[software] Infinity - PDF Available

/me finds Infinity in his postbox, and runs it ^^

The techniques are subject to change. But basically, I’m just using numerous common LD inducing techniques all into one. It’s sort of a conditioner course to get you an LD.

BTW to Duck and all the other testers, I kind of forgot to include the extras (.mp3s / bwgen) in that initial email, so I just sent out another email that links you to where you can download the .zip. I’m just a little off today…lol.

i want this!


Huggkruka plots to hack Duck’s email service in jelaousy

It’s been a while since I’ve posted in here!

Little update… The last testing night, being tonight, is almost officially over, which means Infinity is either about to be released, or is about to be made better, depending on the results that are shown.

Each tester has been emailed with a small questionaire that they are to fill out and submit in addition to providing comments / feedback about the software. Hopefully all will complete this final task by Wednesday. And if they do, I’ll further update everybody on the judgement of Infinity.

Now, here’s a few things that could happen. Best case scenario, the program was very effective and is in perfect shape to be released by the original release date, January 26 2007. Worst case scenario, I have to remodel some things and change / add / remove some information, which will ultimately force me to have to hold another testing period (with an additional 5 testers) that lasts another 2 weeks or so, pushing the release date well into the end of February 2007. Hopefully that won’t be the situation though :content: .

  • Ben

Dibs on a test spot!

Haha, in all seriousness though, I hope it doesn’t need another round of fixes.

Mailed you! I wonder how the rest did. :content:

Thanks eddy :smile:

Ok, so far I’ve recieved submissions from 3 of the 5 testers, one of which is still in the process of testing, which is completely fine. Due to this and other situations however, I have pushed the absolute soonest release date to next week, Friday, February 2 2007. Sorry for the delay, but it’s worth it :smile:

As for the test results, I will be posting a write-up this Friday, January 26 2007. It will include some statistics and will ultimately tell you all when the software will most likely be released.

Also, I’ve changed the first post a bit to more what Infinity is all about, so feel free to check that out. I will be adding more information there as well.

The deadline has passed.

It doesn’t look like it has passed. Unless of course you mean for him to post results.

Sorry guys, for some reason LD4All was unreachable for me yesterday during the little time that I was able to use the internet. I don’t know if it was a site thing or if it was just a computer thing. Anyways, I did save the type-up in a word, so I’ll just copy-paste:

Well, most of the reports are in, with the exception of one tester, but that’s ok, I’ll just post up the statistics anyways.

Just in case you haven’t looked on the first post recently, I’ve updated the area about what Infinity is really about. Before I just put some vague descriptions to give an idea at what the goal was, but apparently that was taken in different ways. So I recommend you checking that out.

During the testing period, Infinity was 100% successful at achieving it’s main goal, and that was to incubate at least one Lucid Dream through a condition course. As described in the first post, the program is supposed to allow users to get out of dry-spells and allow novices to obtain their first Lucid Dream by putting their minds in over-drive. So how many lucid dreams did the testers have? Well everybody had at least 2 lucid dreams during testing. The most somebody had was 11.

Aside from creating a lucid experience, Infinity also gave some users increased dream recall and vividness, while others’ stayed the same. Some are also witnessing automated autosuggestion (if that’s even the right terms), where they are waking up in the night either when they usually did during testing, or after each dream. You might say that this is a bad thing, but in all honesty it can really boost your chances of obtaining more lucid dreams because it allows your mind to “wake up” before you enter your next REM cycle.

All users agreed that this is a course that you have to work at. I’ll admit, it’s a pretty hard routine; it’s not something to just half-try. If you do only some of the activities for less amount of time than you should, then you probably will have less chances to experience lucidity; but if you do all that is required, you’ll have lucid dreams in less than a week.

Each and every tester stated that the program helped them in one way or another. For instance, while it did incubate lucid dreams for one tester, they also learned how they reacted to each and every technique within the program, and which one they should use after completing the course. So hopefully it’s a win-win situation for everybody else as well!

Anyways, that’s all of the small stuff. Everything else relates to improvements / glitches / so on…, which brings me to my next point. Due to some adjustments I need to make, and my already busy schedule that I’m enduring, I’m keeping the at best release date for next Friday, February 2 2007. This means that it could be pushed further into the next week. I’m trying my best to fit in time to do it, but you never know.

Other than that, that’s all! If you have any questions regarding what Infinity does or how it works, or more information on the testers’ results, please feel free to post them on here. If not, then I’ll see you next Friday!

wow, it sounds amazing, but one quick question?. were any of your testers actually in a dry spell or had never had a lucid dream before? Im assuming they would be since itd be kinda pointless to do otherwise

When everybody registered, I put people in groups, that is: I had a group of people who had no LDs, who had LDs, etc… I then had a random number generator pick within those groups, and in total 5 testers were selected.

Of those 5, 2 had never had LDs before, 1 had a very exceptional amount of LDs, and the final 2 had somewhat average lucid dreams ( 5 - 20 LDs in total ). Every group was included so I could see how everybody was affected by the routine.

alright, thanks, just making sure, sounds pretty amazing if it gave people who had never had lds a few lds. Id love to read some personal accounts/experiences from the testers…course Ill try it out myself whenever it gets released

I have to say that this is really interesting stuff! I’m certainly looking forward to next Friday. :happy:

Sorry guys, had to delay the soonest release to Tuesday, February 6 2007. There’s just no way to test the final version by friday for release.

Grr! Come on, make the date the absolute latest you’ll have it out! I hate coming back to see the date moved back a day. Put the date like March 1st or something, and then move date up. Back is depressing, up is hopeful.

Whoa now, march? Then nobody checks back and it just sits here. I’m sure the wait will be worth it.

Anticipation is one of the greatest feeling a person could obtain :cool: .

I know it sucks to hear it’s moved back, but believe me it’s for the better. :grin:

Why not have a public beta test? That way people wouldn’t complain, and you’d find alot of remaining bugs by the Tuesday release.