Strange experience while going to sleep

grats on the progress, Don! :smile: FLD’s can be VERY fun.

And I’ve almost forgotten a LD once or twice :tongue: it’s rare, but it can happen :sad: I remembered it late in the day and couldn’t believe I had forgotten it!

Well, there are days in which you forget what you did yesterday :smile:. And this morning I could write more than 3 whole pages about the ND I had last night - it was the best ND ever. It was an action ND - It felt very real and I can remember every detail of it, as if it would be something I did IRL :happy: !

Still, that traveling feeling won’t come. I try WILD 2 times: first time at night and in the morning. I can feel my muscles veeery relaxed… but that pulling sensation won’t show up. I get bored of waiting, and as I am very tired I go to sleep normally.

It really frustrates me… what’s wrong ? I know I’m focusing too much on it, but how can I not focus on it ? :sad: