strange noises

sometimes when im falling asleep i can hear these strange banging noizes like someone is chopping wood and it sounds distant. does anyone know what this is?
the first time it hapend i got scared

thanks in adv

yeah it happens sometimes
sometimes i listen to Autechre and Aphex Twin samples while in SP
i get scared sometimes because i dont know if its real.

I think it’s your farmer xD

I never had things like this :open_mouth:
What method did you used?

To me this sounds like Hypnagogic sounds. These happen when we are in the process of falling asleep and aren’t anything to worry about. They most commonly happen when you are trying the WILD technique, but if you are very tired when you try to sleep, you may also experience them.

It occassionally happens to me as well. I guess it’s nothing to worry about - just hypnagogic sounds, created by your subconscious.

Take a look here: [Strange noises in my head)

I would be scared too if I heard chopping noises… :neutral:

thanks for the replys yeah i didnt think they were real but it scared the crap out of me the first time though all of a suden chop chop OMG lol.

also another strange thing was when i was waking up at night all the lights were of it was dark, i felt like i was spinning really fast as i was waking up. untill somebody turned hall the light on it all stoped :confused: