Telekinesis and such

I didn’t know that people could actually use telekinesis and move things with their mind…that’s like insane…i visited and i was like blown away. I’m gonna learn how to make a psiball! lol. Anyway you should check that site out, it’s really interesting. :wink:

Take a look at the videos at psipog, then you will notice that most of them actually look very fake.

Yeah i know some of them look really fake…but some look real. There’s way too many people there for them all to be psychos.

on the media section there was nothing there that i would say oh that’s pychic. Nothing at all. (please note: i am in no way directing this at brad. simply the owners of that site.)

First, the pen: He blew on it.

Cons of this video, the camera was way too close. There was no way to discount any form of manipulation. A true psychic with nothing to hide would have no problem showing a long shot where we would see all of him. all we can say for sure is that he didn’t use his hand.

The Watch: another close up so we couldn’t see the watch being manipulated with fishing wire. If you play the vid fullscreen and slow it down at one point the Wire gets caught in the light.

The Knife: Still image, we know he can do movies yet here is a still. Maybe so we didn’t see him throw it? The shadow and lighting says it is indeed where it appears to be, but since we did not see it get there there is no way of saying how it was done. IF there was more than one image from the same camera showing it get higher this would help disuade the fact that he throw it.

“peebrain” : Notice the little stand that the paper is on, the bit in the middle rotates with the paper. For all we know that goes all the way through the table and there is someone under there rotating it. Again due to the “close up” shot there is no way to know how it was really done.

brandcolt: Again someone under the table spinning it (it does appear to go through the table) or simply just blowing on it or using a fan.

The manderin: Again the little stand is rotating, and yet not moving on the table. Obviously goes through and is beign rotated under the table.

The Psiball images: Someone with PSP/or some other paint program found that if you make a black image and mess around with the res and image settings you can make pretty patterns. I my self have made those magic eye images (the illusions within an object in them) so something this simple is umm childsplay. - nothing even remotely impressive here.

While i do actually believe in psychic abilities i will always look into possible “other” sources. With the camera angles so tight to the object there is numerous possibilities on how such things were done. if they want to impress me, they should do the pinwheel for a long shot reflecting a mirror where we can even see under the table. the mirror will cover back angles making sure the camera man wasn’t manipultating it and the front and under table angles will cover the other possibilities. While it would be possibile to motorize the pinwheel with a tiny motor from a toy car, a battery and some wires it would certainly help those not easily fooled.

but how would so many people be suckered into that?

sadly very easily.

Some people want to believe so bad that they will believe something without questioning it.

Eg: put a small group of people some believers in ghosts and some skeptics, in a supposedly haunted house. At the first “odd” thing the believers are liekly to jump to paranormal - where as the skeptics will first look through all other possibilities.

Look how many people are suckered into the psychic readings by street psychis and the Magic things like David Blaine. while some psychic readings are genuine, others are fake. The fake ones are done simply by reading from a set script which is so universal it applies to pretty much everyone and their oppinions of themself.

eg: (a common line used by fakes - paraphrased) I feel on the outside you are a very strong, but inside you have many worries.

To an unsuspecting person that may sound “psychic” but it obviously is a simply line. There was a program here called “secret of psychics revealed” and they sent four people in to a pychic (the person was actually just a woman working for the people filming) and these four readings were identical, but the people believed it and were actually shocked at the truth.

Some people just want to believe something so much they allow themselves to be easily fooled.

While i’m not saying that the things on that site can’t be done, i am simply saying that "what the camera doesn’t show, is often the real solution of the “trick”’

Like the saying goes, “what the eyes don’t see the mind believes.”

guess i’m the sucker :sad:
i dunno…i still wanna try the psiball thing…i know someone personally who said they’ve done it so…meh i dunno

awww crap, i’ve been wastng my time on telekinesis only to realize the things i move are manipulted by someone hiding under my desk! dammit. Umm i think sum of the media things on the site are crap, but im afriad i cannot say they are all fake, becuase i know its real and the reason i know is i can do it, i still have a long way to go b4 i dont have touse fishing line to move a watch, lol. um if u think im full of crap i dont care, im no tryin to stick up for psipog, in fact i think a lot of people on there are snobs and concieted people. im just sayin that wit my own account with this i have proven to myself it works. if you wana learn tk from them go ahead but ur pretty much on ur own since u usualy wont find 1 on 1 help in the room. i recently made a site though just for tk and its prolly more friendly than that 1. im me on aol or aim i u wanna talk about it voidmind58

hey hey if we weren’t all suckers for stuff that doesn’t seem true, we all wouldn’t be here today, is that not right? :content:

well said infection, well said.

a world without suckers is lik a grilled cheese sandwhich without the grilling.

ok that makes no sense but u know wut i was getting at.

How about, “A world without suckers is like an empty box of lollipops.”


well i am in total agreement with I_G. for good reason. i too have seen tehy videos and the only one that maybe made me think was the pen. the otehrs were fake 4 sure. sorry people but open your eyes.

I am after saying that i beliver in the psychic. I too have done some things with minds, like reading. but i haev no skill with TK. I would be very thankful if someone could point me 2 a website where they have been and have success or if you could tell me how it was done.

I feel pity for all the people in the world that are true psychics, the fakes ruin it and scam people.

Very sad

Sorry to break the news, but there is no such thing as telekinisis (for now atleast). How can I prove that there isnt, easily. There’s this millionaire, I forget his name, but he publically says that he will give 1 million dollars to anyone who proves that they are psycic. How many people have proven anything? ZERO. If you ask a “psycic” why, they’ll say it’s not abuot the money, so WHY DON’T THEY TAKE THE MILLION BUCKS AND LIKE GIVE IT TO STARVING CHILDREN!!! See, no one has telekinisis, because if they did they would go to this guy, and take the million dollars. I am not saying it doesn’t exist, just doesn’t exist now. Sorry, Ben

I’m sorry, but I have to agree with ben7 on this one. Urie Gellar (the famous telekentical spiritual guy) clamed to have found oil for big big companies. A researcher did his research and found that only one company, out of all the companies clamed by him, hired him and that he had had no success.

I will however beleive that we can somehow contact each other, not mind reading, but more like being on a network of mines. But this is going of topic onto the spiritual topic.


P.S: However, I will not ever come to a decition on anything untill I proven to myself it doesn’t work or I don’t like it. I am not being fooled or eluded, but after reading, these are opinions or biast facts. I want solid, unmanipluted facts. So I will read, and report back, on what information about TK I find. I neither believe it, as in my last mail. I want to focus on LD more.

Why do you need unproven TK when you have scientifcly (with the facts) proven LD. You can, infact, do more with LD. :smile:


well, if you could do TK in waking life…it’d be cool. i’d do it in waking life and while dreaming if i could

I think the Website is crap. I don’t understand all this secrecy. If I knew it existed and could do it I would be showing people the TK powers trying to prove and teach them it.

However, I have to say, that although most people don’t beleive in it, they neither beleive in LD. They are more accepting of LD and willing to give it a shot because it doesn’t seem unscientific. Do you think your friends would beleive in LD or OBE and SD more? Or neither? (<- Not a retorical question) Do people agree or am I an ass hole?! :content:

I was wondering, if you beleive something hard anough (I really mean very very believing) could you halucinate what you want to see?


I found scientific fact on the web about TK. It was about an equation. This information is not what I want. But here it is

lol all nthat is tru ben 7 bar one thing. you see that all the fakes in the world are the ones that tell every body. I mean look at it this way. say i had real psychic powers, i could read all your minds and i could tk and blah lah blah. waht would happen when i proved it… hm let me see there would be a great deal of research that would be conducted on me. I would lose my life and freedom. i would be labeled a freak and probally shot or somthing.

You remember the people taht had lets say 6 toes instead of 5… lets burn them at the stake. ok times have changed but not much. we still label freaks people taht are diffrent from the norm. we make them feel like it is a problem.

Not even for 1 million dollors would i give up my life my freedom and my respect

Umm no, I don’t think so…people would worship, respect you. And you could use the money to buy 100 body guards, plus, if what you say is true (which it isn’t) don’t you think the cause is great enough to sacrifice you not being a freak!!!

timeless always spells “that” as “taht” he’s a freek burn him… burn him at the stake…

but humour aside everything Timeless said is true.

While they may not sacrifice them for being evil demons, their personal lives would be ruined.

It would either be paparatzi wanting to see more, fans wanting to see somet special, religious zealots trying to kill them from being demons.

basically your life is ruined no different to famous people. They maye have all the money in the world but i bet you most of them would give it all up just to be out of the spot light even for a day.