but the presence was still there. When it finally let me go everything was calm and quiet and the presence was gone. However, I noticed that the door to my room was closed and my cat wasn´t in the room! So it had to have been a dream…

Does this sound lika a typical sleep paralysis? Any tips what I can do the next time it comes around to get something positive out of it?
(oh yeah, I´m new here, Hello)

Yes, since SP is in the stage between waking/sleeping, you see hallucinations… Though the actual room you saw was real, but mixed with hallucinations like your cat and the evil presence. Hope this helps.

Hmm, yes, it definitely didn´t feel like an ordinary dreamstate. It was really weird. But I´m pretty sure I didn´t ever sit up in the bed in real life, but at the end of the paralysis I sat up in my bed - so I think my psysical body was sleeping the whole time.

I have heard of people experiencing OBE in connection with sleep paralysis. Anyone here expereinced this? And what is the “point” with sleep paralysis? I can´t say I enjoyed it…isn´t there anyway to have fun with it?

Thanks for your answer.

try controlling the hallucinations.

Ok, sounds tricky but I´ll try it. Thanks for the tip.

Hello, I’m new to the forum but I’ve had quite a few lucid dreaming experiences.

This topic of sleep paralysis interests me.

I’ve had paralysis on many occassions where I can see my room quite clearly but cannot move or speak - my body is literally screaming out internally but nothing happens. It scared me when this first happened many years ago but now being able to understand what is happening I have no fear at all and just let it take its course.

However, the more frightening experience is what Magnolie described as vibrations through the body. I don’t necessarily relate this to paralysis but I have experienced a feeling of vibrations through my head to the point where I literally thought I was going to have a brain haemorrage and die - it was petrifying when it first happened. Again, with more and more experiences of this the fear has subsided and I don’t worry when it happens now - I have spoken to my uncle about this as he is another lucid dreamer and he confirmed the phenomena to me. he tried explaining it as some sort of shift in the body but it got quite hard to understand - can anybody shed further light on it ?

what an interesting experience! sounds so incredible wierd… i can imagine that it could be little sceary, but it also seems to be kind of cool :cool: . i’ve never experienced anything like sleep paralysis, but i would actually like to. how exactly you guys do it? i mean, can you control it at all? do you have to do something speciall or does it just come to you? …so cool thing… good luck with that!

Well,i wouldnt try controlling the hallucinations,seems like impossibile task.Just ignore them.They`re only pics and sounds ,and they will be gone very soon.From the point of feeling sp to proper ld or Obe theres only few seconds.So if u let yourself to go through first phase undisturbed you are very close then.
As to vibrations,they are also part of SP.No biggie tho it feels like electric storm in ones body:)I personally love the feeling:)
good luck

I can’t control sleep paralysis and I don’t know if it is something that I would necessarily want to control. But it is always connected with a period of lucidity.

But like everything associated with lucidity during dreaming there was initially an element of fear. The first lucid dream I ever had scared the hell out of me ! Now it is something I can’t get enough of.

Thanks guys :smile:

I haven´t experienced another SP since that night. But one morning I started feeling that “something” was about to happen. I felt the first signs of a SP, and a bright light in my field of vision. But the cool thing is, this time instead of being paralyzed, something just snapped, or shifted. And all of a sudden I was in a dream, aware. My first LD! :cool_laugh:

It is very possible to go into lucid dreams from SP. But I want to talk about that ringing sensation you had. If you read some of my LD’s in the dream diary section you’ll see what I’m talking about. Usually, I wake up from a dream, and if I don’t move, I can start to feel them in a few seconds. Don’t let them scare you or you may hallucinate bad, just remember that it’s your etheral body getting ready to seperate. I have literally “EXPLODED” into a dream with all my senses very awake. It doesn’t happen very often, but I know exactly what you’re talking about. It starts in my head and travels down my whole body. It feels like little electrical impulses at first, and they get so strong that you really think you can’t handle it anymore. I’ve even heard my friends calling my name. Hang in there with them, and imagine yourself weightless as some have said on here. You may just flow right out of your body. I managed to pull my arms out of my body the other night after feeling the charges but couldn’t get any more of me out because I came out of it and couldn’t concentrate. Look up some stuff on OBE’s, because you may find more on it there. In fact, click on this link to find a great page on Astral Projection, and click on Paralaysis.

if you want to induce sleep paralysis, try closing your eyes in a lucid dream, whenever i do this it turn out i wake up into SP.

