Strange experience while going to sleep

Err…, well just make sure you understand that you are dreaming and that ANYTHING is possible from that point on. :grin:

It sucks how you couldn’t fall asleep peacefully :sad: . Same thing happen to me last night, I couldn’t sleep for some reason…I was so tired, felt all dizzy . Hahah I remember in my dream I felt dizzy as well and once I woke up. :tongue:

Happy dreaming!

He he :content: . Oh, btw. I think I had a FLD last night. I can only remember that I got lucid (or seemed to get lucid) in the dream, but I got carried away by the dream and it ended up a ND… :grrr:

But, I recalled saying to me what ToxyChor said in his/her guide. To imagine the LD is RL and to treat it like that. But still it ended up a ND :cry:

Ok, all these nights I’ve been trying to get exhausted and go to bed in hope the pulling sensation / travellin feeling comes back and I will follow it to end up in a LD. People, what’s happening ?!?! When I posted every night here every night I felt that thing. Even thaught I did the same thing that feeling won’t show up again. That’s why I couldn’t sleep (for e.g.) last night for 3 hours. I’ve rolled over a thousand times, that’s true, but still that feeling wouldn’t come !

I had some vivid (not very) ND’s… but what about that travellign feeling ?! I’m really stressed out ! Why using the same technique about a week ago it worked and now it doesn’t anymore ?! :cry:

     Alright, Alright, Don'tcry; i'll tell you! (LOL) but really, I had the same thing. You feel your body is travling, when your fully Lucid, and now your going into the dream world. Been there, done that. :smile:  You Finally want the answer why your not getting that travling feeling when you sleep? here it is: it seems to me, your forcing yourself to let your mind travel to the Lucid State,  your thinking about it TOO much, and your mind is not requesting it. Lucid/travling it automacitly everynight.  Your focusing on it way too much ! I don't have that travling feeling everynight. That travling feeling, it's just one way of your body saying " Im fully loaded and Im about to go into the dream world" You don't have to have this feeling everynight ( It's also normal even if you dont have it!) The other way is, just sleep. it's that simple, when your mind fully sleeps, then your dream state will come on.  For me, I just fall  into a deep sleep, and without me think about the travling, or anything my dream state sneeks up on me, and Im there. So, it's natural if you don't get this feeling everynight or dont.  So, Let your body go with the flow, and don't think about it! It goes by itself! (If you get it), just relax your mind, your body, and you'll be in the dream state! :wiske:  So dont be sad if you dont get it. it's natural, it's not your only source saying your lucid.  Hope I helped!  DId I slove your problem? :smile:

:lol: :happy: Nice one :content: !

Yeah, this might be it ! I’m focusing too much on it… you’re right. I should let it be and if it comes I should just follow that feeling.

Great advice, Dreamgirl ! Thanks a lot ! A biiiig hug for DreamGirl19 :content:


:love: Thank you, Im so touched! Check out my Dream Journal ! I just posted one post on it so far. I’l do the rest of my dreams when I have time. :smile:)

Ok, say I applied what you saied, DreamGirl. But it’s awfull hard not to think about that feeling. I must daydream so I forget about it. But last night I was so very tired that I fell asleep unconciously. But hey ! I had a very vivid dream which I could recall, which makes me very happy because usually I can’t remember dreams that well :happy:

I’ll try that every night, see if it works and I’ll post here my progress (if any) of each night.

Is your dream progress better?

Hey Don, try not to get too stressed over it :sad: For two reasons, mainly.

One, because these things are a little crazy. One day you’ll have excellent recall and the next nothing at all. It’s kinda random at times and depends on many things like mindset and stressful situations IWL. Sometimes my LD’s come and go. I’ll have a couple weeks where I think “hey, I’m actually getting better!” and then my recall goes away (ok, waking up early helps kill recall :cry: ) my point is progress isn’t stable and linear for anyone. But you are getting better. If you practice and are patient, progress is inevitable :smile:

And two, because frustration and stress have bad results on dreams. If you get frustrated about not getting lucid you’ll get even fewer LD’s. Trust me. It took me a few months to really learn that lesson :lol: Because you’ll associate frustration with dreams and that doesn’t help.

Someone said once in an old post (I really wish I could remember who it was, it’s so brilliant) that with LD’s you have to put in effort but you can’t force it. It’s like playing the flute, blowing harder doesn’t make you play better, only gets you light headed :grin:

Lucdi dreaming is a very mental skill (duh) so it really helps to have a peaceful, calm, focused and positive attitude and mindset towards it. :smile:

Thanks mattias ! But I know my problems already - I focus to much on LD’ing and personally I am a negativist :tongue:.

Now, last night I couldn’t sleep for about 3 hours or more. I just had to roll over because my ears and arms hurt awful. But, as I was lying there in bed, that traveling feeling came all of a sudden (snap) and it was so strong that it scared me and I opened my eyes and ruined everything. Usually those feelings begin “smoothly” for me. But this time, just like that, this feeling appeared. It was sooo strong that it freaked me out :bored:. It was like when you want to beat eggs with the mixer, but you put the mixer not on the level for eggs, but on the level for dough (which is a lot stronger).

You get it what I mean, right ? :sad: And, btw, it was one of those awfull sleepless nights. Nut it wasn’t because I wasn’t tired. I was so very tired and well for sleep. But I guess the thinking about LD’ing and the over-focusing on that feeling didn’t let me sleep.

It’s just so hard to not think about it :cry: !

    Simple answer: Dont open your eyes! :smile: But really, You were FULLY loaded in Lucid, and it was about the take you to the dream world. Faster, and better. Next thing, relax, and let your body take you to the dream world. :smile:  And DONT open your eyes! Nomatter how strong it is ! If you do, your mind resets itself all over a again ! Been there, done that. It works, trust me. :smile:

Yeah I know I shouldn’t have opened my eyes, but it was the first time that feeling was so very strong. It freaked me out. I was in my “sweet” daydreams ( :wiske:) when all of a sudden bang this feeling showed up. I wasn’t prepared for it.

Anyways, I’ll follow it next time… though it’s a little scary taught.

What the hell is with people being scared of OBE’s?!? :confused:

First of all, you are off-topic here on this thread. We are not talking about OBE’s in here :wink:

Second, I explain here, in this thread why I (personally) am scared of OBE’s.

And third, if you are not scared of OBE’s good for you. Still, you should respect what the other thinks, and perhaps express yourself in a more “gentle” way next time, huh ? :wink:

No traveling feeling these nights :sad:

I just woke up about an hour ago. People, I had… a LD !!!

Here is what I wrote in my DJ about it (every single word is out of my DJ):

[i]"This was a LD with a low lucidity level. I was 100% sure it was a dream, so a medium lucidity level.

It was morning, and I was sad that I didn’t get a LD, with all the mantras I used before going to sleep at night. I couldn’t fall asleep consciously, so I did a WBTB this morning.

I don’t know how I got in the LD, but it was at my own house. My mother was there too. I recall I told her she was in my LD. I showed her how to fly. I had to move quickly to get off the ground. She couldn’t fly. I went in my front garden. I tried to fly like superman, but couldn’t. So I went near a tree and hid after itm so that my neighbors can’t see me. I remember thinking “When I’ll open my eyes, I will have turned into Superman !”. But, all of a sudden, a small dog appeared. She tried to bite me. I tried to hit her with my feet but nothing happened. I tried to hit the dog with rocks but she was “immune” to that too. I ran back in my backyard and told mum we need to go inside. So we did. I remained to lock the door. She went upstairs. I wanted to look at something with much detail IRL to see if in a dream the details are as vivid as RL. I looked at the floor very carefully. I could see small things like frozen snowflakes. Then, suddenly, my eyes hurt awful. My mother asked me what happened. I told her that the mind isn’t so performant to show as much detail as IRL. Then I told her that IRL, when I wake up, I’ll ask her if it was a SD. I saw a mirror. I told her to take me by the hand so we would jump in the mirror and end in a dreamworld. Then. I taught “What if I won’t wake up ? What if I’m stuck here ?”. So I said to myself, “I want to wake up”.
Now many strange feelings appeared. A small traveling feeling appeared, carrying me back to the real world. I had a very quick FA. I remember waking up in another room in my house. Everything was blurry just like the moment you wake up. But then I again faded away and started feeling my real body. And I woke up."[/i]

But I woke up with a small muscle fever in my left arm.

That night I said to myself “I will have a LD. Tonight I will have the most wonderful LD I have had 'till now !”, and kept repeating that. I woke up about 3 hours earlier. I taught I wouldn’t have any LD’s and I was disappointed. But then I went back to sleep and had it.

The first thing I did, before writing this LD in my DJ, was to… call my mother to ask her what she dreamed of :content: . I got that silly answer “I didn’t dream anything !”. Oh well, that proves that I don’t believe in SD :tongue: .

A great day today ! Let’s celebrate it ! [center][/center]

Congrats Don Anonymus! WOOT! :clap:
You shouldn’t have woken yourself up! Haha but it was still an awesome LD!

Thank you, thank you ! :adored:

Now, I have something I’d like to know. I used mantras and autosuggestion that night - obviously it worked. What if I would use the same thing tonight too ? - that is, one day after the LD. I couldn’t recall any dreams this night. So, I’m asking:

Is it true that you have an LD when you are fully supplied with “fuel” for it and once you have a LD you are out of fuel and the next days are impossible to have another LD ?

It’s just a theory I keep thinking about… so, is this true ?

No it’s not! LD’s aren’t that rational in that sense… If you do exactly the same thing tonight it might work, it might not. Practice and patience will make it tend towards “work” :tongue: Some people have LD’s every night! So can everyone else…

And just because your mother didn’t remember her dreams doesn’t really prove you didn’t share a dream. Who knows, maybe you did and she just didn’t remember it, like people always do with their normal dreams…

anyway, congrats on the LD!!

Thanks a lot ! Then the only thing that matters is hope and belief in yourself that you will have a LD - just like I did the night I had it.

And I don’t think someone could forget a LD. It’s just like if you would forget what you did yesterday… but who knows ? Perhaps my mother’s age has it’s role too.

Then wish me luck. I’ll try it again tonight. And… I will have a LD ! :gni:

Last night I had a crazy combination between a low lucidity level LD and a FLD. It goes like this:

FLD > LD with low lucidity level

Anyways, I’m too lazy to type my dream here from my DJ :tongue:, it’s too long and boring.

But I found out something amazing: At least once a week (if not even twice) I get a LD or a dream related to a LD, like a FLD or a low lucidity level LD followed by an ND. I’m progressing well :happy:

By the way, I could record 2 full dreams this night - the FLD and a ND :wink: