I just woke up about an hour ago. People, I had… a LD !!!
Here is what I wrote in my DJ about it (every single word is out of my DJ):
[i]"This was a LD with a low lucidity level. I was 100% sure it was a dream, so a medium lucidity level.
It was morning, and I was sad that I didn’t get a LD, with all the mantras I used before going to sleep at night. I couldn’t fall asleep consciously, so I did a WBTB this morning.
I don’t know how I got in the LD, but it was at my own house. My mother was there too. I recall I told her she was in my LD. I showed her how to fly. I had to move quickly to get off the ground. She couldn’t fly. I went in my front garden. I tried to fly like superman, but couldn’t. So I went near a tree and hid after itm so that my neighbors can’t see me. I remember thinking “When I’ll open my eyes, I will have turned into Superman !”. But, all of a sudden, a small dog appeared. She tried to bite me. I tried to hit her with my feet but nothing happened. I tried to hit the dog with rocks but she was “immune” to that too. I ran back in my backyard and told mum we need to go inside. So we did. I remained to lock the door. She went upstairs. I wanted to look at something with much detail IRL to see if in a dream the details are as vivid as RL. I looked at the floor very carefully. I could see small things like frozen snowflakes. Then, suddenly, my eyes hurt awful. My mother asked me what happened. I told her that the mind isn’t so performant to show as much detail as IRL. Then I told her that IRL, when I wake up, I’ll ask her if it was a SD. I saw a mirror. I told her to take me by the hand so we would jump in the mirror and end in a dreamworld. Then. I taught “What if I won’t wake up ? What if I’m stuck here ?”. So I said to myself, “I want to wake up”.
Now many strange feelings appeared. A small traveling feeling appeared, carrying me back to the real world. I had a very quick FA. I remember waking up in another room in my house. Everything was blurry just like the moment you wake up. But then I again faded away and started feeling my real body. And I woke up."[/i]
But I woke up with a small muscle fever in my left arm.
That night I said to myself “I will have a LD. Tonight I will have the most wonderful LD I have had 'till now !”, and kept repeating that. I woke up about 3 hours earlier. I taught I wouldn’t have any LD’s and I was disappointed. But then I went back to sleep and had it.
The first thing I did, before writing this LD in my DJ, was to… call my mother to ask her what she dreamed of . I got that silly answer “I didn’t dream anything !”. Oh well, that proves that I don’t believe in SD .
A great day today ! Let’s celebrate it ! [center][/center]