Hmmm Stokesy when i hold my eyse closed to long in a ld I just wake up…but not with sp at all…so its for all ppl different.

Well Magnolie: :smile:
What i can say from hypnosis experience u got basicly 3 levels of sp.
At level 3 the highest level your in a trance and your almost in rem…
At this level your highly sensitive and open 4 suggestions…your almost like in dreams in a pure associative consciousness state.
Here u can get strange experiences of sorts…no joking…also here possible that u feel your arms or legs or even your whole self coming lose from your body…witch is not yet an obe but still a brain trick. its all suggestion still. Yogi’s in the east say u have to be a bit further in to sleep to experience those. But yes i have heard of more ppl who saw or felt entities while in sp level 3…me myself also experienced it a few times.
Dont know if it is real or not…Science surely doenst know yet! Sometimes it felt as evil and sometimes it felt as pure higher love. but most of the time in sp level 3 i am just in a good trance, ready to enter rem sleep :happy:


Thanks people, this forum is a goldmine!

I actually had a dream OBE some days ago! It came when I was just about to go to sleep again after waking up early one morning. First I felt myself hovering without body over the footside of my bed( I didn´t look for my physical body though). Then I started rising through the roof, seeing the girders and all! But this scared me so somehow I came back to my room, still without body. So I flew through the closed door to my room, and then through a window to the street outside. It was a bit shaky, but I managed somewhat to go in the desired direction. When I had flown just a bit down the steet I felt I was about to wake up, so I decided to fly down to examine the ground in detail. But I lost control soon after this and woke up. I guess I got to excited.

Stokesy-hehe,i want to get SP in order to have LD:)I wouldnt bother if i allready had it happening:)
thx tho:)

People always seem to have evil connections with sleep paralysis…I wonder if it is related somehow. Jeff is the first one I have heard of having loving feelings when he has SP. Maybe SP has something to do with evil things…dun dun dun!


I was just browsing this forum but had to register when I saw this post. I’ve had SP several times. It will usually start in the dream. I’ll suddenly lose all control of my body in the dream, usually falling over and being paralized, then wake up in SP. I’ll be able to look around the room and everything but even trying to scream doesn’t work. I’ll usually concentrate on wiggling a finger or toe until it gradually wears off. What I REALLY wanted to reply to this message about though was the “evil presence” that comes with SP. Although SP in itself is absolutely scary, especially the first time, the “evil presence” was exponentially more terrifying. I literally felt like it was the most evil I"ve ever felt in my life, like Satan himself was in the room at the same time. Even after it wears off I have shivers down my spine from the experience. I fell ya magnolie…

Well I had SP two times, but it wasn’t so intentense like any here. I was waking and couldn’t move my body, I also couldn’t say if my eyes were closed or open. I wasn’t scared at all. I tried to fall into dreams, but always I felt unconsious. The 2nd time my mouth were very dry and my tongue “automaticly” licked them. That was kinda strange…

Years ago, I definitely had some SCARY SP dreams. That made me a little uneasy about trying to induce it with WILD. But the first time it happened recently it wasn’t “evil” at all because I knew what was happening… and it was the beginning of the coolest LD.

yeah what ppl often forget is that sp is a trance level…so your more sensitive to suggestions then normal. And ppl usually dont like the fact they cant move and thats already a negative suggestion for yourself to experience. I love sp its great 4 hypnosis and wild :beer:
