[software] Infinity - PDF Available

Well, as I said earlier, never rule anything out if you haven’t tried it yet. As for the what will happen when somebody drops out, well that’s the messed up part. Shared Dreaming is only hard not because of finding people, but because of not knowing whether or not they are real to begin with. Only can you know for sure after you wake up and ask them. With that in mind, when you really do meet up with somebody in a dream, and they wake up suddenly while you are still dreaming, you want to know what happens? Well, on your view, nothing, lol. They may disappear, which has very rarely been witnessed by myself, but mostly they just turn into DCs, and if that’s the case, you won’t know they woke up until you do yourself.

Hah, cool. Hopefully he doesn’t stray from what you’re supposed to do though. I look forward to hearing about his results :cool: .

It’s that time again for survey results! This is the final update for the survey. As said from the beginning, the survey was only planned to be up for a period of 3 weeks. Each week would give a clue as to how the final product would turn out. Well, the finish line is here, and the statistics are ready.

I am very pleased to announce that over the course of these 3 weeks from the people who submitted, there was a 100% success rate in using Infinity! That means, everybody who took the survey had at least one lucid dream. To acquire such results is truely exciting and rewarding for me, and I just hope more and more will be able to use this to obtain their first lucid dream.

Thank you again to all who have downloaded Infinity, and to those who have tested it, surveyed it, and given feedback about it. Without you, this would be nothing.

And now, the official results for Infinity:


Ben- I still have the test version you sent the testers out in the very beginning. In terms of content, is that version ok to do the program with? I mean the only thing you changed was layout and design right? I would assume the actual regime stayed the same…

I can’t either!! :tongue: :grin:

Actually, a bit more information was added. I don’t know what version you have, but if it’s the first one, then a lot of information was added, heh. Not only that, but it just looks, feels, and sounds better :smile: . Just to be safe, I highly recommend you re-download it. It’s not too big.

I didn’t get to submit my results yet because I’m on Day 4, but I have already experienced a spike in recall and my first LD in months (3-5). Thank you for stopping my dryspell. Now I just need to practice prolonging dreams…

And it turns my lazy friend was too lazy to start Day 1. It’s just simple RCs, jeez.

Downloading right now, will post results

Hey, congratulations! :beer:

About your friend, I wouldn’t worry about it too much. If he doesn’t want to get in to lucid dreaming, then fine, his loss. The important thing is that you like it, and are able to be a better person from it. Hell, who am I kidding, you get to blow up people, disregard cops, fly, have elaborate sex with anybody, and he doesn’t. Woot!

Hey Dreameralmelo, welcome to the forum! :smile: Let me know if you need anything or have any problems downloading / running the software.

Just out of curiousity, how many people filled in the survey?

I finally decided to download this. That doesn’t mean I’m going to start with it today, tomorrow or anytime soon, but then I at least downloaded it. It’s the first step =p… But I can’t seem to download it. When I click on “Download file now” I’ll get an error page…

Whats the name of the name of this song anyway?

Same here it sends you to 404-not found.
Please could you upload it again?

[color=red]Edit:[/color] Tried for the Fouth Time and it worked.

It worked first time for me. I’m downloading it, bit from curiousity and changes from beta testing, bit because I’m not in form right now.

estimated downloading time : 1:41h 22 seconds :meh:

Never mind, it works now :slight_smile:

I’m having trouble remembering to do RCs. Any tips on remembering to do them.

I’m on day 2 and I think not remembering to do RCs is gonna be a problem.

Maybe the blog post I wrote about it will help.


152 people took the survey, which is kind of dissapointing because over 800 people have downloaded the software since release, but I guess all is good. It’s still enough people to post statistics.

As for your error, and everybody else who has had one, that may just be a hiccup on their server. If it happens again, tell me, and I’ll upload it to another server ( a free one of course, lol ).

The music is actually credited in the “About” section located on the main menu. The song is entitled: “Let there be light” by Mike Oldfield.

This is actually a common problem for many people. I highly recommend you check out Hatter’s site, for he does a pretty good job at explaining things. If you have, but still are shakey, then here’s a few small basic tips that you can go by:

• Try picking situations, and every time you come accross that situation, you perform a RC. For instance, if I say every time I drive, then every time I get in my car I will perform a RC.
• Write “RC” on your hand or anywhere that you frequently look at.
• Perform one periodically, like at the beginning of every hour.

That’s really all you can do, without going into using Autosuggestion and such. Try those out, and let me know if you are still having issues.

Just a message for Linux users: Infinity runs perfectly on your computer if you have Wine installed. :-p

in thegoods folder, what’s bwgen31?

The Brainwave genorator.

It’s a program

Don’t worry about it now, wait till you get to that step :content:

ah I’m gonna start day 1 tomorrow… I’m gonna do reality checks whenever I pass through a doorway, and I’m gonna ask myself what I have been doing!